The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Saturday, September 2, 2017



LAS VEGAS- Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Violence erupts  again during a very peaceful anti-hate rally at Berkeley. Not in the  too distant past these same  "anarchists" threw rocks and bottles, used fists and clubs against persons who they didn't agree with and/or think like they did. This mob of marauders is called "Antifa." They carry clubs, torches, shields, dress in black clothes  and they cover their faces so as not to be recognized.

The more that 100  Black-clad punks and thugs wearing hoods, carrying shields emblazoned with words "no-hate" and waving a flag identifying themselves as anarchists stormed into a peaceful rally at Berkeley and attacked people. What did the Berkeley police do? NOTHING! Berkeley police chief Andrew Greenwood said he made a strategic  decision to allow the anarchists to enter so that he could avoid more violence. WOW! What a cop out. There were thousands of people in the park peacefully protesting and chief Greenwood willingly and knowingly let the  attackers to  go forward with their plan of violet destruction. And this guy is chief of the department?

He went on to say: " There  is no need for a confrontation over a grass patch." What a dopey, irresponsible response.  I submit--there is a need for confrontation when you see people assaulting each other or destroying property. He and his department officers just stood by like a bunch of statues and watched the assaults and violence play out in front of their eyes --not lifting a finger to "PROTECT AND SERVE."

I would say a  large part of the blame can be shared by Berkeley  Mayor Jesse Arreguin because it appears the entire city policy is to condone  violence and hate with an attempt to squelch speech that  the lawmakers in Berkeley doesn't agree with. That's sad.

Sid Heal, president of the California Association of Tactical Officers, said,  it's "always a tough call" for officers to determine how to react when they respond to a crowd on the verge of a riot." YIKES! That's another cop, copping out. Here are some things that should be done:

1. These rally's/marches need and/or require a permit, so-- Set up barricades to separate the two different groups before the rally begins.

2. Prior to the rally/march police officials should advise both sides that violence and assaults of any kind will not be tolerated. State a "zero" tolerance policy to violence of any kind..

3.Have a sufficient number of officers on the ready, on site, to quell any violence  from the beginning.
 As soon as  the first fist is thrown, assault  committed-- arrest the person immediately, as well as each and every person who commits  violence and/or property damage. I don't care if it's one person or one hundred people.  If they commit at violence and/or damage to property during the rally/march--arrest them all.

4. Lay down rules for the demonstrators and/or protesters. No one can wear masks or cover their faces to the point where the person cannot be identified; no shields, torches, clubs or anything that can be construed as a weapon  is allowed in the area of the protest and counter-protest.

Just following some of the above suggestions I would submit that  the chance for violence  or property damage  will be reduced to a large degree.

What frustrates me is when people who are sworn to protect and serve, and paid big, big bucks and  provided lucrative and large pensions to do a job, fail to  do the job. For example, Heal said he helped the University of California, Berkeley . prepare for any unrest ahead of an appearance by author Ann Coulter in April . Wow! A lot of good it did. Instead of  arresting the  troublemakers, those anarchist's, who set fires, broke windows, and committed numerous acts of violence and property damage, the police officers stood by, scratched their heads and butts , while crimes were being committed. And what does Heal say? Get this--"I wouldn't fight over a piece of land that has no value." Can you believe that? Folks, with attitudes like this we have no LAW --and without the law we have no ORDER.

 It's disappointing to see police officers who are trained to use  specific tactics in situations as crowd control, riots, etc.,, who are geared up with equipment that can counter  most any situation but are afraid of bunch of punks and thugs dressed only in black clothing, wearing tennis shoes/sneakers, a scarf or mask to cover their cowardly face and who can' fight worth a damn (videos show them punching and flailing around like a bunch of cats in a sack.) If the police officers would take action and confront these imbeciles , it would be no contest--law and order would win every time up against the wimpy punks.

It's looks as though it has come to the point where the police officers are ordered to stand down by their superiors, or by their mayor and political leaders. I have always had great respect for law enforcement, especially the line officers. out on the streets each and every day.I support  law enforcement with all my being. However, there are times the officers themselves choose not to take action because they are afraid for themselves. They retreat from the situation. That's when law and order runs amok. Imagine if our military  service men and women took the same  crappy attitude and said:  " I wouldn't fight  over a piece of land that has no value." I ask you --where would America be today? -- And, that's my opinion. Make your own decision. You decide.

Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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