The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Saturday, June 28, 2014



Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Obama and Congress is spending our tax dollars like a drunken sailor, causing our country to go further in debt without any relief in sight. Now, this incompetent President, and Congress is sending  500 MILLION DOLLARS  to Syrian rebels. The argument is that he wants to RETRAIN and arm  fighters to unseat Assad from power.

It is clear that the  United States is taking sides in the Syrian conflict and  attempting to put their own choice of  people into power in Syria.  The administration always says that they do not take sides in other countries conflicts - -REALLY? Our administration has been interfering with other countries political and religious conflicts throughout the world. We use the pentagon, the CIA and MONEY to buy loyalty from other countries regimes. We provide weapons ( even of mass destruction), food, education, and rebuild  these foreign countries and provide for them as long as they do and say what we want them to do and say. Then, when we have a falling out with the country we  say they are not our friends anymore and deem them Dictator's and Terrorists. The result, we invade the country using the excuse that they need to be a democracy like the United States. Wow!

The 500 MILLION dollars that we are sending to the Syrian rebels could be used here in the United States for our needs. I predict that like, in the past, the US will take sides with one group of fighters in Syria but it won't be long before those same rebel fighters will "BITE THE HAND THAT FEEDS THEM" and use the training and weapons against us, the USA.

It seems the Obama administration and some of our war mongering Congress people does not learn from the past. Remember, we were friends with Saddam for years. We bought his loyalty with money and weapons and even provided him with the gas he used to annihilate thousands of his countryman. AND we  turned a blind eye to his actions - -didn't say a thing to stop the slaughter --NOT until, years later when  for  reasons of OIL, MONEY, DRUGS the US decided that Saddam was  not our friend anymore. The result: We invaded IRAQ, killed Saddam and turned IRAQ into a a hotbed of civil war.

I suggest and predict that the 500 MILLION  DOLLARS on it's way to Syria is a big, big mistake. It will only suck us deeper into  a religious civil war.  As I said before  the Syrian civil war is not our problem and it is not any of our business. The Syrian government should be allowed to fight, defend or  lose the war, on their own.

It should be fair to mention IRAQ's current situation too. Here we are again sticking our USA nose into another civil war currently festering in that country. Obama and  the looney-tunes in Congress are sending warships and armed drones to take part in the religious fight in Iraq. Keep in mind we spent 25 BILLION dollars TRAINING the IRAQ army over a number of  years so they could  use their army to defend their country. They took our money and close to 5000 United States military soldiers lives and  thumbed their nose at us. As soon as Iraq was under attack from a religious segment the Iraq military threw down their weapons  and ran like a bunch of frightened rabbits. What did our 25 BILLION DOLLARS of military taring buy? Nothing! Now the Iraq government officials is sniveling and crying for  the United  States help, AGAIN. They want us to defend their country FOR THEM. And guess what, OBAMA and his administration and a number of war hawks in Congress want to use our military might to quell the religious CIVIL WAR going on. That's wrong. Like Syria, we should not be in Iraq, we should not assist anyone or any  particular side in Iraq BUT, we are. We're choosing a side and we are going to use BILLIONS of our  tax dollars to instigate, provoke and take part in another war.

I suggest that the administration and Obama starts and/or gets involved in these foreign conflicts because they will take  Americans minds off of matters here at home. When things are going bad in the country the policy is, START A WAR, GET INVOLVED IN  A WAR. Why the American voter elected this man as President is beyond me? He had no military experience, he never held an 8 to 5 job, and never contributed to society in any way prior to  being president.  The only thing that I can see that resembles any type of  employment for Obama was being a "street organizer" in Chicago. And, what is a "street organizer"? Is it organizing different groups in the streets? Who knows for sure? But it appears we're stuck with a President that really has no credible credentials to make decisions on war. That's sad.

People,  Iraq has always has  segregated sects fighting and confronting each other for thousands of years. I say that will never change and we, the United States should come to the realization that we cannot offer countries a democracy as WE SEE IT. These Mideast countries have their own customs, and culture, and  do  not need our  help. They will resolve their own conflicts on their own, if we only leave them to their own devices.

The trouble with the United States way of thinking is that we can  change every other countries mind to accept our way of life -- it'll never happen, folks. These other countries do not want to be Americanized. The only thing they want is our money and the promise from us that we will protect and take care of them. Again the reason for these military actions by the United States is fueled by: OIL, MONEY, AND DRUGS. - And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. Decide for yourself.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

Wednesday, June 25, 2014



Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

The United States border security is a joke. In addition to the  thousands of adult "illegal aliens" coming into the country each and every month we now have a flood of "illegal alien" children" from Central and South America crossing our borders,  thanks to the Obama administration. These children have no documentation of any kind. According to government reports, within the past 6 months, between 50,000 and 90,000 "illegal alien" children have been apprehended. Folks, that's pushing 10,000 "illegal alien" children a month  flooding into the United States. That's the governments estimates but I believe that  the Obama administration is under reporting those figures for political reasons.. The  illegals are being housed all across the United States. There is a 99 percent increase of "illegal alien" children, just this year.

Should they be sent back home. I say YES! Immediately. Why? because if they are sent back within a few days after arrival, they will know, their relatives will know and their countries leaders will know that we will not tolerate a massive influx of "illegal aliens" over running our borders.

What is the government doing about this crisis? Our Secretary of State is sent to Central and South America to give the leaders of those countries  a SLAP ON THE WRIST and (asking) the country to  not send their children to the States. Yeah! Like that's going to help. I predict that Obama and his backers will throw BILLIONS of DOLLARS into Central and South America and pay off CORRUPT officials in those countries under the guise of helping stop the "illegal alien" children.  Those countries will take our money but you can bet that they will continue their practice of allowing the illegal invasion into the United States.

What is our lawmakers doing about  the children who came here illegally? Nothing much folks.  They are in fact, releasing them into our population. Our poor Judges. the justice department and immigration  officials say that  the system is over burdened - - so what are they doing? They are giving all of these "illegals" a CITATION and making them promise that they will show up in 30 days for a hearing. SURE - -they'll show up. I also have a bridge in Brooklyn that I'll sell you. Like many adult "illegal aliens" they are going to hide in the communities and refuse to show up.

The administration is being  closed mouthed about how many of these illegal alien children are being released into the communities every day but estimates are 40,000 to 50,000. The parents of these children in Central and South America are told that the United States will allow their children to live here if they  can cross the border.  An "illegal alien" female with a 4 year old child told reporters that she crossed the border after she heard that the United States issued permits that allowed detained immigrants to remain in the country.  Folks, in reality--SHE''s not wrong. The citation given to the "illegal" is like a permit. The parents  actually know their child will be allowed to walk as soon as they are given a citation. WOW! And to top things off many of these children, along with their mothers are actually running into the arms of the Border Patrol agents knowing they will be taken care of. They are not afraid of being apprehended.

That's why I suggest the children be returned to country of origin within a few days. That will clearly show the world that we can  at least show some semblance of control at our borders.

As a side note: The director of Homeland Security went to the media and said his agency  will stem the tide of this"alien" invasion." However, I believe his remarks are nothing but lip service.  I would suggest that the administration and Home land Security immediately put our armed military on the border. to clearly send a message to  "illegal aliens" that we intend to secure our borders. With both the armed military and the Border Patrol policing the border I am sure it will help stem the tide that the Homeland Security Director  is talking about. In fact, there are many other countries o this planet that secure their borders by using armed military personnel - - so, why not the United States? Every American citizen in the country  knows that Congress and the administration has chosen NOT to secure the borders for the sake of politics. If the administration and Congress would immediately send  armed military to the borders  to assist the Border Patrol it would be a show of good faith that these inept politicians care about the Good ol' USA, and it's future..

