The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Thursday, July 13, 2017



LAS VEGAS- Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

There are a number of Republicans in Washington that are actually trying to sabotage the Republican agenda. Here in Nevada,  senator Dean Heller continues to  object to the health care bill, under pressure from the Democrats full press negative ad campaign. All he is worried about is getting re-elected. Fact is, he already raised millions of dollars for his re-election. Then, we have Republican senators John McCain and  Lindsey Graham, and others who continually bad mouth the Republican agenda, and President Trump. They refuse to be Republicans by finding fault with most everything Trump is trying to accomplish. The only reason I believe  McCain and Graham got re-elected was because of their wealth. They should have been dumped long, long, ago.

I suggest that if these so-called Republicans along with the Republican senators from Maine and Alaska, and Missouri can't support the Republican agenda, they should be booted out of Washington.

Most of the constituents across the country know who these obstructionists are and if  these "fight among ourselves" lawmakers DO NOT fully support the policies of the administration, they will pay a price in future elections.

If all of the Republicans now in office would stick together (for once), and push bills through congress, there would be change in Washington. The Democrats stick together. What is the matter with these weak knee, spineless  Republicans, that have both houses, and the White House?There is no reason they could not stick together and push their agenda which they promised they would do.

It appears all that the lawmakers care about is holding their seats in Washington, and their re-elections.

I say the Republicans now have their chance to do big things, If they speak in one voice and stop caving in to every Democrat request, they could accomplish great things . They asked to be the majority  party and we, the people,  gave them  their chance.

I predict that if these groups of idiot Republicans who  choose to obstruct, who choose to fight among themselves, fail to come together, for the party, fail to  pass bills, and do what they said they would do, will lose "big time" in  upcoming elections, especially the next presidential election.

It's sad when you think that for seven years these same lawmakers said if they got control of  Washington they would deliver on  a Republican health care bill, which they said was ready to go. Now, we find out they didn't have a health plan in place at all. They lied folks!

All of these Republicans should sit down together, at one time, and agree to push through bills "together", without bickering and fighting. Action is louder than words.

A word to these Republican lawmakers --people want action. Act in one voice, in unison, and prove to the people of this country that you can all unite and pass legislation and bills.. If not, a pox on all of your houses. --And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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