The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

San Diego & Other Cities Didn't Learn Anything-They Continue to Pander to Public Employee Unions


LAS VEGAS- Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

The city of San Diego, California put a comprehensive pension reform initiative on the June 5th.ballot. It would eliminate pensions for new city hires "except" for police. It would also propose a five-year salary freeze for current workers. Doesn't the city of San Diego learn anything from the past? Why should the city exempt police? They shouldn't. It wasn't too long ago that because of the police and fire department unions, the city of San Diego was on the brink of bankruptcy.

The police or fire people should be treated no differently than other city employees. They should experience the same pain as all other employees. It's because of the extreme demands by the police and fire department unions for lavish pension and retirement packages along with lucrative overtime, automatic cost of living increases, merit increases and health care benefits that are breaking every city across the nation.

Other cities have caught on to the police and fire department gaming the system to increase their retirement and pension benefits at the expense of the average Joe and Jane Doe taxpayer. There are many cities and counties across the country that have taken the bull by the horns and laid off and fired police officers and fire men and women just as they have with other city and county employees. And I say, that is the way to do it. The police officer or fireman is no different than any other person working in public service. However, just laying them off or firing them is not the solution. Nothing will change unless the cities, counties and states actually do away with all of the lucrative salaries and benefits starting with pensions, retirements, guaranteed cost of living raises, etc,-- Kudo's to those cities and agencies that have actually begun to make those changes.

How the city of San Diego and all other cities can go to the bargaining table year after year and crumble under these public employee unions excessive demands is beyond me. I can only suspect the lawmakers continue to pander for the public employee unions vote to keep them in office. And, that's wrong. The lawmakers should be doing what is best for the taxpayers and not doing what is best for their career.

The public employee unions in San Diego, and in all cities across this nation are making three and four times the wages most people in the private sector earn. The public employee enjoys a large, elaborate pension and retirement program that no one in the private sector will ever hope to see.

The citizens of San Diego and all other cities in the state should demand that police officers, firemen and all other public employees receive the same pension and retirement plans that those in the private sector have to depend on. That is, a 401(k) retirement. They should also be required to pay a large portion for their own health care like most in the private sector have to do. There should be no guaranteed "automatic" cost of living increases every year, no merit pay, no free health plan and the public employees should have to be 65 years old before they can collect a retirement and pension, like the rest of us. Currently some of these public employees can retire in their 40's and 50's and collect "NINETY PERCENT" of their highest salary. NO ONE working in the private sector can receive that benefit.

We everyday taxpayers are paying for the public sector employee to retire and receive a pension and health benefits for them and their families for the rest of their lives while at the same time most in the private sector can't afford to pay for their own health care and who "does not" have a guaranteed pension and retirement to see them through life.

Folks, we have to hold the lawmakers feet to the fire and tell them not to give away the store to these public employee unions. The officials should lay down the law as to what the salary is for a public employee for any position, without "guarantees" of automatic raises and benefits.

Lawmakers have to begin treating the public employee in the same way as those working in the private sector. Hell, no 7-11 employee, truck driver,construction worker, roofer, maid, restaurant worker or clothing and/or department store sales person (just to name a few professions) is guaranteed automatic raises and free, or close to free health care plus a guaranteed pension for life.

That old argument of police work is a dangerous profession and a policeman might be shot is a lame argument. Christ, there are more people that work in a 7-11, or any convenience store that are shot and killed in a year than police. It is much more dangerous to be a 7-11 clerk than a police officer. Then there's the argument: "It's hard work" Hard work? Let one of those policeman or fireman try to put a roof on houses eight hours or more a day, or ruin and break their knees as a carpet layer working all day does. It's a fact, there are more people killed in construction jobs that police or firemen so, my point: - these public sector workers should not be treated any differently than any other profession. They should be laid off and fired and have their salaries cut like everyone else.

If the person doesn't want to accept the job for a stated annual salary minus all the guaranteed benefits then they should seek a job elsewhere. Based on all studies and literature I've seen there will be thousands of applicants standing in line for the job of policeman or fireman. If you doubt that information just look at how many applicants show up for a police or fire position when there are only 10 or 20 positions offered. I have personally seen thousands of applicants come in from all over the country and stand in line to apply for a police or fire job.

I would even suggest to the cities across the nation to file for bankruptcy and bust all of the union contracts. Then start over again from scratch. The cities should only offer an annual salary and a 401(k) pension plan. Again, you would see thousands standing in line to get the job.

It is about time these greedy public employee unions work for the same wages and only receive the same benefits as those in the private sector. Folks, most every city, county and state public employee retirement and pension plan is billions in debt. We taxpayers are on the hook for that debt. That is one reason we keep getting hit for additional taxes. We are paying for the public employees pension, retirement and health care. That's not right. Personally, I would only like to pay for my own families needs and health care and not pay for another families outrageous retirement and health care for the rest of their lives. Wouldn't you? -And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by e-mail at:

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