Finally, it should be mention that even Hillary Clinton, on CNN, said: "They should be sent back". That was a surprise, but it was refreshing to hear a Democrat at least indicate that  the borders of the United States needs to be controlled. Obama started this  "illegal alien" children invasion when he allowed "illegal alien" children to stay in the U.S. by halting the DEPORTATION of children. I don't think he intends to send these "illegals" back. He has an agenda that defies logic. - And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by e-mail at:


Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Senators Dean Heller, R-NV, and Jack Reed, D-NJ are again trying to push legislation to  extend Federal Unemployment benefits. What a bad move - -we don't need it. Heller and many Democrats have been screaming to give extensions of unemployment money to people since last year.

I have always said that the states unemployment benefits program was sufficient for the unemployed. Payments were usually made for 13 weeks WITH and EXTENSION for an additional 13 weeks. Folks, that's SIX months for a person to find a job. That is plenty of time. Heller and his colleagues have been trying to have retroactive  money paid to the chronically unemployed. The program would cost us taxpayers millions and millions of dollars for another 36 to 38 week extension of benefits.  This new bill by Heller now does away with the RETROACTIVE benefits. but he still wants Federal money to pay for an additional 37 weeks ON TOP of the 26 weeks paid by the states. What a rip off for us taxpayers. These continued attempts at paying  months and years of additional unemployment benefits to people that refuse to work is a fiasco.

I predicted over a year ago that if the our Washington lawmakers refused to extend the unemployment benefits those people who have been collecting the money would  go and FIND a job. My prediction came to pass. If  all of you readers have been reading the newspapers and watching reports on television you will see that hundreds of thousands of jobs have been filled month after month. New home sales in the U.S. hit a SIX-YEAR HIGH, just in May 2014. Other reports show that  people have been hired and the economy is humming along. Since the added jobs and the economy uptick unemployment claims have fallen 23 percent in May, 2014. I hate to say I TOLD YOU SO but if the lawmakers cut off of the free benefits and the promise of continued extensions those unemployed will go out and work for a living.

Yet, Heller and others on the Hill still want to spend $9.7 BILLION DOLLARS for a five (5) month extension. I say that is wrong. I suggest that  as the current unemployed peoples  state benefits run out , and knowing there will be no Federal unemployment extension they will seriously look for work and finally go to work. Again, SIX months of state unemployment benefits is enough time for anyone to find some type of employment.

I hope that the House and competent lawmakers in Washington finally see that handing out continued unemployment money to people only enables them and allows them to live off of the dole. It's obvious that the people who were living off of the Federal Unemployment checks have survived and got along so far without receiving RETROACTIVE checks. Many went BACK TO WORK.

My suggestion to Senator Heller , (who definitely lost my vote and many friends and associates votes) here in Nevada is: STOP pushing  legislation for continued unemployment money. It's not your money you're squandering. It's my money and the rest of the taxpayers money. I say to Heller, those who are unemployed and not able to collect any further Federal extensions WILL go out and work. It's happening and will continue to happen.

That $9.7 BILLION Heller wants to spend could be used to pay down our  national debt, fix our roads and infrastructure or it could be applied to hundreds of other projects that make this country great. Where the hell is the priorities of some of these Washington losers? - And, that's my opinion. You decide. Make your own decision.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

Saturday, June 21, 2014



Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

The U.S. Border Patrol apprehended about 90,000 illegal alien minors this year. The minor children ranging from 7 to 17 are being sent from Central and South America, each and every day. They are told  by their countrymen that if they come to the United States, they will become  U.S. citizens. So far, these illegals alien children are coming in the United States at a rate of 30,000, and 40,000, a month. The  holding facilities are overwhelmed. The government is shipping the illegal aliens to other facilities all across the United States.

Now, the Catholic church stuck their nose into this illegal alien situation and is taking in thousands of illegal children. The Catholic church spokespeople are actually encouraging the  illegal children to make a run for the United States border.

I have always maintained that  our borders were insecure and this recent run on our border proves that point. Just today, President Obama says he is sending more border agents to the border to stop the  illegal children before they enter the United States.. I say he is a DAY late and a DOLLAR short. Obama never did want to secure our borders. Even when the Congress began negotiating on immigration President Obama and his administration fought against  tight and secure borders. He clearly wanted open borders so that millions of Hispanic people could flood the country and eventually vote for him and the Democratic party.

This illegal alien children immigration issue is another Obama fiasco, solely brought about by Obama and his own acts and his White House policy. Folks, President Obama ignored immigration policy ever since he came into office. He pandered for the Latino vote and got it and  pursued any way possible to allow illegal aliens enter the United States. President Obama and his cohorts then created the: "Deferred Action For Childhood Arrivals" program in 2012 and instructed the DHS to "exercise discretion" allowing illegal children to illegally enter the U.S. - -Now, the number of unaccompanied  children illegally entering the United States has soared a whopping 100 PERCENT and people, IT IS GOING TO GET WORSE.

If it were me in charge I would feed , bath and  cloth the apprehended illegal  alien children for one day. The next day i would put all of them on an airplane or ship and immediately return then  to any Central or South American country they originated in. I would insist that  their government leaders  TAKE THEM BACK. If that government refuses, cut off any and all aid and  money packages designated for those countries. Tough love? You bet. Once these children are returned a few days after their arrival they will know for certain that they will  not be allowed to illegally enter the United States.

My fear is that Obama and his people will muck up this whole "illegal alien" children situation and  allow them to stay in this country. That will result in even 20,000, 30,0000 and 40,000 more illegal children crossing our border every month. Folks we have millions and millions of" illegal aliens" already in this country and we are doing nothing about enforcing the immigration laws already in place and on the books., all in the name of politics and votes. It's a disgrace.

Until our borders are clearly SECURED, the United States will continue to decline into a THIRD WORLD country. One good place to start would be:
1. Any "illegal alien that commits a crime in the U.S. should be deported IMMEDIATELY, no excuse. In fact, every illegal alien currently in prison should be shipped out, without delay.
2. A double border fence  along our southern border, running the full length of the United States with designated entry points where each person entering or departing  the country is checked and identified. Side Note: None of this waving people through.
3. Use of  computer data bases to verify citizenship of everyone coming and going..
4. Do away with this idiotic process of allowing the "illegal alien" to stay in the country while they play games in the court system fighting deportation for years.  What part of "ILLEGAL ALIEN" does the judges and the courts not understand. ILLEGAL IS ILLEGAL - -Deport them. - And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions., You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:



Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Bonuses given to VA employees? It's disgusting. This practice has to stop, NOW! Folks,  80 percent of senior executives working at the VA received bonuses, over and above their salaries. What a RIP OFF. More than 350 VA administrators and executives were paid a total of  2.7 MILLION in bonus money last year.. Worker's at the Phoenix, AZ VA facility, where  government officials have confirmed DOZENS of veterans DIED while waiting for treatment received about $3.9 MILLION in bonus pay  last year. The bonuses were paid to doctors, nurses, administrators,  secretaries and the cleaning staff. Can you imagine?

Assistant VA secretary for Human Resources, Gina Farrisee defended the bonuses saying that the bonus pay attracts quality employees. What a bunch of crap, that is. When any person is offered a job ANYWHERE they are aware of the salary they are about to work for. If they want the job they accept it. If is not enough and to their liking they can decline the offer and go to work elsewhere. The employees  do not need any incentive of thousands of dollars in bonus pay, over and above their salary.

I suggest that this bonus pay to employees is a  scam and a way for  government employees to milk the system and taxpayer. Once one person receives a bonus, everyone  else wants the same perk. The bonus pay is not for outstanding work habits or quality work. It's just  a way to acquire more in the paycheck at the taxpayers expense. For example: Dr. Joe receives a bonus of thousands of dollars and cleaning lady, Jane Doe, sees that, and says she wants  the same perk - -and gets it. The result- MILLIONS of dollars in bonuses being doled out to most employees, even those that lied, cheated and altered government records to prevent veterans from being treated and allowing veterans to die.

The only incentive for the bonus pay is to pad the paychecks of  VA employee's. Everyone of those employees at VA feel they are entitled to then extra pay. FOR WHAT?

My message to congress: STOP the unwarranted  bonuses, IMMEDIATELY! I predict that there will be thousands of applicants standing in line to work at the VA for the actual annual salary offered. Christ, in addition the generous salary paid  to VA employees (before any scammed bonus pay) these employees have over the top health benefits, vacation time,  cost of living (which should be discontinued) and a very lucrative retirement and pension plan that NO ONE in the private sector can ever hope to enjoy.

People, these government employees take every opportunity to rip the taxpayer off. The rip off is only for their own personal gain. As the rip off continues, the quality of work and service offered by government workers decline drastically each and every day. The American public should be up in arms over this VA scam. Americans should voice their outrage to Congress and the White House. The hard working public deserves much better and they should demand that ALL bonus payments in ANY government agency be  discontinued - - RIGHT NOW!  People that do not work in the government have to struggle along on their annual paycheck that they agreed to work for.  They clearly do not receive bonus pay.  They put in their eight hours for a days pay and that type of work ethic should apply to  government employees as well.. Bonus entitlements are not needed.  And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

Saturday, June 14, 2014



Hello  America, and how is the world treating you?

Here we go again folks. IRAQ is on the radar again. Obama and his henchmen are sending war ships  ready to fire missiles and warheads into Iraq.

Since the USA left Iraq the country began sinking into another civil conflict between the  different factions that has existed  in the country for centuries.

I said before and I say again. We should not have gone in to  Iraq in the first place and clearly we should not be sticking our nose into Iraq's internal conflicts AGAIN.

Firs, we DID train and arm the Iraqi army. That was one of the reasons stated by our government. The Bush administration and the Obama administration said that we would train the Iraqi army so they can take control of their own country. So, we spent billions training the Iraq army, showing them how to fight. ... BUT now, the Iraqi army turns tail and runs when they are attacked by another religious faction. The Iraq army and the  countries leaders are now screaming for help and want the United States to come to their rescue - -AGAIN.

People, the USA has spent over 25 BILLION DOLLARS in Iraq, training their  armed forces and rebuilding the country AND we lost close to 5000 United States servicemen and women in Iraq. FOR WHAT? The corrupt people in Iraq took  our money and our servicemen and women's lives and thumbed their noses at us.. Many Iraq army people have already defected and refuse to fight for their own country. However, we trained them to fight but the cowards want us here in the United States to fight their internal war for them again.

Our war monger Congressmen in Washington are chomping at the bit to bomb Iraq again.  They want to chose sides and back one group against the other. That's WRONG. We should let the Iraqi's  fight their own battles -  -HELL, we've spent enough  money training their people. I say, let the Iraqi's fight it out among themselves and who ever wins the conflict for the country is the group we  do business with.

As a side note: As soon as the Iraqi government began crying the blues  begging  the United State to save their butts this time the UNITED KINGDOM (The Brits) head honcho said: Whatever the United States wants us to do, we will do. The UK is nothing but a LAP DOG for  the United States. First  they fell in with the Bush administration and now they (without any second thoughts)  say: They will do whatever Obama and his administration wants. Can you Imagine?

Personally, I believe IRAQ was much better off when Saddam Hussein was running his country. President Bush, his administration, and his people's lies to invade Iraq was a fiasco. At least Hussein knew how to handle the different factions living in Iraq and the  country was doing just fine UNTIL the USA's lies about weapons of  MASS DESTRUCTION. Before Iraq the world was doing just fine. Every country was  living according to their culture and customs BUT the good ol' USA has to tell these other countries they have to be democratic and live and act like us. What a joke! Some countries on this planet have been living their culture, customs and religion for centuries and doesn't want to live like AMERICANS. Why we have to force our culture and customs down the throats of  other nations is beyond me?

I also believe that Obama's moves against Iraq is nothing but a political  ploy for the  upcoming presidential elections in this country The same goes for the congress people that are  rattling the sabers to take military action in Iraq.

