The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Personally, I'll Never Buy a Ford Car Again


LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

My experience with Ford Motor Company is very disappointing. Let me tell you of my issues with Ford.

First, let me say my family and I drove Fords since the early 1940's. Myself since 1952. I used to swear by the brand (FORD), but NO MORE! Over the years, where ever I was living I would faithfully take my car in for it's scheduled service to the nearest Ford dealership.

In 2011, in Las Vegas, Nevada I took my Ford Crown Victoria in for service. There are approximately two dealerships in Las Vegas that I am aware of. I took the car into the dealer where I bought the car.

The service department customer service representative told me that the cost of repairs to my Crown Victoria would be $4,000.00. Now, keep in mind I bought the Crown Victoria from this dealership a few years prior and during all of that time I only had it serviced by the same dealership. I've never been hit with a car repair for that large amount of money anywhere. To me that sounded like a lot of money.

I told the female service representative that if I paid that much for repairs I would expect to see and retain all of the old parts which were being repaired. I also advised her that I would have a state inspector check out the work to see if everything was done that she said had to be repaired. With that, she became irate and began shouting "you don't trust us?", "take your car somewhere else." When she said that, I wondered what the dealership was afraid of by my having the repaired vehicle inspected and all of the replacement parts checked out.

Folks, that was alright with me. I told her to have my vehicle brought around and that I would take it elsewhere. I reiterated that a $4,000 repair job was a lot of money and I wanted to know for sure what work was being done by Ford and if in fact,the work was done.

In any event I took the Ford vehicle to another repair shop "not a Ford dealer" and had the car repaired. The cost was $1800.00.

I "will not" buy another Ford in my lifetime, believe me. In fact, later in the year, I purchased a late model HYUNDAI .

Why wouldn't I go to another Ford dealership and buy a car? That's easy. Over the years Ford Service departments told me that all of their mechanics and service representatives are trained by Ford, "all the same way." I was told by one dealership that FORD prides itself on employee training saying I could take my Ford vehicle to any dealership in the country and receive the same quality of service and pricing because Ford was consistent in their service of a vehicle.

So, if one dealership is afraid to stand for an inspection as to the work they were to perform on my Crown Vic., it stands to reason that all of the other Ford representatives trained in the same manner might be like this customer service person was.

I wrote the manager/ owner of the dealership explaining the very bad experience I had with his FORD employees and guess what? he sent me a note saying if I bought a "new Ford" he would give me $100.00 off the price of the new car. Can you believe it? Who's he kidding?

This experience with the dealership in Las Vegas made me wonder if over all of those prior years I was ripped off by the Ford dealership service departments.

In any event Ford cars are on my "poop" list. It's a shame too, because of the fact I believed whatever the Ford service people told me all those years since 1952 as I took the car in to these dealerships to have them service it.

As I think back of my dealings with this particular FORD dealership I wonder if other Ford buyers and customers were given the same song and dance and if those other customers paid the outrageous repair bills without saying anything. Apparently Ford will sell you the car but after the sale , "FORGET IT."

Speaking for myself I will never own a Ford car again. If one can't trust the service people to be honest in their dealings what good is it to buy the car and get screwed on the service end of the purchase. - And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions as to if you want to buy Ford. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by e-mail at:

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