The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Thursday, July 27, 2017



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Both the Democrats and Republican congress members LIE. They  lie to the voters face when running for office, just to get elected, then they DO NOT do what they said they promised to do.

Take the Republicans, -- back in 2015, when they had control of the House and Senate, they voted to pass an identical measure which they voted on yesterday. Back then Obama didn't sign it and the Republicans knew he would not sign it. But now when these incompetent  Republicans have control of the House, Senate and the White House, and president Trump said he would sign the bill, a number of these same senators that promised to pass the measure rejected it. It was the SAME  exact measure that they  voted to pass two years ago. It appears that a number of  senators does not like  president Trump and  will do anything, and everything, they can, to obstruct his policy and agenda.

The Republicans that voted not to repeal Obama care are: Senators- Susan Collins, Shelly Moore Capito, Dean Heller, Lisa Murkowski, John McCain, Rob Portman,  and Lamar Alexander. Remember those names folks, and next election I would suggest you vote them out of office. They promised to repeal Obamacare if we  put them in office. However, once in office, they chose to lie to us.

These liars said they would vote to repeal Obamacare, but after being elected, refused to pass the repeal measure, perpetrating a fraud against us voters, who trusted them when they said they would vote to repeal. I know that if these big-mouth liars would have told me the truth and said they were not going to vote  to repeal, I would not have voted for them. And I feel there are a lot of Independent, and Republican voters out there that feel the same way I do.

If these lawmakers, (Democrats and Republicans), were a CEO, or a person who  headed up a large or small business, in  any city in the country and then misrepresented and lied to the consume about the product they were selling, they would be fined and jailed.

Folks, people voted for these lawmakers based on their representations to us --their promises. But once they got what they wanted (elected to office) , they didn't deliver the product  which they promised us.

These politicians that lie to us voters with promises and  representations of what they will do, and then fail to carry out  their promises make me think that it's time for TERM LIMITS. I suggest each lawmaker  only serve TWO TERMS, No more.  When they know they are on the clock to deliver, maybe they will tell the voters the truth when running for election. And people, putting term limits on these liars , will let us voters. have a shot to keep them honest. Plus, term limits will also prevent a lot of the corruption, closed door deals, lobbying, and favoritism. that currently engulf the  swampy cesspool, called Washington.-- And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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