The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Saturday, March 30, 2013




Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Again, the USA is stirring the pot provoking other countries. The actions of the United States against Nortrh Korea could  instigate another war. It appears the USA wants to flex its muscles and  act like a bully on the block. The administration has a chip on its shoulder and daring North Korea to knock it off.We clearly do not need this type of diplomacy.

The United States recently sent B-2  bombers to join military drills with South Korea. The administration says sending the bombers was just a coincidence and not meant as a warning to Kim Jong Un, leader of North Korea.

The White House officials and the Pentagon dies not have the smarts to realize that this 30 year old  nut job leader of North Korea  could go off his rocker at anytime. He has increased his rhetoric over the past few months escalating his threats against the United States, South Korea and Japan and yet  officials here continually push the guys buttons by playing bigfoot and ramping up missile defenses on the West Coast and sending b-2 bombers to the Korea region.

I would suggest that our administration let this crazy Kim Jong Un rant, rave, scream and holler as much as he wants but until he actually attacks our shores do not agitate and  provoke the idiot.

Why push for war? Hell, don't cry and threaten until you're hurt. To date, this looney tune has not hurt or injured anyone in the United States. Until that happens stop the  "I am the policeman of the world" attitude. However, the moment he, the leader of North Korea or any other  country attacks the United States, bring down the wrath of God on them and wipe their country from the face of the earth. There should be no warning or second chances. If we are attacked - -retaliate with the full military might of the U.S.

But these actions of instigating and agitating leaders of other nations with the hopes of causing a war is uncalled for. Example, look what a preemptive strike got us over the past eleven years. A war with Iraq, a war with Afghanistan, and a third covert war being fought at the same time in Pakistan. Just the war in Afghanistan cost our country TRILLIONS of dollars and the lives of thousands of  our young men and women.

I have always personally believed that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were uncalled for. We should have never been fighting in those countries in the first place. We actually started both wars.

Now today, our administration is close to putting military equipment and arms into Syria. We shouldn't be there either. I say let people in other countries fight their own battles among themselves. Then, when the smoke clears we, the United States deals with whoever is in power. We shouldn't be choosing sides in all of these internal civil wars and conflicts around the world.

Christ, we fought our own civil war on our own without help from other nations. Tens of thousands of good men lost their lives in that war but our country came out of our civil war and we as a nation came together. Why should it be different for other countries? If the people want to rise up and topple their regime let them do it on their own, -- period! I would like to see us as a nation keep our nose out of other countries wars and let  the other nations fight their own battles.

The last thing we need now is to  have our administration pushing a rogue leader like Kim Jong Un into a position where he  sets the entire Korean Peninsula ablaze because of our provocative actions with military exercises and B-2 bombers.

Sometimes I think that the administrations actions of getting involved in these wars all over the world is an act to take peoples minds off of our own problems here at home in the USA. Hey, start a war, or interfere with another countries internal problems and the administration does not have to be accountable for the high gasoline prices, the high cost of food, unemployment, our nations  failing infrastructure, the terrible economy and all of the other domestic problems affecting our country. And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

Sunday, March 10, 2013



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

The laws penalizing children and their parents is getting ridiculous. Where is the common sense with these lawmakers?  Here in Las Vegas the television reporters aired a story that a child was suspended from school because of the ornaments on a cake which the child  brought to school for an occasion. The child had a few plastic toy soldiers atop the cake and guess what happened - -yep, the child was sent home.

Not two weeks ago a national story was aired when the child during lunch nibbled his pasty into a shape of a gun. He two was suspended. In Maryland, two young boys were suspended when they were using their fingers as imaginary guns.

Talk about over reacting? These  teachers and the school system is going overboard. What the teachers and school administrators are  really doing is  usurping a child's right of passage  during their childhood. Come on! Little boys, even girls have always played cowboys and Indians or  cops and robbers running around on the playground or in their  yard pointing their fingers and shouting Bang! Bang! Kids have been playing soldier and playing with toy soldiers from God knows, how long ago. That is the way kids grow up and behave. It's natural stuff.

These nanny, political correct schools and their educators should lighten up and use common sense rather than take away the innocence of  children by not accounting for age, intent and the context at which the finger pointing  of a simulated gun or one made from pastry is being used.  The principals of the schools are assumed to have sense and reasoning and a knowledge of dealing with  children of various ages but it appears that many teachers, principals and others in the educational field  fall far short of what is right and wrong.

What approach is this when the adults in the school cannot distinguish between a pastry nibbled into a make believe gun or a fleshy finger pointing while the child  pretends to have a gun - - - and plastic toy soldiers atop a cake as decoration? Wow! These approaches are clearly not rational and is not adult behavior. The teachers and principals are acting more like children than the children themselves.

What these political correct nanny's are doing is stunting the growth of the child during their developmental years and the actions these teachers are taking against the child could certainly have a detrimental effect on the child in their future interactions with their peers.

I would venture to say that all of these teachers, principals and educators themselves have at one time or another played soldier, cowboy, cop or bad guy as they were growing up. Where in God's name did they lose sight and their reason of what is a threat and not a threat.If a small child brings an actual weapon or a toy that looks like a real weapon to school and brandishes it , then "YES", it's time to take action BUT a piece of pastry, a pointed finger or plastic toy soldiers on a cake. They call that school policy? I CALL IT STUPID. Who sits up nights thinking of these things. I believe the teachers and principals need to go back to school.

Clearly an educator like a principal or teacher should knows the difference between a
teenager and/or adult with a weapon and a child on the playground playing cowboys and Indians.

People, America is going to Hell in a hand basket when we allow our schools to act in such a reckless way. - And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

Saturday, March 2, 2013



LAS VEGAS- Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

The Obama administration has been using fear and scare tactics to try to get their way in this sequestration battle.They are like a  bunch of chickens with their head cut off. They bounce from television show to television show telling America that tens of thousands of people will lose their jobs, the military will be no more.  It's the "Chicken  Little" syndrome. They keep yelling: ":The sky is falling" people, run, run, run.

Out of spite Obama  took his scare/fear tactics  up a notch when he released THOUSANDS of illegal aliens scheduled for deportation back into the communities across the nation. Originally, he told  the people of this country that only a hundred illegal aliens were released but the truth is THOUSANDS were actually released. Obama was like the kid with the basketball. If he can't have his way he is going to take his ball and go home to the detriment of  all the other kids waiting to play ball. That's sad.

First he and his administration lied about the number of illegal aliens being released and then he tried to cover up the release by saying he had no knowledge of the situation and that it was some low level ICE person that gave the okay for the release. Yet he played this  'illegal alien" fear card to try to impress on the American people that budget cuts are looming at ICE. Do you buy that people? I don't.

I remember  the time back in the 1950's and 60's that Cuba's Castro released thousands of  hardened criminals, some that committed murder, extortion, rape and robbery on the unsuspecting American public.Castro called the prisoners "criminal undesirables" but  let them immigrate to our shores by the boatload(s).

Is it Deja Vu all over again. Dictator Castro frees and releases criminals into the United States to run amok and now Obama is basically doing the same thing using ICE administrators as the front people?  I also remember when about 1986 President Reagan gave "Amnesty: to million of illegal aliens and along with Congress promised that the "Amnesty" at the time would solve the immigration problems we were having in the U.S.

Congress and the administrations lied to us Americans. It didn't solve the immigration problems. It just encouraged million of other "illegal aliens to cross our borders. The promise of border security by Reagan and  Congress was nothing more that a plain, flat out lie to us Americans.

 I submit that if the administration(s) since 1986 was serious about controlling immigration
 they would have enforced the laws already on the books. They failed to do so and continue to do so for political purposes and votes. The laws have been on the book but the administrations knowingly fails to enforce them.

Now Obama, using slick, covert moves saw his chance to turn illegal aliens loose across our land and he uses the sequestration as the excuse.

However keep in mind that Obama, his wife, mother-in-law and family are completely safe behind  fortified, guarded gates with the  full power of the Secret Service at his  beckon call.

Remember, Obama and his legions say that all of these thousands of illegal aliens he just released on us have to return to court for their deportation hearings. The illegals promised to do so. Are you kidding me? The illegal aliens, once released are in the wind. They are going to go underground again and continue to commit their crimes, not pay taxes and have kids, send them to school, take our lucrative welfare benefits and invade our hospitals for free medical care.All on our dime folks,courtesy of Obama just because he wanted to frighten all of us Americans to get his way in a sequestration battle.

The sad part of this situation is that both Congress and the Obama administration put this sequestration deal together to force themselves to compromise and make a deal. Now they play "kick the can" down the road. It stinks. - - And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:



LAS VEGAS- Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

What a bunch of hypocrites the Obama administration is.

Today, Secretary of State John Kerry told the leaders of Egypt that the people in leadership should "compromise." He stressed the point that people running governments "have" to compromise in order to get things done. Really?

Look at our administration. The two parties cannot even compromise on our budget or debt crisis. It is something that had to be done over the decades by other administrations  but following the Clinton administration there has been nothing but partisanship politics being played out in Washington. Neither the Democrats nor Republicans compromise.

The administration has also suggested  for years that the Israeli/Palestinian conflict " has to have" compromise. Who are we kidding. Our lawmakers talk a great game but can't back up their words with actions. When it comes time for rubber to hit the road our Congress and administration talks with a forked tongue. They babble about other countries having to compromise in order to come together yet look at them right here at home.

Our Congress and our administration is so dysfunctional it can't be fixed anytime soon. They can't even do what they are supposed to do for the good of the United States by sitting down and finding a way to live within  our budget and balance it. They refuse to address our  trillions of dollars debt problem and cease the excessive spending. Instead they choose to continue to borrow and print more money.

Our dollar is now thirty-three cents less than when Obama took office. On his first go round gasoline was only $1.84 a gallon but now in some places it has hit $5.00 a gallon. What's the matter with this picture folks?

The only thing I can offer now is: The people that put Obama and all of the same Democrats and Republicans back in office get what you deserve.Nothing has changed. It is the same old people that were in office before the election.  My question is: What were  you voters thinking? If you put the same old people  back in office they are going to continue to do the same old things? That's insane.

During the election I voted against every incumbent holding office.  We needed change. The only way to get it is to vote new people into office. I wouldn't care if Mickey Mouse or Big Bird was on the ticket running against the incumbents. They would have gotten my vote. I would have voted for them just to get rid of all of the old, entrenched politicians that have been feeding at the trough  for 5,6, and 7 terms.

My view: We should have term limits on our people in Washington. Two terms for any politician is sufficient. Knowing they will serve only two terms will  not allow them time to learn how to get dirty and wallow around in the muck, mud and greed of  bribes and favors. New blood in the office after two  terms would guarantee the country some fresh thinking. Hell,  the new  people can't do any worse that the old, settled lawmakers sitting there now who have a feeling of entitlement.

And - you wonder why there is no compromise? The same people that were in office before the elections are still there.  I don't care if you are a voting Democrat or Republican I would suggest that you vote all of these people out - - no exceptions. Until then this country will continue to deteriorate until we are a third world country. - - And, that's my opinion. You decide. Make your own decisions,

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at: