The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Israel & The United States Should Stop Beating the War Drums-Again.


LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel went on television and said "we have the right to defend ourselves." I agree, that's true. But, Israel has not been attacked with Nukes. NOT YET. So they are not defending against any attacker. That begs the question - -why do they want to go to war?

When Israel rattles their sabers and threaten to attack Iran they are doing nothing but causing world disruption. Any preemptive strike is an assault on another sovereign nation, pure and simple. No matter how despicable Iran and it's leader may be there is no reason to attack that country or any other nation on supposition, maybes, I think, or Iran "could" have nukes. Could have, should have and would have as state policy is childish and unwarranted.

Netanyahu talked with President Obama last week and wanted him to tell Iran that the United States is going to take military action against their country. Then, just yesterday Obama told the world that military action is on the table and further, he would not allow Iran to obtain a nuclear weapon (even though Iran states their nuclear aspirations are for peaceful and domestic use only). He went on to state he would use military force to stop Iran's development of any nuclear capability. It looks like President Obama is bending to the will of Israel's wishes.

Doesn't these world leaders learn from past experiences? Presently they are spouting the same garbage as they did when looking for an excuse to start a war in Iraq. They are using the same old argument- that being, "we think Iran is developing a nuclear weapon,we think Iran has a nuclear weapon, we suspect Iran is developing a nuclear weapon. All this rhetoric is the same ol', same ol' so Israel can position themselves to assault another country and have the United States blessing and military might behind them.

Israel currently receives one of the highest foreign aid packages which runs into in the billions of dollars from the USA each and every year. They receive more than most any other country in the world. Yet, they still want the USA to protect and pull their butts out of the fire when they invade another foreign power - IRAN.

I predict that if Israel does take military action against Iran without first being attacked by nuclear weapons, Iran will retaliate. Who can blame them if they did? Iran will be defending themselves. If Israel were attacked first you know they would defend themselves and folks, - - that would be the correct thing to do, but until that happens Israel should try to use diplomatic negotiations to get along with their hated neighbor. If another nation preempted an attack on the U.S. what do you think would happen? Yep, you're right. All out war. We would immediately respond. What makes you think that Iran is going to sit back and let another nation attack them willy-nilly? They won't.

It appears Israel wants to start World War III. They want to light the match and then drag the rest of the world into the flames of turmoil.

I would suggest that until any country is actually attacked they should continue with their everyday lives as they have been doing for decades. If Israel or the United States or any other country is attacked "FIRST", then that country should declare "war" and should use the might of their military to wipe the attacking country from the face of the earth. No second chances.I say first, warn Iran and all other nations that life goes on as usual until such time as there is an attack by them after which their country will be destroyed. People, I don't believe that any country in the world, even Iran, wants to be the first to take military action against the United States or Israel knowing the consequences would be total and swift annihilation.

But if Israel agitates and continues to threaten its neighbors and fan the flames of war throughout the Middle East it will bring down hail and brimstone world-wide. It will cause destruction of the likes that the world has never seen. There will be chaos and catastrophic financial and economic collapse. Warring factions will begin doing battle in every major city around the world and terrorist groups will be multiplied by ten-fold in most every country.

There is no reason whatsoever for preemptive military strikes against any other country. When attacked, the victim country should respond accordingly. But for Israel to pick a fight and assault another nation without first being militarily attacked and expect the United States to pull their fat out of the fire is unwarranted.

My message to President Obama, the United States and all other countries around the world is that if Israel goes off half cocked, itching for a World War and actually starts one, they should be left to stand on their own without any assist from any other country. We've already provided Israel with billions of dollars each year and continue to do so. We've also provided them with nuclear technology and some of the most advanced weapons and weapons systems available on the planet. If they don't have the smarts to fight their own wars they shouldn't start them. My view, Israel shouldn't be allowed to initiate a preemptive strike on Iran or any other country. - And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by e-mail at:

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