Folks, we have spent enough time, money and blood in Iraq. Let the Iraqi people stand on their own two feet. The U.S. should stay  away from this conflict.

What are we gong to do? Fight every other countries wars for them? It's now happening in Iraq and I will predict that the same will happen in Afghanistan. We will have a  policy of fighting continued wars in other countries and this is AFTER we invaded these countries and tore them apart.  And, remember, when we are having economic or domestic problems here at home the President and Congress start a war somewhere around the globe to take Americans  minds off of  the domestic and economic problems we are facing at home.

In closing I would like the reader to think of all the  good  that 25 BILLION DOLLARS could have done right here in America . Plus, there would not be  approximately 5000 dead military people and tens of thousands wounded with severe injuries. Those people could have been living the American Dream, except for the war machine of our administration.

My suggestion to the congress and administration: Stay out of Iraq in totality. No boots on the ground (first and foremost); no further military aid to Iraq; no drone attacks on Iraq; no missiles fired into Iraq. And most of all -- DO NOT take sides with any faction in Iraq. And, that's  my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.
Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

Tuesday, June 3, 2014



Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

 I was asked to comment on the prisoner exchange for Army Sergeant, Bowe Bergdahl.

I think it was a dumb move by Obama. He not only broke the law by bypassing Congress but his  talking heads are out there on the TV shows trying to rationalize the situation. Congress was to have a 30 notice before releasing prisoners from Guantanamo  but Obama and his staff and administration kept the  exchange a SECRET because he knew Congress would not have authorized the prisoners release. Obama's team first said  that sergeant Bergdahl was a "Hero" (that's a laugh) - - but now they are stepping back from those comments. However, they are still trying to explain why they went ahead with this  stupid prisoner exchange. Now, Susan Rice, national security advisor and others in the administration are using the excuse that Bergdahl's health was  the reason for the exchange. Rice said his health was "an acute situation" but did not explain the situation. The doc's in Germany that examined this army sergeant said the only health problem they could see was he had a "nutritional problem and lost a little weight."I say, that is not an "acute situation." There was no life threatening illness regarding this deserter. This guy who denounced the USA made his bed. He chose to run away and desert and he should have been left to suffer the consequences of being captured. But the Obama administration will spin many scenarios to explain the prisoner exchange.

What concerns me is that Bergdahl deserted his unit. He willingly and knowingly walked away from his fellow soldiers. He didn't want to serve in the military anymore. Prior to his rescue the Pentagon, for years had known that he  deserted his unit.  In fact, they opened an investigation on  him to determine his actions. Many of the soldiers that served with this man are telling  stories of how he told them he didn't want to serve in the army; that he was fed up with serving and fighting the war. He had no problem telling members of his unit that he was going to walk away- -"desert the army." He also told them he was going to denounce his American citizenship and seek asylum  in another country.

When  Chuck Hagel addressed troops in a Bagram hanger, he said: " This is a happy day. We got one of our own back," the troops remained  silent and did not applaud because they knew the circumstances of sergeant Bergdahl's desertion and running away from his unit.

In fact, in 2012, Rolling Stone  magazine quoted actual emails this deserter sent his parents saying he was disillusioned with America's mission in Afghanistan. He also said he lost faith in the U.S. Army and was considering desertion. Bergdahl also told his parents he  was ASHAMED TO BE AN AMERICAN.

Another concern I have is that releasing the five "hard-core" Taliban fighters will set a policy  for the Taliban and terrorists around the world to kidnap Americans and  exchange therm for prisoners and other demands.

Finally, let me say that based on what I know from all reports including, but  not limited to the internet, government agency statements,  literature and media coverage of Bergdahl - - he IS NOT a HERO.

The HERO'S are the brave soldiers that DIED trying to locate this deserter. Folks, there were a number of soldiers deaths that occurred because of this cowards actions. Trying to get him back after he fled his unit resulted in the death of these HERO's. That's was wrong. They didn't have to die for his decision to "desert." And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at: