The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Saturday, November 21, 2009



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

In the past week members of the Republican Party and conservative talking heads on Fox news has been accusing President Obama of rape.The Republicans put together a set of talking points stating that Obama is raping the economy, raping the military, raping the country, raping the taxpayer,children's programs and basically raping every phase of government they can think of. The Republican zombies fanned out across the country into media outlets and spewed out the rape accusation against Obama and all of the conservative news people fueled the fire and made it a major topic of conversation. What a joke!

The Republican party appears to want to do anything to scuttle any program and/or idea the Obama administration puts forth.The party of "No" exists.

These same Republican politicians and television personalities that accuse President Obama of rape have their own "Lewinsky" type relationship with supposed leaders of the Republican party like Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck and others. People like Limbaugh and Beck tend to yell "fire in a theater" and promote fear and the Republican politicians march in lock step with these idiots and totally agree with their views as gospel and scream these views from any television camera they can squeeze in front of.-And, that's my opinion.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by e-mail at:



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Today the administration just announced that unemployment has risen again in 29 states. Folks, at the current time there are 16 million plus people out of work and unemployment is still rising.

All of that stimulus money that has been handed out has gone to some of the wrong areas. A good example is the money spent on the public employee's in city, county, state, and federal government positions for their job preservation.That squandering of funds doesn't help the private sector at all. We need private sector jobs so the economy can rebound. Giving the funds to the public sector for their raises, obscene retirement and pension benefits doesn't move the economy one bit. Many states are on the brink of bankruptcy because of these strong public employee unions demands on our tax money. However,our legislators keep dumping money and benefits into the public employee programs willy-nilly.

Other stimulus funds went to companies that said they added jobs but it was later found that those companies did not add jobs and some companies didn't even exist.

The administration also said it is giving stimulus money to manufacturing companies here in the United States so it can produce jobs. But, what the administration doesn't tell you is that once the jobs are created they will "outsource" those jobs to other countries. So, the companies get the money but average working stiff John and Jane Doe is still without a job. It's one big shell game.

The government is playing fast and loose with the figures on job creation. Numbers do lie and the government doesn't care as they do their fuzzy math.. The reality is that over 16 million people are actually out of work, living from hand to mouth and the fat cat politicians only concern is raising money for their coffers and being reelected . And, -that's my opinion.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by e-mail at:

Monday, November 9, 2009



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how's the world treating you?

Britney Spears just performed in Australia. She and her promoters charged $200.00 for a ticket to see and hear this cartoon character allegedly sing. The majority of ticket holders that went to the concert were upset and I can't blame them. This "teeny bopper" wanna be did the "lip sync" thing again. People complained that they shouldn't have had to pay $200.00 for a ticket to only have her pretend singing.

Years ago Britney may have had a show that appealed to the "tweens" but this lady is not a teenager anymore and trying to market and sell herself like she is a teen idol is sad.

People shouldn't get paid for "lip sync" performances. Pretend singing just doesn't cut it. If any entertainer doesn't have the real talent to actually stand on the stage and sing live, who needs it. It's bad enough that in today's music world the technical mix jobs that can make a bad voice, or anyone sound good is out there and being used by no talent people.

The Australia concert goers could have bought an old CD of Britney and plugged it into an ipod to hear her and saved $200.00 and I suspect that even those CD's are pumped up with super mix sounds to make her sound like a singer.

I have always enjoyed and paid for live entertainment and great entertainers who have talent use their own voice rather than put everything together in a studio mix job and move their lips to a recording pretending they are actually performing.

I would suggest that when a concert or live performance is promoted the entertainment industry should be required to have full disclosure and indicate in any advertisement and indicate on the actual ticket when the artist will lip sync their show. Lip sync is a rip off. If the entertainer doesn't have the pipes, get out of the singing business.-And, that's my opinion

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D.,O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by e-mail at:

Thursday, November 5, 2009



Hello America, and how's the world treating you?

Afghan leader President Hamid Karzai is once again ther leader of his country and he promises to stamp out corruption. Are you kidding me? Here is a man that is under a cloud himself for accepting bribes and turning his head when it comes to the rampant corruption in his country.

The United States clearly continues to make deals with the devil.It seems to be a pattern for the United States to ignore, corruption, crimes, and murder just to carry on a needless war to put money into fat cat politicians coffers.

Afghanistan has flourishing poppy fields producing drugs worth billions of dollars a year and the United States position is one that "the farmers and villagers have to make a living." Remember,when the Taliban was running Afghanistan well before our occupation they forbid their countrymen to use or produce the deadly drugs. But once we became an occupation force the Taliban now uses the obscene profits from the drugs to fight us.

To make things even worse President Karzai's brother Ahmed Wali Karzai is up to his neck in the illicit drug trade and the cherry topping on the sundae is that our CIA has been paying this corrupt drug Czar a salary worth tens of thousands of dollars, "our tax dollars" for over eight years.

Lets do some fuzzy math here: 2 plus 2 does come out 4.
President Karzai who is alleged to have taken bribes and is accused of being a corrupt politician "plus" his sleazy, corrupt drug trafficking brother: Equals= "corruption" above and beyond.

We, the USA, are blowing billions of dollars on Afghanistan, a country that has nothing to do with our national security. The Obama administrations only excuse for this unwarranted occupation is the same old George Bush excuse" we fight them there instead of here."

Right now we have been in Afghanistan longer that the Soviets and they had to leave the country after sacrificing thousands and thousands of young Soviet men and womens lives that was for naught. That invasion by the Soviets cost the Soviet Union not only precious lives and billions of dollars but brought it to it's knees and it's super power status crumbled. Now we are throwing men and women into the same meat grinder supporting a corrupt government that doesn't want us on their soil. How many more U.S. military lives will be pawns in this undeclared war and how may more billions of dollars will be pour into this money pit?

We have no reason to be in Afghanistan and should withdraw all of our military and civilian personnel out. All of those billions of dollars that we are currently spending for the occupation could and should be used to strengthen our own country and it's borders. We have to learn to stop occupying countries with the excuse that we want them to have a democracy. Many countries abide by their own culture and customs. They clearly do not was our interference.

And, that's my opinion.

Bradley Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by e-mail at:



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how's the world treating you?

NBC really fell down of the job when they moved Jay Leno from late night to prime- time. I would bet that Leno's ratings are falling faster than the NBC execs can say "Leno". But it's not Leno's fault. It's simple. People want to watch their regular prime-time shows and because of that Leno ratings are taking a hit.

Jay Leno was the best late night host on television since Johnny Carson. None of the other late night comedians could hold a candle to Leno's wit, delivery and just a great show.

Why didn't the nitwits at NBC realize that most television viewers want to watch their prime-time shows early in the evening and then, top off the evening with a late night show.

Late night show viewing is a regular routine for most people and for those viewers like myself that meant Jay Leno. Jay was made for a late night entertainment host. For those of us winding down from the day and after watching our regular scheduled prime-time shows, it was natural to turn the dial to NBC and Jay Leno.

Those NBC executives that made the poor, ridiculous decision to take the best late night host out of late night shouldn't be allowed to program a VCR. They sure can't program late night.

NBC, get off your duffs and get Jay Leno back on late night. If you do that I predict that the late night rating will go through the roof. For one, I refuse to watch NBC late night since Leno left and I don't like the Letterman show.

I say, let us viewers watch our regular prime-time shows and then enjoy a late night show. Don't put a late night comedian in prime time and interrupt our favorite prime-time viewing. There is a big difference between prime-time and late night entertainment and late night means Jay Leno.-And, that's my opinion.

Bradley W. Kuhns,Ph.D.,O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by e-mail at:

Wednesday, November 4, 2009



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how's the world treating you?

What a bunch of hypocrites our politicians are. These do nothing politicians continue to cry that a "public option" is not for us. But they set back and enjoy the benefits of a government health care program for themselves and their families.

These lawmakers have a clear choice of approximately 12 different insurance plans to chose from. If they do not like one plan they can enroll in another.

They also have an up and running health facility right on the premises of the capitol and this facility reaches out to some of the best medical specialists in the country to care for our representatives. These fat cats only have to pay a modest $500.00 a year for the health care on site but it has been reported that many of these Washington players refuse to pay the $500.00 per year fee but still receive the super excellent treatment free of charge.

I submit that the opposition to a government health care plan by our representatives boils down to only one thing, money. Many of these lawmakers are being bought off by the health insurance industries. They belly up to the pig trough and stuff their pockets with millions of dollars doing the health care and insurance companies bidding.

Many in Congress, right now, are actually using a "government" health care plan. It's called "Medicare." Even though these lawmakers use government plans themselves they insist that a government run health plan is bad for the rest of us.

