The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Gas Prices-Talk Is Cheap: President Obama, We Need Action, Not Gobbly-Gook


LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

How soon are we Americans going to see something done about the out of control gasoline prices at the pump? These prices are now undermining any economic recovery that may have been on the horizon. The American public is going to pull back from spending and all because of these high gasoline prices. Needless to say the high prices clearly have an impact when we, the consumer, looks at their financial health. The increase at the pump is like a tax to us.

All Obama and his administration is doing is the same ol', same ol'. President Obama went before a crowd of people while he was out politicking for a second term and said his solution, according to him is to "form a task force" to look into the high cost of gasoline. Hell, form a task force? That's only more talk, more dog and pony shows and "NO ACTION."

Folks, Obama is full of talk and no action. He won his election on that talk, talk policy. But what we need is immediate action to get the gasoline prices back to "at least" $2.00 a gallon. Remember people, when Obama took office gasoline prices at the pump were $1.89, now they are at $4.00 -plus, in some states and there is no let up in sight.

Again, remember in the not too distant past when Congress brought all of the oil executives before their gathering to explain why gasoline prices were rising? All that was accomplished from those hearing was all of the Congress people went before the cameras to get their face splashed across the country but coddled the oil execs and didn't have any sufficient result come out of the hearings. This happened on at least two different occasions.The final result is always that the oil titans go home and continue to contribute to the Congressman's political campaigns.

With the oil companies making obscene profits each and every quarter in the "BILLIONS" of dollars our lackluster lawmakers nod and talk before the hearing but in reality nod and wink to the oil companies to continue doing what they are doing. Do you really think these lawmakers who have an ongoing "Lewinsky" relationship with the oil giants are actually interested in taking them to task and have them lower gasoline prices? If you do, I'll sell you a bridge in Brooklyn.

The administration needs to tell the oil companies that unless they lower the gasoline prices the government will immediately cease any and all subsidies that they are currently enjoying.

Another idea, the government should let the oil execs know that the government can go into the oil business and operate their own refineries and stations so it can offer cheaper gasoline to the public. Why not? The government had no qualms about going into the auto business or the banking business and the government already runs a health system and a welfare system so costs can be regulated. It's only one more step to open refineries and gas stations where people can buy cheaper gas. If that would happen I predict that the oil companies would quickly lower their gasoline prices so they could be competitive with government prices.

Better yet, just have the government regulate oil prices like they do in other countries. Right now in Mexico, gasoline prices are just a tad over $2.00 a gallon while our here in America is over $4.00 and close to $5.00 in some states and still climbing. Mexico regulates the prices of oil and gasoline so what's the matter with our government not taking some of these same steps?

If it takes regulating the price of gasoline I say, "LET'S DO IT."Greed by these oil companies is not the answer. The answer is having our government regulate the price of gasoline and if they did I would predict the economy would get a shot in the arm and improve dramatically over night. Hell, the government has no qualms about regulating other businesses and industries in our country. They do it every day. I would suggest to the American people that we insist our government regulate oil and gasoline prices. That will be the only way to have these oil companies fall in line.

If we, the American people do not rise up in peaceful protest all across this nation and march for gasoline price regulation, all that will happen is the gasoline prices will continue to climb.

Folks,Obama is clearly against lowering the price of gasoline. He has already said he opposes drilling off the East and West coasts or the Artic Wildlife Refugee. He refuses to drill on Federal land and he nixed the Keystone Pipe line that would have employed thousands of shovel- ready jobs and now all of that oil will go to China and damage our good relationship with our closest allied partner, Canada. I say drill here in the U.S. and keep all of that needed money here in the U.S.

All Obama is doing is making sure the price of gasoline goes "UP", for reasons only known to him and his friends in government. Don't kid yourself, Obama and Chu and his ilk want the gasoline prices to escalate. His actions in this matter speak much louder that his "hope, hope mantra. His friend and Energy Czar Steven Chu is going to spend $14 or $15 million dollars of taxpayer monies on sea algae as an alternative fuel. Come on! Obama's track record for alternative fuels is in the toilet. His Solyndra fiasco hit us taxpayers in the pocket book, big time while his friends who owned the company made millions to stuff their pockets. Politics? You bet! Now remember people, this is the same Dr. Chu (the guy that works for Obama) who said, in 2008, that he wanted gasoline prices to rise to European levels of $8.00 and $10.00 a gallon. And this guy is in charge of our Energy policy-Can you believe it? I suggest that Obama and Chu are getting their way.

Another way to lower gasoline prices. Stop these lousy wars. Get the United States presence out of the Arab world. Just us being there in the Middle East causes continued turmoil which in turn causes oil and gasoline prices to escalate. Prior to the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan the Middle East was fairly calm and the rest of the world was humming along just fine. However, because President Bush and Cheney made the decision to invade for the "OIL", it turned the entire Middle East into a flaming inferno.

Another suggestion: stop all of the political sparring between Iran and the United States. As long as Obama's people and Congress continue to pick at Iran prices will keep going up. If the United States and Israel adopts a more conciliatory tone toward Iran oil and gas prices could tumble very quickly. So, can the government do something to lower gasoline prices? I say, "yes". There are a number of options to correct this situation.

Every time there is discontent by us Americans the Congress and the administration wheel out the same old line to pacify us until they are reelected to office again. They always propose the same thing, -"alternative fuel" and they say we have to get off the reliance of foreign oil and in ten years we will be free from that foreign addiction to oil. What a crock. Ten years?

As far back as President Jimmy Carter the lawmakers were singing that song. If indeed, they initiated a program back then, and according to them, we would be free from foreign oil dependence. Hey Congress, ten years have come and gone many times over. It's about time to stop the lies you're feeding the American people.

Let me give an example of how it could have been done years ago. Other countries did it. A good example is BRAZIL. That country made a decision years ago to set a ten year time frame to be free of foreign dependence on oil. They did what we didn't do. Brazil actually initiated their program and they used sugar as an alternative and even before the ten year time frame rolled around they had 98% of their gasoline being produced by their own country. They were free from dependence on foreign oil.

Now, just think, if our government were serious about providing Americans with reasonable gasoline they could have did what Brazil did. I mean, Christ, America is bigger and more powerful and has more technology that the small country of Brazil. If that country completed their task within their ten year time frame I have no doubts America could have did it well under ten years. However, I believe our lawmakers and Congress does not have the stomach to really use alternatives to produce cheap gasoline for us because they are too dependent on the large oil barons.

Keep in mind although Brazil did it with their countries abundance of sugar I'm not saying we could do the same. However, we have more than an abundance of sugar beets and can continually turn out crop after crop after crop. People, those sugar beets can be turned into gasoline just like the sugar was in Brazil. There are other alternatives such as corn but corn has been proven to be too expensive to convert. All the government is doing when it tries to use corn as an alternative fuel is provide subsidy programs for the large, rich farmers who are friends with the lawmakers on the hill - - plus ,using corn is raising the cost of food for us Americans in everything from breakfast cereal to breads and food stuffs.

As a side note: Congress should halt all of these subsidies to those rich farmer friends who are pushing to use corn and making millions from the government for an alternative fuel.

There are many other "cheap"alternative fuel selections the government could use to produce reasonable gasoline for us Americans but they are still in that" pay to play mode" policy of protecting their political donors and they clearly do not want to upset the oil executives who stuff their political campaign war chests.

America, we need a government that is serious about buckling down and getting one specific program in the works and within a specific time frame that will "produce gasoline" domestically. It is very doable but the lawmakers do not want to do it. We have the resources, the technology, the intelligence and the people to do exactly what Brazil has done however, our lawmakers doesn't have the will and backbone to say "no" to BIG OIL.

Another side note: Remember when Obama was campaigning for President. He said he would have the most transparent administration in history. If that were the case he would have Congress hold the oil execs feet to the fire, in front of the American people and "demand" specific answers from these fat cats as to such things as: Why are the oil companies makings billions in profits every quarter? What is the matter with oil refiners that they frequently shut them down and then raise gasoline prices? Why isn't the oil companies building more refineries so as to handle gasoline demand? Is there collusion in the refinery shut downs? Price fixing? Speculators? Let the American people hear specific answers.

It wasn't that long ago when Vice-President Cheney in the Bush administration met privately, in secret and met with all of the oil magnates to set an oil policy that was beneficial to him and his colleagues and friends in the oil industry. We all know how that turned out. It only benefited the oil companies who made record profits and many lawmakers on Capitol Hill.

The American people needs honesty, open dialog and transparency from our lawmakers and we clearly are not getting that at the present time.

So, my suggestion to Obama is to STOP this: "let's hope", "we have hope" " we can hope" and "we'll form a task force yada-yadda-yadda stuff. Forget the talk Mr.President. What we need is action by you. Talk is cheap and it is so cheap it won't buy a gallon of gas. Do something constructive and set out a specific plan with a specific time line to complete the task - - then GO FOR IT. President Kennedy did it for our Moon and space projects. Why can't you do something tangible for our gasoline production? - And, that's my opinion. Readers, make your own decisions. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by e-mail at:

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