The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Friday, July 28, 2017



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

North Korea is accelerating and stepping up its  mission  to build a nuclear ICBM missile . Many in the defense and Intelligence communities estimate that North Korea could have an ICBM within  12 to 18 months. That is no time at all folks. And some experts at the pentagon and in the military believe the  North Korean missile would  be capable of striking Alaska, the West Coast of the United States, and cities as far  east as Chicago, possibly Boston . And Hawaii and Japan is in the target zones of North Korean missiles also.

Our whimpy, do nothing congress people, have been kicking this can down the road for  years. They say we  have a long time before we have to worry  about any attack on our homeland or allies. Just last year some of the talking heads  that pretend to be experts went on television and said  it would be  at least five years before North Korea would have the capability to launch an ICBM against the USA. But just a few weeks ago, North Korea  had a successful ICBM test and as recently as July 28, 2017, they had another successful launch. The experts were wrong.

We have politicians sitting in Washington sucking on their thumb without constructing a  definitive plan to deal with North Korea. All they seem to want to do is place sanctions on this rogue country. Sanctions don't work with North Korea. They haven't worked for  decades. And, now our mixed-up, scatter-brained lawmakers are depending on China to step in and tell North Korea to halt it's nuclear ambitions.

Folks, China's help is not going to happen. China has not helped the United States curtail  North Korea in the past 50 years and they will not do it now. They supply North Korea with ninety percent of all of their needs. China has propped up  North Korea since the Korean War, back in the 1950's.

Our lawmakers who think China is our friend and are  waiting for them to help us are delusional and wearing rose colored glasses. Wishful thinking on their part. China is wanting to be the super power of the world.Their military buildup is moving at record pace. China is building military installation on man made islands in disputed China sea locations.

It looks as though our lawmakers weak, timid response  to North Korea is  a "wait and see" approach. What is frightening is that our Congress is "fiddling while Rome burns." They will still be fiddling when are cities are set ablaze. These feckless, spineless, lawmakers are  sitting around scratching their head waiting for North Korea to send a nuclear missile to our shores before they act.

Congress is bent on bumbling and flailing around, UNTIL the missile actually  explodes  here. Then, these same  politicians will point fingers and play the blame game. They will make the usual excuses of what they should have done. That's nuts! Once the ICBM missile hits Hawaii, Alaska, or in the heart of the USA and kills tens of thousands of Americans it will be too late. This passive "wait and see " policy should not be an option.

True, if  North Korea does strike America with  a missile. I have no doubt that we will  immediately annihilate North Korea and leave only dust and rubble where the country used to be. And, South Korea will be one of the first casualties in the war. Missiles will rein down on South Korea  from North Korea and will kill millions - no doubt about it. But that is the only reason we have not taken substantial action against this mad man Kim Jong Un, in the past. However, we cannot be held hostage by this crazy lunatic knowing he has that threat of attacking South Korea, at anytime.

My suggestion:

First, sit down with China and tell, them point blank, that we expect them to cut off all support to North Korea. No more food, equipment, coal,  etc.-- no support to prop up North Korea at all.  If China refuses, we should cut off all business with any financial institutions, and corporations. that we are currently doing  business with. regarding China. Congress should also  place heavy, heavy sanctions on China, both financially and trade wise.

Second, tell  the Chinese that we will set up nuke programs to allow Japan and other allies in the region to go ahead with nuclear defense.

Third, advise the Chinese that after all of  that , if they do not comply, we, the United States, and our allies,will  take action. And, if need be, we will act alone to take down Kim Jong Un.

And, finally put a definite time line on China to produce.  I would tell China they have SIX MONTHS to carry out their part, or all of the above will take effect.

We clearly cannot trust and depend on China to  help reign in North Korea by talk alone. We have already went down that road.  China continues to say they will help but, but instead, they only use cursory, band aid solutions. Meanwhile, North Korea becomes more embolden. I have no doubt China, if they really wanted to help us, and the world, could initiate a regime change in North Korea. However, for reasons only known to them, they choose to continue  to prop up North Korea.

We should not wait until an ICBM strikes the United States, killing tens of thousands, if not millions of Americans.  Send leader Un, a message through political channels. Let North Korea know, in no uncertain terms:

1. That we will begin taking out their nuclear test missiles, if they continue testing.

2, Iell North Korea, if they fire even one missile into South Korea, or the United States, or any of our  allies, we, the United States will wipe North Korea off the map, -- we will invade their country, with boots on the ground, and  KILL leader, Kim Jong Un.

We , the USA cannot be held hostage by North Korea any longer. We should bite the bullet. Take out each test missile North Korea  sends up. If Un, goes off  the deep end and decides to retaliate, he will know he will face the wrath of the United States military might.

Folks, I have no doubt that we, the USA, could take out the entire country  of North Korea and kill Kim Jong Un, within 90 days. One massive, sustained attack would do it.

One more thought: If we do confront North Korea with military force we should fight to win. Don't be mushy, passive, or squeamish. We do not need another "lets be nice" attitude when going to war, like the most recent wars we have been fighting the last few decades.We should not worry about civilians or collateral damage. Wipe the entire  North Korea region clean, taking down every building and structure in the country, until there is nothing left standing.. For those goody-two-shoes that say: Save the civilians. What? All I can say is "War is Hell." If  a rogue country  chooses to fight the United States, we should take everybody in the country out. Do you think that this  looney-tune , crazy man  would think twice about the civilian population in the United States? Once he launches his missile, he and his military WANT to kill as many civilians as possible.

Playing to win is the only way to fight a war, once it is started.  For example, we did the right thing when we bombed Japan and ended the war. Certainly there were a lot of casualties after the Atomic bomb was unleashed, but there were also a lot of survivors.  And look at Japan today - -a thriving country. The same would be a likely outcome for North Korean survivors. They could probably unite with South Korea and/or there could be ONE KOREA, once we eradicate the North Korean  military and power structure from the face of the earth. - And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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