The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Broken Promises By Our Commander-In-Chief, Obama


LAS VEGAS- Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

The United States economy is in a free fall. The computerized stock market swings of a few hundred points from day to day is no help. Where is the stock market of old? Wall Street is playing with these computers like a daily trader in a video game. The big corporations make out and the middle class person continues to lose ten, twenty and up to 26 percent of their pension, retirement 401(k) value in one day.

BUT, what does Obama say: "The stock market rises and falls." That's it? Hey! He has his financial program secure so,-- to hell with the middle class wage earner who's hanging on by their fingertips. Money talks and his B.S. walks. His constant mantra of "Hope" just don't cut it. Obama, everybody has hope. People HOPE they will get a job; if they are employed, they HOPE they will get a small raise; if they are underwater in their mortgage they HOPE that they can find a way to keep their home. Hope is just just a a word but ACTIONS speak much louder than words and there has been no action by either Obama, our lawmakers or Congress.

Folks, words and HOPE speeches just don't cut it. Actions are the watchword and Obama and Congress has clearly failed in taking any actions to turn our American economy around.

Democrats don't comprise and Republicans do not compromise. They take a stance for their self-serving political gain and reelections and forgot about serving the people of this nation by doing the people's business.

Christ, Obama comes up with a new excuse everyday as to why he is not to blame for this countries serious problems . I mean, look: One day Obama says our woes are because of the Republicans refusal to compromise; another day he says it is the Tea Parties fault we are in this mess; then, he says he inherited all of these problems ; another day goes by and he says it is George Bush who did this to our country; then again, another day he blames our suffering on Europe. People, it's everybody else's fault except his. He looks to blame everyone and everything on everyone else and fails to take any responsibility for his lack of leadership, his lack of determination and his lack of strength. Talk about a waffle - - he has waffled so much on policy, promises and leadership that his first name could be "Eggo".

Here's a man that has never run a business, held a 9-to-5 job, has never served in the military, he has had no political experience other than running around the streets of Chicago as some sort of street organizer. His experience is Zilch, Zero. His voting record in Illinois is plain vanilla and bland. Most of his votes were "present" and nothing significant or substantial. Obama was a person that failed to take a stand on any issues. Instead he would rather not vote one way or the other.

This guy looks like he has never taken a strong stand or position on any relevant issue when voting. I think what we have in Obama as as President is a person that would rather be a teacher or professor at some university and make speeches to motivate his students so that they could pass his class.

As President, Obama has failed miserably - - Oh, by the way, I did vote for Obama. But, never, never again. After watching him try to lead this country and seeing how he broke his promises over and over again to all of us Americans and after seeing how he (a person with no military experience whatsoever, of any kind) became a war-monger by squandering billions of dollars of our hard earned tax money in promoting and extending at least three wars around the world. I lost confidence in this man. Yes, I said three (3) wars. The administration wants to acknowledge two wars but here's my three: ONE- Iraq (cost- billions of US dollars); TWO- Afghanistan(cost- billions of US dollars) and THREE- Pakistan (cost-billions of US dollars). People we are fighting a covert war in Pakistan that is hidden from public view here in the USA. The government wants to handle this war on the down low. They continually send drone attacks inside the Pakistan borders and they have covert ops inside the country of Pakistan and have a mission to continue military operations inside that country. So, yes! THREE wars.

I would submit that if Obama was a man of his word and brought the troops home from Iraq and Afghanistan as well as those operating in Pakistan, just the saving of all those military costs could pay out national debt down by leaps and bounds. Just that one task of troops home would excite and revitalize and improve our economy. Further, I would submit that if only that one action was taken there would be jobs everywhere because our manufacturing and industrial and technological engine would be revived using the returning military in those jobs rebuilding this country. With all of the money saved by bringing the military home, we here in America could rebuilt roads, schools, electric grids, feed the starving kids, feed out homeless and begin to put this country back on the track it enjoyed following the end of World War II.

So, bottom line - -if Obama would get a backbone and take a stand and end these three unnecessary wars, redistribute all of those billions of military dollars that was give-a-ways to other countries so we could buy their favor we clearly could turn this nations economy around very quickly. - And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by e-mail at:

Obama & Congress Is Squandering Billions of Our Tax Dollars

THE DOCTOR IS IN _______________

VEGAS- Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

The tax monies we Americans are paying to our government each year is being squandered on a daily basis. Obama is giving away billions of our tax dollars like there was no tomorrow. We are currently spending over a billion dollars a day on the wars Obama promised to get out of even before he was elected. Our government is giving billions of dollars in "foreign aid" to countries all around the globe and now a few days ago Obama approved another 105 million dollar to Somalia.

I say what about our starving kids here in the good ol' USA? One in four kids in this country is starving. What about the millions of people that are currently unemployed? What about all of those people that lost their jobs and their homes and are standing in food bank lines just to survive? Why doesn't Obama and his White House extend all of that charity for our Americans here at home? Remember the old saying: Charity begins at home?

Folks I say that we Americans here at home and all of our unemployed Americans and starving people here in America could use that $105 million dollars. Obama and Congress has ignored the needs of the American people but still continue to print money America does not have to support other nations. THAT IS WRONG!

Wake up people. Get rid of these lousy, incompetent politicians that has brought our nation to its knees and demand that Congress stop the give-a-ways to all of these other countries and spend that money here at home. And, -that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by e-mail at:

Friday, August 12, 2011

Congress Should Allow the Post Office to Fire Federal Employees & Readjust the Retirement/Pension Ripoff.

THE DOCTOR IS IN _______________

LAS VEGAS- Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

The U.S. P.S. ( post office) is considering laying off at least 120,000 employees and restructuring the Post Office Retirement plan. Boy! It's about time. They should have did this years ago. The sad part of this situation is that Congress has to approve the move by the Post Office and I suspect that Congress will drag their feet and pander to the unions rather that do the countries business and do the right thing by revamping the bloated postal retirement and pension system.

Folks, for decades now the Post Office has been raising postal rates by leaps and bounds and the only reason for the continued increases was because of the very lucrative and elaborate pension and retirement plan given to these Federal postal employees. The Post Office and the federal employees have their own retirement program called the Federal Benefits Retirement Plan and believe me when I say that their benefits, retirement and pension packages are to die for.

In addition to the obscene retirement and benefit packages that these Federal employees enjoy they have entered into unionized type contracts which allow them to receive benefits even when they have committed a crime. It's literally impossible to fire one of these postal workers.

Compared to the average Joe or Jane Doe who works the 9-to 5 in the private sector these Federal employees are treated like entitled VIP's.


Those working in the in the private sector go to a job for a specified, quoted salary per year. There is no guaranteed cost of living each year of 4, 5, 6, 7 and sometime 8% a year, there is no guaranteed bonuses or merit pay, there is no guaranteed automatic step increases, there is no free health care plan. If the private sector employee is lucky enough to receive health coverage they have to pay a large portion of the cost of any health plan. Private sector workers have no guaranteed pension plan. The private sector person has to depend on a 401(k) if they are lucky enough to have some sort of retirement plan. Also, the private sector person has to contribute and pay into the Social Security retirement system. That is the law.

FEDERAL EMPLOYEES (Post Office Employees & Others):

These federal employees that do not produce a product, build anything, manufacture anything only receives monies from the 9-5 hard working private sector employee just because they are a federal and/or public sector union employee. It is the tax money of the middle class worker in this country that pays their obscene salaries and pensions.

The Federal employees receive guaranteed COLA's (Cost of Living) increases each and every year. They receive annual step increases in their wages each year. They have a guaranteed amount contributed to their retirement and pension plan, they receive merit and bonus pay, they have free or near free health care for life and when they retire they retire on a very, very large percentage of their salary based on the last three to five years of their earnings. They have not been paying into the Security Security system (until recently) that the middle class worker has had to pay into since their first employment. Further if any of these Federal employees committed a crime they can continue to be employed and collect salary and pensions. That cannot be done by a private sector worker. In fact, that private sector worker would be in prison.

People, I would say that Congress should allow the Post Office to fire and/or layoff 120,000 postal workers and readjust the Federal employees union type contracts which have been breaking this countries back. Currently we middle class taxpayers on on the hook for tens of millions, if not billions of dollars that we have to pay these postal workers for their retirement pensions and health care for the rest of their life.

The continued obscene demands by these Federal employees over the decades (like postal workers) for more money, more cost of living, more bonuses and merit pay, more benefits and large pension/retirement increases has really brought the country to it's knees.

