The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Sunday, June 4, 2017



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Another horrific terrorist attack in the United Kingdom.  This is the THIRD attack to strike Britain in these many weeks.Wow! Since March, 2017, three attacks in  45 days. When are  the politicians  in that country going to get their act together? First, lets mention, Prime Minister Theresa May. After each attack she comes forward and basically says: "We will not be deterred." She falls  back on the British "Hold a stiff upper lip" policy. But when are the leaders of these countries going to take ACTION. Action speaks louder than words. May was in charge of Homeland Security before becoming Prime Minister and at that time she set up internal policies that allowed radical refugees to do what they are doing now.

My heart goes out to all of the victims, and their families and friends. I know there is no  real words to sustain these wonderful people in a time of such loss. But really, the politicians in the UK stand around with their fingers in their ear, until the next attack. And when it happens, like clockwork, all the lawmakers have to offer is  the same ol', same ol.' - - WORDS, and hollow at that. Meanwhile the bodies are stacking up like stacks of  two-by-fours.

Lets look at the reaction of London Mayor, Sadiq Khan: All he has to offer is, Again, words: "We will never let these cowards win, and we will never be cowed by terrorism." What? Three attacks in a very short period of time,and all he has to offer is  the "Stiff upper lip" British policy.

Instead of sitting around waiting for the next terrorist attack, May and Khan should be taking specific and determined action to fight these barbarians. Where are the borders for the UK. Answer? There is none.

The most recent terrorists were on the radar and supposedly on a watch list in the United Kingdom, but the authorities took no action against the terrorists. They let them roam about and ignored the radical signs these idiots were displaying. Fact is, even some of the Imams  in the mosques in London actually warned the authorities to some of these terrorists--but yet, the authorities ignored  the warnings.

Like in the United States, the UK asks citizens, especially  the Muslim community to alert authorities of bad actors in their mist. BUT---it appears when they did, the police and  Homeland security fail to act. It's political correctness going amok.

Then, usually, after any attack the milk toast, whimpy politicians and leaders of the country say: The terrorists are mentally ill. They are crazy and a have a mental problem. They have to be  mental cases to do what they do. What a cop out. True--some people that commit terrorists acts "may" have a mental problem. But to play the blame game and paint all terrorists and radicals with the same brush is  just an excuse.  The majority of these radical terrorists are not mental cases. They see themselves as warriors (for a cause), that are meant to kill, rape and commit terrorism.

Right now we have an insurgency of radical terrorists setting up entire cells around the world. What actually started out with about 2000 radicals morphed  into millions. Hell, right now, the UK says they are watching over 20,000 individuals in London alone. They do not have enough police to watch all of the  suspected terrorists.

If I were in charge of Homeland  Security in the UK, I would immediately mandate a "ZERO" tolerance for ANY RADICAL TERRORIST and their entire family. If anyone person in any family commits an act of terrorism, or is found to be  studying, acting on, and promoting radical ideas of ISIS and/or  radical Islam, I would  take the entire family into custody, confiscate all of their belonging, and quickly deport the entire family from the country. Ship them back to their country of origin. If a family knew one of their own family members could have them deported and  sent back to country of origin, there might be less terrorist acts.

I would also have the police in  London and the UK knocking down every door of the radical Islamists and taking them into custody. It wouldn't take long to excise the streets of London of these radicals. No city and/or country needs such people inside their borders. Why sit around and watch them? GET RID of them.  While  the police and security forces are supposedly watching them and saying: (They're on a list), these radicals are plotting to overthrow the UK, Germany, France, and all of Europe. If these radicals are on a list, authorities know where they live and work. It should be  very easy to pick them up and proceed to send them from the country.

Fact is, two recent studies found that when people in the Muslim communities were asked if they would  report, or turn in a suspected terrorist, two-thirds of those in the Muslim community said they WOULD NOT turn in, and/or report a person, from their community, who they knew was going to commit an act of violence, and/or terrorism.

That's frightening folks. What does that say about integration or assimilation?
That only proves many in the Muslim community believes in what the terrorists are doing.

All of Europe has to face reality that these radical terrorists are at WAR. They want to turn  the world into a place where " Sharia  law" is the law of the land. How many times do these world leaders have to hear the terrorists tell the world that they hate us, that  they want to, and have to, kill us, because they  do not like our lifestyles. Their Sharia law conflicts with our way of life. They do not want people to  have freedom of choice, and they do not want people around the world to enjoy the things that we see as commonplace.

I suggest that since the radical Islamist's have declared WAR on the world, the world powers should treat it as a WAR, and respond in kind. "Kill the enemy." Treat them like combatants.

I would also suggest that the military from every country, worldwide, unite, act in unison, (as one), forming a super mega military force and attack and eradicate the radical Islamist's, and ISIS, in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, the Philippines, and elsewhere. It can be done very easily. Look how we in America handled World War II.  If  ISIS and Radical Islamist's want war. Give them War. The only thing that will stop these terrorists is FORCE and POWER. That is the only thing they understand. That is what they use on the cities and villages they invade. However, if the  the force is turned on them, they would run and retreat as the insects they are.

For example, if the radicals and ISIS have 200,000, even 300,000 fighters in one of the countries mentioned, they could be wiped from the face of that country with a 'united," military invasion in days, possibly weeks.Certainly in a few months, at most.

It's stupid to fight a war in Afghanistan for FOURTEEN YEARS and say we're making inroads, we're making progress . Or  having the military say, "we're killing SOME ISIS.   Put the mega force from all of the nations that hate ISIS and radical Islam in the air, on the ground, and on the sea, and reign down the wrath of God, on one country at a time.  These sleaze and scum will have no where to run.

As they see  their fellow fighters being eraticated from one country at a time, they will quickly realize they have no place to go. Such an act of force will not only kill the radical fighters, but it will also kill the ideology of these idiots. When they know they are going to die, you can  bet they will have second thoughts about taking on the military powers of the world or have second thoughts about converting to become an ISIS fighter.

We have to teach and educate these bad actors that they can go somewhere in  their country of origin and start their own Caliphate and live as they see fit BUT they are not allowed to try to impose their radical beliefs on other people of the world. Basically said, they leave us alone, and we leave them alone, to live as they see fit.

What good is NATO, if  this impotent, feckless, organization cannot get  their act together and say, Enough is enough. Lets band together,  AS ONE,  and GET THE JOB DONE.

I predict, if NATO, and the world powers does not look at ISIS and radical Islamist's as battlefield combatants, and treat them as such, (kill them), their organization will continue to grow by leaps and bounds. and no one country will be able to regain control.

I submit that each and every country in the world should have their own territorial borders, and they should be defined and protected. The lawmakers in each country in Europe  should know who is entering and leaving their country (at any given time). Currently the entire European Union is like one big living room, in a house, where  people are allowed to roam from one room to another without question. This one world order is a farce. The political correct attitude of open and free borders brought about this terrorism now occurring throughout Europe.

One could say, Europe brought these  horrendous terrorists attacks on themselves because the leaders and politicians in those countries are playing politics with their citizens lives. It certainly is nice words to say: "Let everybody into our country and let them come and go as they please. But REALITY is a different story. Wake up England, France, Germany. Put strict border and immigration control back in place. The first rule of any country is "Protect your citizens." That shouldn't be too hard to understand.

A good example of a big misstep is Germany. Chancellor Angela Merkel allowed over one million refugees into Germany without strict vetting. They  accepted the  refugees with "open arms" and instead of  the immigrants assimilating into German society, the immigrants broke into different groups and many of the immigrants committed terrorism acts,rape and mayhem.

One thing I do like about the UK is that London has about 500,000 to 600,000 surveillance cameras throughout the city. That is one of the best moves the city had ever made. If nothing else the  "BAD ACTORS and terrorist are  caught more quickly. I certainly wish we here in the United States had the same set up in our major cities. But, like Britain, Germany and France, and other countries in Europe the nammby-pammby,  bleeding hearts, put political correctness  over and above protecting their citizens.

So, I submit, and would suggest, that Theresa May, Mr. Khan and other leaders around the world immediately take control of their  borders and use common sense in their immigration policies; check passports of who is coming and going; regulate and tighten visa control. Know where the immigrants coming in actually are located, where they live and work.

Once  the leaders get a handle on who and where people are in their country they can have  security and law enforcement track down the BAD GUYS. If the bad people have ISIS or terrorism ties, arrest them, and deport them, IMMEDIATELY. Also these countries should know where their citizens are traveling too before returning back into the country.

It doesn't take a fifth-grader to know that if a person visits Libya or Syria,  and Iraq, or another terror infested country and then returns to the UK, Germany, France, etc. that individual, and/or group should be interrogated and/or put on a watch list.

And yes, the United States should build that border wall; strengthen  visa requirements (and know where any immigrants are living and working) so they do not OVER STAY their visa; check on anyone traveling to and from a terrorism country; arrest and detain any person with ISIS and/or terrorism affiliations.

Folks, a country without borders is not a country. A country without borders and strict immigration policy is just a breeding ground for chaos. And- that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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