There is government run health care plans already up and operating and have been doing very well for decades. At the current time our government offers:
Medicare and Medicaid and we also have the Veterans Administration, an excellent government run health care plan for all of out vets. In addition there are a number of government health care plans for our children. However, these same Washington idiots, who are enjoying their own government health care plan each and every day,many of these lawmakers currently using Medicare, do not want working age people to have a government option.

While campaigning President Obama promised the working Joe the same medical plan that these lawmakers enjoy but it appears money talks and Bull**** walks.

I would bet my last dollar that if you asked anyone of those lawmakers in the beltway to give up their Medicare coverage or their super excellent government insurance options they have for themselves the answer would be a resounding, "No!"- And, That's my opinion.

Bradley W. Kuhns,Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhn's can be reached by e-mail at:

Tuesday, November 3, 2009



LAS VEGAS- Hello America, and how's the world treating you?

A study by Mark Rank of Washington University in St.Louis looked at 30 years of information from the University of Michigan. Rank says that it is misunderstood as to how many people actually struggle with food bills.

Rank says that half of American children will live in households receiving food stamps before they reach 20 years of age. What a sad commentary.

Food stamps are so common that some states like Ohio put them on a card so as not to embarrass the person using them. All the person has to do is swipe the card and they are on their way out of the store. Recovery? Are you kidding!

We are spending over a billion dollars a month on two wars and possibly a third if we keep sending missiles into Pakistan.

The United States is also spending billions on building electric grids, schools and roads both in Iraq and Afghanistan while our infrastructure in the the United State is in a shambles. Only last week another one of our main bridges fell apart in the San Francisco Bay area.

Those billions of dollars being spent in corrupt Iraq and Afghanistan should be used to rebuild schools, electric grids,and roads here in this country. Those billions being shoveled into a money pit in Iraq and Afghanistan could be used here to feed tens of thousands of our own children and adults living in poverty.

Our own children and adults here in the USA should not have to be on food stamps to survive. Currently we have children in the mountains of West Virginia, Kentucky, Pennsylvania and other states that are actually running barefoot, without proper clothing to wear and food to eat and if you look to some of the pocket areas in many of our crumbling cities it is not difficult to find children and their parents and even veterans who returned from our wars suffering malnutrition and other maladies just because our country chose to ignore our needs in this country.

We are the greatest nation on the planet and we should not have to have our citizens suffering from lack of food, clothing, health care and a roof over their head.

It appears our nations priorities are misplaced. Our leaders want to spend every dollar they can squeeze out of us but they throw our tax dollars into other countries before they consider building up America first. It appears our politicians want all of us, except themselves, on food stamps.I say, America first, people!-And, that's my opinion.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by e-mail at:



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how's the world treating you?

The Administration keeps telling us middle class that the stimulus is working and that recovery is here. The only recovery going on is in and for big business and corporations. The middle class is being left out.

Where did most of the stimulus money go so far? It went to public service jobs and government positions. Much of the stimulus monies released so far has been used by states for the politicians pet programs and to reduce their states budget gaps. It has also been used to make up shortfalls in the public employees obscene pension and retirement plans that are on the verge of bankrupting cities and states across this country. The stimulus funds are being misspent every day.

The people that actually get their hands dirty on everyday private jobs do not realize the elaborate perks, pensions and health plans of these public sector employees. Instead, these people in the private sector are losing their jobs because the stimulus money is being squandered.

Where is the money for the promised infrastructure for our bridges, roads and electrical grids in this country? We were promised shovels in the dirt but that has failed to happen.

The jobs that were promised to the middle class has yet to be seen. People are losing their jobs and the lucky ones that are working are working for less money while cost of living continues to climb.

Ask John or Jane Doe who are struggling. Many are holding down two jobs just to make ends meet. If the government big wigs think the stimulus plan is working for the average Joe I would suggest that these politicians go into a supermarket and shop for food.Prices are out of sight. An example, a can of baked beans that cost $0.49 cents a can about a year ago now costs at least $1.32. Other staples like milk, bread, eggs and cereals, veggies and fruit are becoming unaffordable for many households.

Beside food, look at the gasoline prices. They are escalating higher each and every day and middle class income families are losing dollar buying power by the minute while our government representatives pass the buck and say it is the market that cause the high gasoline prices.I really doubt that. I say it's greed.