I say it's about time that fired postal employees get to see the reality of the private sector work force in this country by joining the ranks of the unemployed. I would think that once they see how they have to actually go out, seek a job and work for a living they will have an appreciation for those that paid their salaries for years.

I believe that Federal, State, County and City public employees should never have been allowed to unionize. The benefits that we private sector people have to pay to these non-contributing people are breaking the back of every state in the union.

I would propose that all Federal, State, County and Cities across the country immediately readjust and rewrite all unionized contracts with these public employees which could include but not limited to such things as:

They will not guarantee that public employees cannot be laid off .
Do away with any and all guaranteed cost of living increase every year.
Do away with any and all merit and bonus pay.
No guaranteed free health care (make the public employee pay for a portion of their health care equal to private sector workers.
There will be no guaranteed pensions or retirement contributions ( have all of these public sector employees put into a 401(k) plan) like all private sector employees.
Have all public sector employees pay into the Social Security system (like all private sector employees).

I predict that if the federal and public sector employees had to adhere to the same salary, health care, retirement and pension benefits that we in the private sector have to depend on, this country would save billions of dollars a year and equality and equity between the private and public sector would make this nation much stronger. And, - that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by e-mail at:

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Our Lawmaker's Caused This Stock Crash & Bad Economy


LAS VEGAS- Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Our lawmakers are the ones causing the meltdown in the USA. Yesterday the stock market fell over 600 points. In fact, the market has been declining for weeks. Why? Both the Republicans and and Democrats who are adamant about no compromise on issues has brought us to this dire situation. My feeling is that the people of the United States should get rid of all of these old, tired, worn our politicians that are holding office. I don't care what party they pretend to represent. The watch word should be: Throw all of these political bums out and put in an entire new slate of representatives.

These negligent, incompetent politicians promise the people the moon at election time but they quickly fall into the routine of spouting the party line once elected and ignore the business of the people and the nation .

It should also be noted that the lawmakers that were swept into office via the tea party banner contributed to the sad state of the economy, the reputation of the U.S.A. around the world and the severe drop in the stock market. These tea party idiots went to Washington and refused to compromise one inch. As these lawmakers were playing chicken with each other the world economy around the world became very fragile and like a set of domino's Greece, Italy, Spain and other nations began to fall into a deeper funk.

I would say that our politicians in Washing have to get out in front of these problems facing the nation. In fact, they should have got ahead of the problems facing Wall Street instead of waiting until something bad happens and then react. These Washington idiots are always behind the curve.

Politician's silly, stupid remarks: Obama gets on television on August 8, 2011 after the gross plunge on Wall Street and says: "markets will go up and down". Really? We all know that. The question is, why did the markets go up and down? I say if Washington was doing it's job and did in fact "work together" and increase the debt limit months ago, this devastating stock market plunge would not have occurred.

These arrogant Washington lawmakers and the President clearly have been in contact with other nations around the world for months and were well aware of the shaky ground the economy was teetering on. It was no secret that these other nations were waiting for leadership from Washington and assurances that the debt limit could be raised well ahead of the 11th. hour. But, what happened? Obama and the Democrats and Republican's ignored all relevant signs that their actions were hurting the world economy and continued to act like a child daring the other to knock a chip off of their shoulder. The result, - - world chaos, especially in the USA. Over a period of a few days people and the middle class workers in this country that held pensions and 401(k) retirement plans lost BILLIONS of dollars. Many lost twenty-six (26) percent of their investment and yet, Obama and these rich fact cats can only say "the market will go up and down."

People, these lawmakers continue to collect their fat salaries and cost of living increases and their fat pensions and benefits. They fight to hold on to their position and job like a pit bull. They continue to take large amounts of monies from lobbyists, corporations and private sources to build up their own self worth to the determent of the middle class worker in this country. That is WRONG! But, we let them get away with it because the American people are afraid to speak up and oust these entrenched Republicans and Democrats from office. It's always, it's not my Senator, it's not my political party. But people, I say: It is your Senator and it is your party.

I predict that if the voting person, whether they are Republican or Democrat would stand up and get a voice and tell these lackluster politicians currently holding office that their gravy train is over and vote a third party or a new unknown person that promises to work for the good of the country rather that a particular party the nation would be better off. I say, get a backbone voters and get rid of these incumbents currently in office.

There was a time a few decades ago when the politician did what was good for the country and the United States thrived and we were the envy of the world. Now, the USA is becoming a laughing stock., Other countries are out pacing us more and more each and every day.

Centuries ago China was the wonder of the world, about a hundred years ago, the United Kingdom ruled and was the elite, and about 50 years ago the United States was the envy of the world. We were building most everything imaginable and providing jobs and opportunity for every person in the country and the politicians then allowed the needs of the country to come first. But today because of the lawmakers self interest for financial and personal gain the United States is lagging behind other countries .

For example, Brazil has a building boom, it produces and exports some of the best beef in the world. It's gasoline problem has been solved for decades because of their use of alternative fuel. China, they are also on a building boom, they utilize high speed trains and are using education and technology to surpass our education and technology. People, other nations are now doing much better that the United States and enjoy economies much more stable than ours.

Ii is not the American workers fault. It is the fault of our lawmakers. They have been dumbed down over the years and chose to accept the attitude that they themselves come first instead of country first.

Right now, the United States borrows 40 cents of every dollar we spend . What's wrong with that picture folks? We owe China tens of trillions of dollars. It should not have come to this. If the government does not have the money to buy or pay for what it needs, then it should not buy the item or service. Any prudent or reasonable person knows that they cannot continue to borrow money to pay their bills. No one can spend more that what they are taking in.

Wake up voters, hold these idiot lawmakers accountable. Get rid of the greedy incumbents and lets try new people or a new party and if they don't do the job, dump them also. After a few elections of the lawmaker's getting ousted I'm sure there will be people that want to serve the country instead of themselves. - And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by e-mail at:

Cholesterol & Calorie Control-Naturally

THE DOCTOR IS IN _______________

VEGAS- Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

To Sylvia, who asked me for information regarding her weight and cholesterol. Sylvia here is a couple of things to consider as an alternative health tip.

1. I can say that for women who ate two apples a day for a year saw a drop in their cholesterol by a whopping twenty-three (23%) percent.

2. For those women that swim for a health benefit it has been shown that they can burn calories too their advantage. For example, a 155 lb. woman could burn 223 calories following a 30 minute swim.

So Sylvia, consider the two above alternative health suggestions relating to your inquiry. Hope the tips help. Good luck, good health.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by e-mail at:

The Israeli People Take to the Streets. Why Doesn't Americans Do the Same?


LAS VEGAS- Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Mass protest in Israel continue and I don't blame the masses for the protests. They have taken to the streets in the hundreds of thousands complaining about the excessive high cost of living. The government has increased prices on most every item in the country. The cost of food, housing and most everything else have been increasing by leaps and bounds. HOORAY for the people taking to the streets.

I would wonder why people in the United States fail to go out into the streets in mass to protest our economic situation. In these United States I see food prices increasing on a daily basis, housing prices and rents are increasing and most of all gasoline prices hold back every individual from spending money. If that is not enough, jobs are few and far between and for those over 50 years old - - good luck trying to land a job. It is nearly impossible. Salaries are stagnant but prices continue to rise.

The only one's that are surviving this economic slump is the public sector workers. They continue to receive 4, 5 6, and 7 percent cost of living increases each and every year, no matter how bad the economy is. They also receive bonuses, merit pay and obscene pensions and retirements. It is because of these Federal, State, County and City employees pay and benefits that most cities and states are on the brink of bankruptcy.

The little person working a nine to five job in the private sector is suffering while the public employees continue to wallow in large guaranteed salaries, pensions and health plans. People in the private sector cannot even imagine ever seeing benefits akin to these public employees.

So,---where's the outrage and protests from the American people in this country? I would think that there should be demonstrations like the ones that are occurring in Israel. Maybe it's about time to get the attention of these incompetent, lazy, negligent lawmakers who pander to public employees and who cannot compromise on any significant, relevant issue.

If peaceful protests and demonstrations in the streets is what it is going to take to get their attention , then why not protest and demonstrate? We need to get our politicians attention.

Remember, these lawmakers have a job, they enjoy their guaranteed cost of living increase each and every year. They also have their own super health plan and they also have their own super retirement and pension plan. These lawmakers and public employees do not contribute to Social Security like the rest of us. Why not? They should be required to contribute to Social Security. Basically, they feel they are entitled and do not have to live like the middle class person. They are the "haves" and we are the "have nots." - And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by e-mail at: