The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

JD from Cleveland, Ohio asked me for my opinion on the NFL controversy. So here it is.

First, I believe very strongly that all Americans have a right to offer their opinions and political and personal convictions. However,  we are the "United States." the key word being "UNITED." And being united should mean believing in God, flag, and country. All of us Amnerican's learned from childhood to Pledge Allegiance to our wonderful country by placing our hand over our heart and reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and stand for the National Anthem. We were all taught to be a PROUD AMERICAN and be PROUD of our country.

I believe the NFL players have disrespected our flag, country, and American values, by taking a knee when the national anthem is played--save one player who stood in "respect" to our flag, "The Star-Spangled Banner," and country, Kudos and my appreciation to Pittsburgh Steelers offensive, Alejandro Villanueva. What I don't appreciate is that the coach basically asked Villanueva to make a choice by using "tribe" mentality, telling him to choose between his teammates  or being  shunned by his team. Afterword's it appears Villanueva had second thoughts and  took a step back from his brave stance and suggested he  should have stuck with his teammates.What? This brave military veteran  should not have to be ashamed of respecting the flag and country. I think he should hold to his beliefs and if his weak minded fellow players and coach resent him going out and honoring America--that's tough. I say let these losers who decided not to stand with him lose their respect and reputation  in the sports world.

Villanueva completed several tours in Afghanistan, fighting and protecting our rights, privileges and freedoms we have in America. This man chose to "serve" our country. He did his patriotic duty for love of flag and country, and served in the military, like many of us did.

This Steeler knew what he fought for and what the Star-Spangled Banner" and  flag means to this country.

What is the matter with these clowns who are wearing a costume(which they refer a uniform), and who are playing a kids game, while raking in millions and millions of dollars  each "because they are in America?" If they really wanted to be a contributor to the American way why didn't most of these week-kneed jokers wear a "REAL UNIFORM", like Villanueva, and serve in the military. I believe that if these idiots had a taste of serving in our military they would know the value of flag and country.

I would bet that a person could count on one hand, the number of these NFL players that have actually served in our military service.  For those few players that did serve I have enormous respect and appreciation for them, HOORAY!. For those loser NFL players, who probably could not cut it in the military- I hold no respect at all.

The tribal thinking the NFL players have is apparently to stick together as a majority and snivel and complain. My question would be--complain about what?  These feeling offended cry baby's let other men and women in uniform allow them to become some of the richest and most looked up to figures in the history of the world-- and what do they do? They refuse to  offer the slightest honor for a few minutes to the country and the flag which allowed them to become who they are today. I see it as these NFL players giving the finger to all of the sports fans in America--the ordinary people who gave them their wealth.

Disrespecting (dissing)  all of the fans and the American people who cannot  even  imagine the wealth these men amass is bluntly, showing  how ungrateful and disrespectful they are to the millions of Americans who actually pay their salaries.

Groups like the NFL with such  tribal think often say, "You're "dissing me." They say they do not like to be disrespected. Are you kidding me? Groups like this, with their group think, who say they do not get respect clearly  show total  "disrespect" for our flag, national anthem, and country. Hey NFL players, you cannot to get respect unless you  actually know how to give respect. And to top it off some of these same NFL players  went to Britain to play a game--when  the national anthem  of Britain played "God Save the Queen," the players stood and showed respect, but when the "Star-Spangled Banner" was played, they showed total disrespect for America and took a knee. That says a lot folks. I believe these money-grubbing NFL players need a lesson in Civics and become informed about how the "Star-Spangled Banner," and respect for the flag and country came about,

This NFL movement started with  Colin Kaepernick taking a knee, a player who wore socks on the playing field showing  cops, dressed as pigs. Where is his respect for  people that wear a REAL UNIFORM? And, this  over-the-hill athlete  dares to say people "diss" him.  This loser then  said that there is a lot of  social injustice in America and that is why he and his fellow athletes take a knee.

True, there is social injustice in America. There always has been and  always will be. However there are times and places to express your views and it certainly is not on a playing field, in or out of our country, where  fans had come to enjoy a sports game. I suggest that if these overpaid losers want to express their views, feeling  and emotions --do it on their own time, "off the field." These  wealthy game players can rent a hall and voice their views about  social injustice all night long to those who are interested in attending; they can march and peacefully protest in the streets of America; get involved in politics and run for office; better yet, take some of the millions and millions of dollars they possess and throw it into the various groups who agree and push their same social justice agenda.

I suggest there are numerous ways to have your voice heard--that's America. Free speech is a wonderful thing. But to mix politics with sports in front of millions of fans both at the stadium and at home who only wanted to see a "GAME." is not the forum.

And finally, talking about how disrespectful the NFL players are:  One player was invited to the White House  to be honored for his accomplishments in the sports arena. But the player refused the invitation. Then, when the White House revoked the invitation, he and the NFL yelled and screamed bloody murder. This moron chose to disrespect the office of the president. So he and the NFL should not be surprised when the invitation was revoked. I suggest that when anyone in America is invited to the White House, they should accept the invitation.  The outright hate for our president by certain groups is an outrage. -- And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. Yo decide.

Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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