The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013



LAS VEGAS- Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Gas prices continue to rise. This week, here in Nevada the average price was approximately $3.85 at the pump. In California some places registered $5.00 a gallon.

For those people that are wondering if I think gas prices are manipulated - - "yes", I do. I have said that for years and wrote numerous op-ed's relating to that fact. I also first contacted Nevada's lawmakers way back in  1995, complaining about possible manipulation of gas prices, The standard reply from  the Washington crowd was: Mr. Kuhns, no on is manipulating gas prices. Folks, if you believe their response I have a bridge in Brooklyn I would  like to sell you.

After calling oil CEO's  up before Congress on two or three separate occasions and inquiring as to why gas prices increase by leaps and bounds one day and then all of a sudden fall another day left the public with the impression that in fact, the oil prices are being manipulated. The congressional hearings set up on television were nothing but a dog and pony show pretending that congress is concerned but in reality all congress people care about is getting their mug before cameras. Nothing is ever done to reign in the oil companies greed.

The day before Obama took office, the average price of gas was  $1.838. Less than two bucks a gallon. That was on January 19, 2009. That figure just mentioned came from the Energy Information Agency. Since then, gasoline prices have soared ninety-six (96%) percent.

Have you noticed that before any national election gas prices generally fall way down. Low prices at the gas pump! Wow! The masses look at the low price at the pump and  tell their friends that things are okay. That is exactly what the candidates want you to see. Then they pounce on the fact that gas prices are low and it's all because of them. But after the election gas prices at the pump begin to increase once again . And the politicians tell us they have no control over gasoline prices - -BULL!

During George W. Bush's second term he was overhead on an open microphone talking with the Saudi monarch. The king told Bush that he would have OPEC lower all gasoline prices right before the election in order to help Bush get reelected and following the election the prices would raise again. Is that manipulation? I think so.

The gasoline manipulation prior to any election has occurred both on the Democrats and Republicans watch. The lawmakers know that gasoline prices are a hot button issue with the people in the United States and they play the gasoline card to their benefit while pandering to the oil industry and the countries controlling the oil flow to assist them in their election bid.

I believe that there is a small group of  people in world power positions and others that head up some of the most recognized organizations in the world who dictate the price of gasoline at any given moment.If they want to raise  the prices with flourish, start a war; instigate unrest in certain parts of the world; create a wall street incident; tighten the flow of money around the world. Then again, if they want to use domestic means to raise gasoline prices at the pump they convince  the people that the refineries need to shut down to rework their lines and make repairs. Isn't it amazing that most all of the refineries in the nation shut down at one time to retool or blend  fuel?  Talk about a scam. This is one big scam.There is no end to the number of things that this secretive, self-entitled clique of manipulators can do.

Folks, I submit that the oil industry and it's millions of dollars being paid out to lawmakers perpetuate this scam of high gasoline prices. The government could do a lot to reduce the price of gasoline here in the U.S., but they refuse to take action because they continue to have an ongoing  "Lewinsky" type relationship with the oil  baron's. The politicians and lawmakers have never ever taken any substantial action against the oil industry nor do they hold them accountable for the increases in such things as transportation costs that have to be added on to everything we buy - - - - food for one. They bluster and promise to take action but what is the result?  Nothing. They tell the oil titans to "try" to do a better job.

We here in the United States shouldn't be paying more than $2.00 a gallon for gasoline. According to experts we have recent discoveries of domestic shale oil and gas reserves to last for the next 100 years. We also have solar farms and windmills which are subsidized by our tax money not to mention the  largest natural gas reserves in the world right here in the good ol' USA?  With all of the above mentioned resources we should have oil  gushing into the gas pumps.So, manipulation? You bet.

There should be an outcry and peaceful marches in the streets from all of us citizens demanding that  these idiots in Washington actually confront the oil industry and insist on fair and reasonable prices at the pump. Enough is enough. When only one oil company can make $53 BILLION dollars PROFIT in only one quarter that's GREED. There my friends is the biggest part of the problem.- -. And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

Thursday, February 14, 2013



LAS VEGAS- Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

The United States Postal Service is planning on halting Saturday mail delivery. They say they have to cease delivery because they do not have the money. The USPS maintains that they are billions in the red.