Every two or three years the Congress puts on a dog and pony show by questioning the C.E.O's of the petroleum industry and these C.E.O's play the game and promise to lower gas prices and they usually are lowered for only a few weeks following the hearings just to pacify the country but then, up, up, and away!

At this time the holiday season is approaching and the report is that gas prices will rise for the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays and reach the $3.00 a gallon benchmark again.When summer approaches the gas prices automatically rise again, like magic.

Folks, the politicians are working hand in glove with big business. Individual members in Congress accept hundreds of thousands of dollars for their campaigns and personal use. Many become even more greedy and stuff their pockets with millions of dollars and do the bidding of the pharmaceutical, petroleum and insurance industries.

While we are at it lets not forget the airline industry.Passengers are paying through the nose for additional bags, paying for snacks, soft drinks, pillows, and blankets that used to be free. Through it all the airlines are still looking for ways to squeeze out additional fees while still raising their fares at every opportunity.

The airline industry is one of the first to gouge higher prices out of customers around any holiday and following suit is the car rental agencies that receive a passenger base from the airlines. Have you rented a car lately and have you seen all of the additional taxes that you have to pay on that rental car? People, these industries and companies that lobby and buy access to our Congressman and Congresswomen are making out like bandits while the little guy continues to struggle to get by.

So, is the stimulus plan working? It is only working for the politicians, big business and wall street. The majority of the politicians only want to look out for their own interests. There are some that go to Washington wanting to work for us and they do, but they are very few in number. Most however, choose to kiss the butts of special interests. To prove that point you have to look no further than politicians like Joe Lieberman and others, many are Democrats, that are sucking up the money from the insurance companies to stop any type of a health plan.- And, that's my opinion.

Bradley W. Kuhns,Ph.D.,O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by e-mail at:

Sunday, November 1, 2009



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how's the world treating you?

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton recently visited Pakistan and she refused to answer some of the reporters questions when asked her why the United States is firing missiles into Pakistan and killing hundreds in the civilian population.

Pakistan, an alleged ally has experienced bombings by the United States drones and a large part of the population there resent the attacks on their citizens. The United States shoots these missiles directly into Pakistan and so far, approximatley 700 civilian deaths have been reported because of the attacks.

Many in this country, like myself, and others around the world beieve that the United States is violating International law by such missile attacks.

We have never delared war on Pakistan and I would think that these constant missile attacks are being made against a sovereign nation. Pakistan is not a nation that attacked the United States. We are not at war with Pakistan and we have never legally declared war against Pakistan.

I do not believe the United States can rationalize the missile strikes as "hot pursuit" when they willy-nilly send the missiles into Pakistan. In any event, hot pursuit usually only applies to action on the high seas.

To the best of my recollection there has never ever been an act of hot pursuit into another sovereign nation. However, I think the United States will argue that attacking an ally and taking out alleged targets in Pakistan is "hot pursuit" just because they chose to do it and can do it.

These missile attacks are clearly not self-defense and I believe it would be hard to argue that we, the United States, has a right to attack another sovereign nation. To my way of thinking the missile attacks appear to be illegal. To date I do not see any stated authority which would allow the United States to attack another country that is not at war with us.

Some powers around the world believe that what we are doing in Pakistan is a war crime. I submit that if North Korea or Iran or any other power would do the exact same thing that we are currently doing to Pakistan we, the United States, would be screaming bloody murder to high heaven and say that such an act is a war crime and would take retaliation measures against those countries.

At the end of World War II we were one of the first countries to claim that waterboarding was indeed a war crime and we did prosecute individuals for the crime of waterboarding but when the United States have prisoners waterboarded, we don't acknowledge it is a war crime. It's no secret that individuals from other countries are brought before the world court facing war crimes but the United States refuses to allow anyone from our country to be prosecuted on war crimes. It appears there is a lot of "don't do as I do, but do as I say" when it comes to facing up and wanting to be treated like we treat others.

I have no doubt that if some other country fired missiles into our country we would not stand for it and would declare war on the aggressor in a heart beat. Yet, we have an attitude that we can go where we want and do what we want all over the planet.

These deadly missile strikes and the United States pre-emptive actions against other countries is unwarranted. We can dish it out but we can't take it. I believe that we should cease the missile attacks into Pakistan. Let the Pakinstan government and it's military deal with the Taliban and al-Qaida.-And, that's my opinion.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by e-mail at: