The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Sunday, July 16, 2017



LAS VEGAS-Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

There are a number of Republican Senators that are RINO's (Republican In Name Only). One that stands out is Dean Heller, Republican from Nevada.He is one man the party really don't need. He runs as a Republican, wants to serve as a Republican, but in realty is a closet Democrat. Another RINO senator that stands out like a sore thumb is, Susan Collins, from Maine. What a  drag on the Republican party she is. She  mostly opposes any policy which is  proposed by the Republican administration. She is always obstructing.

Why Republican voters put these wanna-be Republicans in office is a mystery to me. You would think the voters would want  the elected person to back and support the party, its policies and agenda. But these RINO's  choose to support  the Democratic agenda a majority of the time.

Look at Senator John McCain, from Arizona. He likes people to call him a "Maverick." I don't think he's a maverick. I believe he is an "obstructionist", plain and simple, nothing more. He should have been dumped long, long, ago. He also falls into the RINO camp  along with Lindsey Graham, from South Carolina. McCain and Graham seem to take issue with president Trumps policies and agenda at every turn. These two men have no qualm about going on television, both here and abroad and take cheap shots at the president and the administration. Yet they run under the guise of being a Republican. Jokes on us, folks.

It appears these two senators  are still two very bitter men, who ran for president, couldn't cut it, and lost their chance  to be president of the United States. Now they are doing every thing possible to throw a wrench in the works, bringing down the Republican party.

Another Republican senator I am truly disappointed in is, Rand Paul,from Kentucky. It looks as though senator Paul  lacks the ability to compromise, just like senator Susan Collins. And believe it or not senator Paul was a strong contender as my choice for president. I thought he had some very good ideas. I also liked his fathers ideas, before him. They both seemed to want to get our country back on  track. But, now, with Paul's obstruction and adamant stance against  unifying the Republican party, he has lost a lot of his credibility, at least with me.

You would think members of the Republican party would want to advance their agenda and keep the party in power by  passing legislation and bills that the voters put them in  office to do. But, these RINO's and obstructionists would rather destroy the party than to come together and compromise.

Folks, I look at it this way. If it takes FIFTY votes to pass the health care bill, or any other bill, and FORTY-EIGHT other Republicans are on board, senators like Rand Paul and Susan Collins should  look at the BIG, BIG picture and THINK, (If  FORTY-EIGHT other Republicans are ready to vote and support the Republican agenda, maybe  all of those senators are right and I am wrong,  I should go with the majority of my colleagues and support the bill.)

People, when there are only one or two hold outs to determine if a bill is going to pass, those hold outs, like senators, (Paul, Collins, Heller, McCain, etc.,) should defer to the their colleagues and vote with the majority to pass the bill(s).

I submit that all of the Republican senators had more than sufficient time to know what's in the health care bill. They had  meeting among themselves,  separate caucus time, and  the president even had all of the Republicans to the White House to discuss the health care bill. So, I suggest, after all of that, if a majority of the senators are on board and ready to support the REPUBLICAN agenda., the  one or two RINO's, the obstructionists, the SPOILERS,should fall in line and STICK TOGETHER and pass the bill. What ever happened to: "For the good of the party?"

Many of us voted the Republicans in to change  things. However, they fight and bicker among themselves  and try to scratch out favors for their own benefit, by withholding their vote.  That's sad.

If senators Paul, Collins, Heller and McCain choose to be a SPOILER, and go against the majority of their colleagues, they should know that they, and they alone,  will own the downfall of the Republican party. It's on  them. And you can bet, if any one, or all of these holdouts, cause the health care bill to crash and burn , in 2018 and 2020, Democrats will rule the House, Senate and the White House, and their rule will last decades. -- And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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