The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Saturday, July 29, 2017



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Well, the attempt to repeal  Obama's "Affordable Care Act",  failed again. Again, Republicans in name only, (RINOI's),  Senators Susan Collins of Maine,   Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, and John McCain from Arizona, torpedoed the  debate to repeal Obamacare. But it was McCain's vote that was the sole deciding factor.

It was McCain's (thumb down) vote that  prevented the  measure from going to conference  for discussion where things could have been added or deleted from the "Skinny Bill."

I've always said McCain  has been a thorn in the side of the Republican party for years and years. I've also said he should have been gone from congress  years ago.

This obstructionist senator always wants his fifteen minutes of fame in front of the cameras and news feeds. He has a large dislike for Trump and it shows with his past and current statements to the press and media people.

McCain does  not look out or care for his constituents  in Arizona. This millionaire senator only cares  about himself. Let me give you an example how he turned his back on  the citizens of Arizona.

He made a big deal of coming in and voting to debate the  health care bill last week. Fact  is: He cast a vote to debate the bill.  His was a deciding vote to debate. Then, a couple days ago, when the senators were voting to repeal Obamacare and allow the bill to go to conference for further debate, McCain's vote scuttled the bill, and it crashed and burned.

My question to this wanna-be "get my face on the news"person is this: Senator McCain,  Why did you make a big deal of coming in and voting to debate the: Skinny Bill", but then you  voted against it going to conference for additions and changes?

McCain could have voted to pass the  "Skinny Bill", let it go to conference and after all the changes were made to the bill, IF HE DIDN'T like them, he  could vote against the bill., But  McCain never gave the bill a chance to be heard or to see what changes  the senators  could come up.

Instead he was seen huddling with Senators , Collins, and Murkowski, and also playing up to Senator Schumer, on the day of the vote. It's clear that McCain is a closet Democrat, and has been for decades.

In Arizona, his home state,Obamacare premiums are going up this year, about 140 percent. Some of the highest in the nation. How can he abandon  the Arizona people like that? How can he put  that large burden on Arizonians? Is it because he has he own cushy health plan, just like all the lawmakers in Washington are privy too? His super great health plan is paid for by  us taxpayers, and his fellow Arizona residents.

I suggest that president Trump issue another executive order: That being, removing all of the senators off of their current elaborate,exceptionally good, health plan, and mandate that the lawmakers in Washington will have to use the same health plan all the rest of us Americans have to use. If president Trump does that, I would bet dollars to donuts that McCain, Collins, Murkowski and all of the other congress people would quickly agree to  vote for the Republican health care bill. How would they like to endure the high deductibles, the high costs of medications, the long wait times to see  a doctor, etc.--? You know they wouldn't  like the plan for THEMSELVES.

I have been screaming and yelling from the rooftops, to anyone that would listen  that we, the American people, should have the  EXACT,SAME,  health plan that our congress people have access to. My position is: Why should a group of elitists  in the federal government have better health care that the people they represent? The correct answer is: They should not.

But, I remember when Obama was running for president, he promised Americans that --(paraphrased) "If you elect me, you will have the same health plan that people in congress has.  Did he LIE! You bet  -- big time.  We should have  access to the same  health plan of our Washington representatives. OR, they should be on the same plan we have. It's that simple folks. Every one of us in America in the same swimming pool. What is good enough for them in congress is good enough of us, or vice-versa.

So, president Trump ---PLEASE, PLEASE issue the executive order to put all of these lawmakers in Washington on our same health plan.  That said, you can bet that we Americans would have a health plan passed before you could say, "I'm a senator, I'm better than you peons."

And, believe it or not, the bill that senator McCain  put "thumb down" on would have given  people in Arizona relief. Their premiums would have  been lowed substantially, instead of rising 140 percent this year. SHAME on McCain. Why the Arizona citizens re-elected this  weak, spineless, wanna-be Democrat, is beyond me? As I said  before --  the Arizona people should dump this guy, like a hot potato.

And what is McCain's reason for voting not to conference and adjust the  health care bill? He says he wanted some DEMOCRATS to be included in the vote? Is he nuts? The Democrats agreed  early on, after president Trump was elected,  to  RESIST any and all Trump and Republican policies and agenda. And, they did just that They vote in a block to stop the Republican's efforts to move forward. They would never agree, in any shape or form to repeal Obamacare.The Democrats said that over and over again --yet, McCain  uses that as a excuse why he  deep-sixed the bill.

If I were the Republican's I would target  senators McCain, Collins and Murkowski to be dumped from the party in upcoming elections. It's clear they want to be Democrats.  The Republicans in these senators states should wake up and see how really detrimental  they are to the Republican party. Kick them out of office. Vote them down next time around.

On the other hand--look at all of the good Republicans that voted for the bill, to go forward. There were about 47 good, strong, stable, Republicans, that wanted the party to succeed and move on pushing the Republican agenda. KUDO's to those senators. It's sad that the health care debate was brought down by only ONE vote, by  ONE Republican, who in reality is a Democrat, who has a very large dislike for president Trump. --And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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