The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

GAS PRICES-It's Politics-It Shouldn't Be, But It Is


LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Gas Prices, out of sight? You bet. As of today some states have prices pushing $4.50 to $5.00 a gallon. It's outrageous. We here in the United States shouldn't be paying more than$2.00 a gallon.

The increases in price per gallon doesn't bother or affect the politicians in Washington. Remember, they get their gas tanks filled on our dime, us taxpayers. We are paying for their gas while struggling to pay for our own. Why is gas increasing by leaps and bounds? We hear many excuses folks. The major number one excuse is:

The turmoil in the Middle East. What a crock. There has been fighting and upheaval in the Middle East since Israel was given territory for their state. We've been living with Israel and the surrounding Arab nations fighting among themselves for decades and we have been paying reasonable prices for gasoline all that time until recently. A quick solution to tamp down that argument for high gasoline prices is to have our military immediately withdraw from Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iraq. The Arab and Muslin nations do not want us their.They want us off their territory. If we go, I predict that the rhetoric will level off and gas prices would come down and return to levels we have seen decades ago.. Those nations want to govern themselves people. Lets get out of their way and let them fend for themselves.

A second excuse from our lawmakers is: Speculators on Wall Street. True, those moguls and titans that run the big corporations and Wall Street make millions by their speculation which leaves us little guys to suffer with the $4.00 and $5.00 a gallon gas. These speculators can afford to pay these prices for the gasoline they put in their vehicles due to the fact they are making tens of millions of dollars on their speculation. $4.00 and $5.00 a gallon gas to them is nothing. A solution to this argument is to have the Justice Department and the idiots in Congress and the Securities Exchange Commission put the brakes on these money grabbing speculators. They can do it if they want to, with a stroke of a pen. So can President Obama. Our politicians swore to us that they would clean up Wall Street - - well here's their chance. Put the hammer down on all of these speculators and mandate that this willy-nilly speculation has to stop. Folks, it's threatening our national interests and they know it but they refuse to act fearing that their large donors will stop contributing to their campaigns and party.

How many time did Congress call the oil execs to Washington to resolve high gas prices. They do a dog and pony show every so often to appease us citizens pretending to grill these A-holes but their only intent is to grab some television face time for themselves. After the hearing the oil executives go back home knowing that they do not have to change in anyway. Result, the oil companies still make billions of dollars every quarter and dump millions into the coffers of these same Congress men and women.

When the banks scammed us taxpayers the administration and congress bailed them out with BILLIONS of dollars. When the auto industry went belly-up because they couldn't pay the high cost of pensions, retirements and heath care for their workers, the government bailed them out and actually bought out the auto companies. The government was now in the business of running automobile companies. They still own a big share of the auto industry. Another solution to bring gasoline prices down - -"NATIONALIZE some of the oil companies. Other countries do it and it works out very well. Those countries gasoline prices per gallon is reasonable to the average consumers in some of those countries.

I would also suggest that if our government would call these greedy oil tycoons back before Congress and tell them that the government is going into the oil business and will build their own refineries and advise them that the government refineries will not shut down for repairs as often as the current oil companies do. Instead of numerous shutdowns the government refineries would stagger scheduled repair, when needed. I would venture to say the price of a gallon of gasoline would drop over night to the $2.00 a gallon range. Yes, the government could operate a few of their their own refineries across this country and give these private oil companies some competition. Prediction? When the oil companies see that the government is serious about selling gasoline at a reasonable price their prices would fall in line also.

Folks, it is not that big a difference from the government running a bank or an automobile company to running an oil company. It's done around the world all the time.

The third argument by our lawmakers is that the demand for oil in China and India is causing the steep prices for us here in the U.S. - - Solution, mandate that these oil companies have to sell to us American citizens in this country first and foremost. Further, that they are to meet our gasoline demands here in the good ol' USA before they dump billions and billions of gallons of oil overseas to China and the rest of the world.

People, it doesn't make sense. Everyone knows we are in dire straits for gasoline at a reasonable cost but yet our government and their crony oil company friends continue to supply foreign countries with this precious resource.

Obama recently said: if we're going to avoid these gas-spikes down the line we need, oil, gas, wind, solar, nuclear, bio-fuels and more. That's a great speech but politicians have been saying that for the past 50 years yet they do NOTHING about the problem. They most always say the nation will have enough fuel in the next ten years but it's been 50 years and we still have no solution. It's politics folks, pure politics. It's a way they to get elected after which the politicians promises evaporate and they continue to make excuses and keep kicking the can down the road.

I say, when your house has a hole in the roof, you fix it now! You don't wait ten years to fix a problem.

Christ, Brazil became fuel independent more than 20 years ago. They don't depend on foreign oil to fill their gas tanks. In less than ten years from the time they decided to do something about it Brazil got themselves off foreign oil by actually taking the bull by the horns and growing field after field of sugar then converting that into gasoline. Readers, Brazil is a very small country compared to the United States yet they had the foresight, the technology and the will to correct the problem. And you mean to tell me the most powerful nation in the world couldn't do the same thing, better and faster? We could have been free from foreign oil 20, 30, 40 years ago but because of politics, corruption and favoritism it never happens.

We might not want to use sugar as Brazil did but we have more than enough abundant sugar beet resources as one choice. Corn? Forget it. It costs to much to convert to gasoline but because of special interests we continually attempt to use corn as a viable bio-fuel even when we know that using corn as a bio-fuel causes our food costs to climb up and over the moon. Our lawmakers, looking out for their own interests refuse to tackle the problem properly and continue to push the corn idea so they can please the Agra conglomerate for continued election support and money.

If our nation doesn't have enough smarts as Brazil what does that say about this country? I know and you know we do but due to the political and lobbying climate it appears politicians refuse to do what's best for the country. If Brazil could and did be independent from foreign oil in ten years we could have buckled down and did the same thing in five years. Why didn't we? In fact, why don't we?

Obama even put the death blow on the Keystone pipeline from Canada through the U.S., using his yack-yack of hope to fill our gas tanks. That Keystone pipe line from Canada would have provided thousands and thousands of jobs for needy workers (other than public employees and their powerful unions) and in all likelihood, cheaper gas prices. However, Obama pandered to his special interest groups and put thumbs down on the project. Now Canada will sell their oil to China instead of the USA.

Talking about pipelines. I remember when the Alaska pipeline was being considered. Do you? The promise from our government at the time was that we will build the Alaska pipeline and our country would not be dependent on foreign oil from anyone. They said we would have our own oil being piped into the lower United States? What a lie that turned out to be. People, once that Alaska pipeline was built the lawmakers, big corporations and banks colluded to divert all of that promised oil to other countries. It was being shipped to Japan, China and other foreign nations. Rather than keeping the Alaska pipeline for the United States and its consuming public it was sold to oil giant (BP) British Petroleum and that made the problem even worse. BP began began increasing the amount of oil from Alaska to send off to foreign countries thereby shortchanging the United States people.

We need the Keystone pipeline running from Canada to the states not only for the jobs factor but for cheaper gasoline. There should be a contract clause stating that the oil being distributed from the Canadian/US pipeline will be for the American people. There should be no reason in the world to reach into oil supplies and then give those oil supplies to other countries. - And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by e-mail at"

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