The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Ralph Lauren Olympic Uniform- UPDATE
USA Uniforms Can Be Made in 2-Weeks



I received word from a few sources regarding the Olympic uniform fiasco. Ralph Lauren states that he will make all future Olympic uniforms in the USA starting in 2014.  Mr. Ralph  Lauren,  for me, that is not good enough. Folks, Lauren could trash all of the uniforms he  had "Made in China" and immediately replace them with "Made in the USA" label if he wanted too.  Why doesn't he do that? Could it be GREED? Possibly.

According to a few source of mine and ABC News network a complete batch of "Made in the USA" Olympic uniforms could be made in "TWO WEEKS." Mind you, that is not word from one American company but the same time frame was quoted by at least 20 companies. So, my message and suggestion to  Lauren and his shabby company would be. Throw out the Chinese uniforms and have the "MADE IN AMERICA" uniforms done in the two week time span.. That is the only thing that will gain back some of  Ralph Laurens credibility in my eyes.-And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by e-mail at:

The U.S. Had 620,000 Fatalities in Our Civil War.
Let Syria Fight Their Own Civil War. We Did.



Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Why is the United States stirring up the Middle East by sticking our nose into Syria's internal problems? We should not be poking around in  their business. Folks, Syria is not America's problem. It is  not our war. Using U.S. military power and arming insurgents for anti-regime forces "inside Syria's borders is unwarranted.

The U.S. has  had relations with the Assad regime for  about 40 years.. First we dealt with  Bashar's Assad's father and  then  Basher himself. For those many decades things went well. Now, we are war mongering in the region to  impose a democratic society on people that have their own culture and morals, thinking "WE" the USA knows best, telling people how to live.

The uprising in Syria should be left alone and let the people of Syria handle their difference on their own.  Our  lawmakers say a civil war in Syria is evident. I say, SO WHAT. Let the Syrians fight it out among themselves and then we deal with the regime left standing. I think the Syrians are smart enough to fight their own battles in their own country.

CIVIL WAR. People dying. What does the  U.S. lawmakers expect when there is a civil war? People are going to die. Both civilian and military people. If the Syrian people want to rise up and fight for their freedoms let them do it without outside help. Freedom fought with their own hands is freedom earned and appreciated.

People, if you want to talk about "civil war." you need not look any further than us Americans. We had our own hard fought civil war.  Our country was divided - -the North versus the South. What about our fatalities in our own civil war. To refresh some of our lazy Congress people's memory. We Americans lost 620,000 good men  in the American Civil War. Our civil war was one of the most deadliest  in American history. And yes, in addition to those 620,000 deaths don't forget that many civilians lost their lives also.We Americans fought our "Civil War" on our own without troops from other countries settling our differences. The war was fought, North Versus South . The North won and our nation came together, on our own , to prosper and unite. I say, Let Syria  fight their on war. Let them sort out their own government on their own.

Our news media shows a 30 second shot of a wounded child or 100 people are killed in one action.and we express outrage.. What the devil does Obama and our Congress  expect when a civil war is being fought? That is the  fog of war. But it is Syria's war.  Syria has a long way to go to have  620,000 fatalities like we Americans lost in our civil war.

Finally, we should stop being the worlds police force. And we should stop  trying to force our values on other countries. The only thing we are doing by sticking our nose in other countries strife is taking billions of dollars from us taxpayers and throwing it down a never ending hole. Christ, Obama is spending $4 billion dollars a day to fight a war in Afghanistan, one of the most corrupt countries on the planet. It has been ongoing for over 10 years. And, don't forget Iraq. We are still spending billions there each and every day. Also, don't forget the covert actions and undeclared wars we are supporting in Pakistan and Iran. We have military drones , cyber agents  and covert military groups  involved in those countries.

It seems our lawmakers always want to have a war going on so as to take the attention off of all of our domestic problems we are experiencing here at home. All of the billions of tax dollars Obama and our Government lawmakers (both Democrats and Republican) are spending  could be used right here in America, making the country whole again. We have poverty and hunger going on here in the good Ol' USA. We need infrastructure repairs. Our cities are falling apart. Those billions going out every day to these other nations could and "should" be spent here in America . My view is, America first. Then, and only then, if we have some monies left over we can be charitable. The trouble with our Congress and all lawmakers is that if they find or come into an extra $100. dollars,  they spend $150.00. That is no way to run a country. I would say "Charity begins at home. " -And, that is my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by e-mail at:

Friday, July 13, 2012

Food Prices Up Because of Drought?
Get Water to the Drought Stricken Areas
From Flooded States.



Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

The news media just yesterday said the country is in a severe drought and because of lack of water crops  like corn is dying. The media went on to say price for food is going to  go up at leas three-percent. Christ, food prices have been rising for the past year.  If the crops in the Midwest  need water then I say, "Get water to the crops." How?  Easy. Transport the water from the states that have it  to the  water starved bread basket of the country. It can't be done you say? Wrong. It can. Currently all over the world we  cart water in water trucks to areas in Iraq, Afghanistan and other countries on a daily basis.

Here are some suggestions for out lazy politicians sitting on their butts in Washington. Transport water. At any given time in this country there is a city or state experiencing a flood. Those waters can be used for irrigation in times of drought. The water from the floods in a city or state can be caught and stored in large tanks, above or below the ground. It serves a two fold purpose. First, the water being reclaimed  and put into the storage tanks will give relief to the flooded city or state and  Second,  that water can be  transported to the states like Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, etc., that need the water for their crops. Folks, it is a no-brainer. The water being stored from a flood ravaged area in one state can be stored in tanks or better yet, why not  have a pipe line system transport water from state to state  when required. The idea of- - we have a drought so  the farmers are going to raise food prices is unacceptable. The problem with that is when the food prices are raised, they stay up and never, ever, come back down. The farmers and yes, the government, hate to reduce the food  prices once they got their raise. The food prices always go up but they never come back down once the freeze, drought, or whatever is over. It's not unlike the government saying "we're going to impose a temporary tax." "It's just temporary." But once  the tax is there, "IT IS NEVER TEMPORARY." It is there for ever. Never reversed.

It would be cheaper in the long run to lay pipe lines between states to transfer needed water to irrigate and feed the drought infested areas or  even cheaper to  build large water tank storage areas above and below ground for use in emergency drought times. People, it would not take that much to have water shifted from flood ravaged areas to areas that need it. If the crops have the water needed to have them produce there would be no reason to constantly use the excuse " we have to raise food prices." It seems our country does not plan ahead for emergencies or disasters. Instead, the government always acts "after the fact." and then squeals that someone should have seen the problem coming. The result, the politicians pass  the buck and say they will form a committees to investigate the problem. What a joke.

If our government can transport convoy's of tanker trucks full of water to people in other countries, why not here? We have the technology and skills. And if  the water transport pipe lines or  storage tanks were  built in different states across the country that would put tens of thousands of people to work. It would be a win, win situation and another upside would be  food prices could remain stable. And, - that is my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by e-mail at:

Olympic Team USA Uniforms Should Be Trashed.
The Olympic Committee & Greedy Clothes Designers Should Be Ashamed.



Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

The Olympics Committee had team USA uniforms made in CHINA?  What a bonehead move.We have plenty of garment manufacturers here in the Good Ol' USA and those workers certainly could have used the jobs.What is Ralph Lauren thinking. Here's a guy that made a name for himself as a designer but has no qualms about  having his stuff made in CHINA. Talk about cheap. This has been designer takes the cake.   Because of his celebrity  and to save a buck and for personal gain and profit has the garments  "Made in China."- I wonder why the well known celebrities  buy his crap? They should boycott it. Who wants to wear clothes that are made on the cheap in  another country. But I guess that says a lot for these celebrities that swoon and pander to this clothes designer. Folks, did you see the Team USA uniforms? They look silly and stupid. Instead of a "French Beret" the team could wear a cap like the  USA World War II military wore and carried on their shoulder when they were not wearing them ( color optional) to match  a blazer. The cap could have a USA insignia emblazoned on it . Even a USA  white sailor cap with a USA insignia  would look very smart with any color blazer. Last but not least , as a suggestion - - Have the USA team where a "Cowboy" hat. Again (color optional). If that isn't American and tells the world that the team is USA, I don't know what is. And, all of the Olympic uniforms should  be "MADE IN AMERICA", Period.

What is it with our country and these big companies and institutions  "outsourcing " good jobs to CHINA and elsewhere? This outsourcing of garments, shoes, and all the other items that can clearly be manufactured and"Made in the USA" has to stop. Congress should take steps to have these clothing manufacturers make their items  here in America. These big clothing designers like  Lauren are a blight on America. They lack patriotism , concern and love of the United  States all in the name of greed and profit.

Hell, people. A first year college student studying design could have designed a better looking uniform that this alleged famous designer. And Lauren is going to sell  the uniforms for a couple grand or more. COME ON! In my opinion, Lauren and other designers of his ilk had their day decades ago. I think people should refuse to continue to support these designers that offer expensive clothes that in reality are nothing more than a cheaply made, flimsy excuse for a quality garment. People across the country should  demand that these current Olympic uniforms be done over and "MADE IN THE USA." And, - That's my opinion, Make your own decisions. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by e-mail at: