The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Monday, October 2, 2017



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

 President Trump should be careful dealing with  Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi. They really  do not like Trump and will continue to  resist any plan  the president has in mind. These two  do not want to see  the president succeed and will not allow him to pass any of his intended bills.  Schumer and Pelosi are known for promising the Republicans certain  things during a negotiation but after the Republicans  give the  two what they want, Pelosi and Schumer renege on their promises.

A good example is the recent deal the president made with these two Democrats over the DACA problem. After the  deal between the parties the two Democrats said  the deal did not fund the Wall which  President Trump promised to his  voters. Trump  gave concessions to these two resisters and  failed to receive anything in return. Talk about a bum deal--this is one.

I suggest that before president Trump and the Republicans cave in again to the Democrats  and give away the store on DACA and the immigration solution, they should insist that the Democrats agree to fund the wall. Any deal with the Democrats  regarding DACA should include a mandatory E-Verify system so as to discourage employers from hiring illegal aliens. And E-Verify should be enforced by stiff fines to any employer that hires illegal aliens. The DACA plan should also include a safe and secure entry-exit system so there will be be a way to track visitors to this country and prevent anyone from overstaying their visa. Finally the deal should include agreement that all state and local entities  show full cooperation with the feds.

Folks, the GOP and its  weak,spineless leaders have made  crappy deal after crappy deal for decades. Most were all one-sided. And these one-sided deals  gave the Republican party nothing in return.

The president should pull out on the stops on his deal making talents and refuse to give in to the naysayers.  When he puts together the DACA deal with Congress I would like to  suggest he include a  super massive tax cut to juice the economy. The tax cuts must be very large for each and every income group in the country.  Such a  move would certainly stimulate the economy and produce millions of jobs for the middle-class. Also, no matter what Schumer and Pelosi said and did during their  previous deal with the president he and Congress should "build the wall." Another area to include in any DACA would be to end anchor babies end the birthright that illegals have for citizenship.

Ending the birthright for illegal aliens would  immediately stop  another 800,000 to a million illegal alien children from becoming citizens like this current batch we are now dealing with. I believe that  if we do not stop the birthright of illegal aliens we will never solve any DACA problem.

Any DACA agreement  and/or law should also mandate that:

If any of the DACA applicants have indeed committed a crime while in the U.S.: DEPORTED, no question asked. If they fraudulently obtained a social security card, fraudulently  collected  welfare or  benefits  from city, county , state or the federal government: DEPORTED. If any applicant cast a vote in any election while here in the U.S.,that's fraud. Again, DEPORTED.

Further, any DACA agreement or law for these 800,000 to a million DACA people should include a stipulation and demand that they must sign and agree to not accept freebies from the government, which should  include but not limited to such things as,  going on the dole with welfare, collecting food stamps and/or any type of  public  assistance and/or support for a least seven years after  the DACA program/law is passed. Another point should be  a demand for these people to have  language skills in English or, DEPORTED. Another requirement I would suggest for the DACA law is: Each and every one of these DACA individuals should have to serve in our U.S. military--what better way to show we, the American people, that they are serious about integrating into the American way? Maybe offer them a choice--the military or  a program like the peace corp.

These DACA  applicants and the Democrats say this particular group wants to integrate into America and the American way of life.They also insist they are here in America because they want t work. Well I say, knowing how to speak English and holding down  a job, and not collecting free handouts from the government will have them prove their claims. - And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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