I say they would have the money if the USPS would immediately STOP all of the lucrative pensions and benefits that they owe their federal employees. For decades the postal service had been giving  their postal employees whatever their union wanted. The postal employee receives a more than generous salary, day to day working benefits, over the top health and medical and a very lucrative pension and retirement plan. The USPS, the largest employer in the nation has been coddling their employee union ever since they broke away from the government agency it once was.

The USPS should immediately lay off thousands of postal employees through attrition, firing bad employees and put all employees into the same retirement programs that people in the private sector has to depend on.

These postal employees should have to belong to the social security system and look forward to a 401(k) retirement plan as the rest of us. The post office is bleeding red ink because they owe their employees and their retired administrators billions in retirement/pension benefits.

Folks, federal employees from the White House on down including  the state, county and municipal public employees clearly feel they are an entitled group and deserve more that John and Jane Doe who works their butt off in the private sector. These public employees exempt themselves from the same rules and regulations than the little guy, you and me, have to follow. They and their unions set up their own wage and benefits, retirement, pensions and health plans that no one in the private sector can ever hope to see and enjoy.

Us little guys are paying for these fed fat cats and public employees  large lucrative  salary and benefits which often includes the employees entire family. How would you like someone else to pay your  families health care for the rest of  your life? That's just one of the things happening.

I submit that if all federal employees, (including our Washington lawmakers ), state, county and city employees were  put into the social security system and a 401(k) retirement plan like the rest of us you would  see how fast the social security system would be solvent. Why? Because they would be depending on the same benefits as the rest of us in the country.

We lowly taxpayers, like all the Dick and Jane's across the country should not have to pay these billions of dollars in owed  retirements  and pensions to the postal employees.

People, the USPS squandered our tax monies for all of these decades while living high off the hog. And, they continue their bad behavior while still owing billions.I predict that if all of the federal, state, county and city employees salaries, benefits and retirement/pensions packages are not reigned  in this country will collapse. financially and economically.

So, I suggest that as step one: We the people have Congress put any and all employees who hold any type of job in the country pay into the Social Security system and  participate in a 401(k) retirement plan. - And,  that's  my opinion. You decide. Make your own decisions.

Bradley W.Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:



LAS VEGAS- Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

I agree with may others in the nation. The Boy Scouts of America should not open their membership to gays. Since its inception the BSA held those high standards and now is not the time to throw their beliefs and values into the trash can.

I fear that if the BSA does indeed allow homosexuals into their ranks openly a homosexual lifestyle within the organization will secure a strong foot hold.

How soon people forget. It wasn't too long in the distant past that it was found that many young men was assaulted by scout leaders over and over again all over the country. In fact, the BSA maintained a list of  BSA leaders and employees that did  have sexual relations with the young men. Many of those scout leaders were allow to leave the organization without any penalties whatsoever and the secret of homosexuality in the organization was covered up for years..Parents were clearly upset and screaming bloody murder asking how the BSA could allow their child to be  assaulted. So why allow homosexuals to openly operate within the BSA ranks.

I submit that if the BSA opens up the membership to homosexuals there will be  many more assaults on  the young boys due to the fact that open interaction with homosexuality is condoned. An attitude of "being homosexual and performing homosexual acts  is okay."

The  admission of homosexuals into the BSA could pressure young boys to "go along", or "it's okay to do." Bigger boys could take advantage of the younger members with fear, threats and retaliation.

I would say that if the gay community wants to have an organization like the boy scouts - - start their own organization. There is nothing stopping them.They need not infiltrate the BSA who has  been advocating that homosexuality is wrong - that's their right.

It's sad when the gay community tries to push their agenda and beliefs on others and insert themselves within  groups that have opposing views. My suggestion to the  homosexuals that want to partake in scouting is to organize and form their own organization, set their own policies and rules and get on with their life. Let's see how  large the organization becomes.- And, that's opinion. You decide. Make your own decisions.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at: