The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

McCain's Stirring Another Pot: Interfering In Another Countries Internal Conflicts


LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Here we go again. Our old, over the hill Congress men and women who have been entrenched in Washington for decades and have nothing better to do are trying to get the United States into another warring conflict around the world and want to inject our military service men and women as the worlds policemen, still again.

U.S. Senator John McCain of Arizona called for air strikes against Syria. He states that the United States has a moral and strategic obligation to force out Assad and his loyalists. He goes on to say the only way to do that is with foreign air power. What a crock! America is still involved in at least three wars now, those being Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan ( it's been a covert war now for years) and still, on the horizon is our involvement in the possible war with Iran at the behest of Israel's threats of attack against Iran.

Some Syrians who chose to flee their country is seeking refuge in Lebanon and Turkey and they are being cared for by these countries. That is good, but we here in the United States should not be involved in the internal conflicts of other countries. People like McCain decide to play with our military service men and women, our military equipment and military might like it is a board game. They think it's okay to put tens of thousands of service people here and there and everywhere, at a drop of a hat. Like it's no big deal.

Folks, we have our own severe problems here at home. Our economy is in the toilet, gasoline prices are over the top because of politicians, Wall Street and oil speculators, our borders are insecure and leaks like a sieve and Americans jobs have been out sourced to China, India, South America and other countries, leaving Americans without jobs. Yet, these rich, affluent politicians want to spend even billions of dollars more on other countries conflicts.

One of my views is that $4.00, $5.00 and higher prices for a gallon of gasoline does not affect these Congress men and women. Why? Because they' re millionaires and multi-millionaires. To them a gallon of gasoline at $4.00 or $5.00 is like they were spending a dime. And remember, it costs them nothing as long as they are serving in Congress because we taxpayers pay for their gas. My point, it's easy for them to say, "lets spend a few more billion dollars and go into Syria."

Christ, we are already borrowing sixty-cents of every dollar we spend. The government, especially these lawmakers in Washington, has no real sense of the dire situation the United States is really in. They're on a "let them eat cake" policy when it comes to taking care of the citizens here in America.

I say, let Syria handle their own internal conflicts and any civil unrest or war that comes of it. Then, the one left standing is the one the United States deals with. Over throwing tyrants around the world is not our job. There are tyrants and there always will be tyrants and people we don't like.

Sticking our nose into other countries internal conflicts is a very slippery slope. We shouldn't go down that road at all. Preemptive attacks and assaults on other countries before being attacked ourselves is foolish. When another country is attacked they will strike back.It's like backing a pit bull into a corner and expecting him to take abuse. The dog will fight back.

Let's look at the situation from another angle. For the sake of argument, if someone, some group or some country attacked, lets say, California, do you really think the people there wouldn't defend themselves and their homes and family? Of course they would. In fact, when ever there has been any civil unrest or civil disobedience here in the United States, our government sent out military troops to quell the situation. Lets me cite just a few situations:

1. Remember Waco? Our government troops killed men, women and children in that incident by shelling and burning down the compound .

2. Ruby Ridge-where government troops and lawmen raided a cabin in the Pacific Northwest and killed citizens there.

3. Kent State-where government troops fought American citizens (mostly college students) in the streets, killing some.

4. Then there was the civil rights movement in the 60's in places like Selma, Alabama, Mississippi, the Virginia's, Tennessee, Kentucky, Las Vegas, Nevada, and let's not forget the Watts riots in Southern, California and the city of Los Angeles being set ablaze.

Folks, in all of those cases, when there were people displaying any civil contempt against our government here in the United States, Washington and our politicians in Congress had no qualms about sending troops and law enforcement to fight our own citizens.

So, with the Arab spring and countries like Egypt and Libya wanting to fight for their own democracies and freedom(s) those citizens made the choice to take on their government leaders and yet we have the audacity to say "let's help those people overthrow their leaders." People, our lawmakers and the Washington establishment wouldn't allow we citizens here in the USA to overthrow them and exile them to political oblivion. Like those other countries there would be government troops and law enforcement with dogs, guns and military equipment to prevent the lawmakers being thrown out of office. If another country ever dared to help any group of American citizens try to get rid of it's leader there would be war and our leaders saying that no other country should interfere in America's internal politics.

So, I would hope people like Senator McCain relegate themselves to America's needs first and stop trying to farm out our military as policemen of the world.

Isn't it enough that our lawmakers allow private contractors, who are nothing but mercenaries fight our military wars and pay those men and women two, three and sometime four time the salary that a serviceman or woman makes? There is also the fact that there are two or three times the private contractors in theater than actual military personnel. Using our military and building private, mercenary warriors to fight internal conflicts around the world should not be the mission of our country. - And, that's my opinion. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by e-mail at:

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