The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Sunday, September 3, 2017



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Well, it's crunch time. President Trump has to make an important decision about rescinding  the DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) immigration program that was put into effect by Obama.  I should note that the courts said Obama did not have the right or power to enact this program. President Trump's white house staff said he would render his decision this Tuesday as to whether he would terminate the program.

Remember throughout the campaign  candidate Trump made promises and said over and over again that he would terminate the program once he got into office. That  issue was a big selling point in his campaign rally's.  Now that he is in the oval office the millions of people like me, who voted for him and his policies are expecting him to live up to his promises and his word. I believe  he should wipe DACA off the books and not allow the "Dreamers" to get a free pass into the United States.

There are currently  a whopping 800 THOUSAND "illegal aliens" in this program and if the president allows the illegal immigrants in the program to stay in America it  would be nothing more than an "AMNESTY" program for 800.000 people. And since president Trump  went onto the oval office 200 THOUSAND more illegal aliens applied for the program.  The figure now stands at ONE MILLION illegal immigrants wanting a free pass to citizenship--WOW! It doesn't end there either. Some think tanks and firms familiar with the program  believe there are thousands more illegal immigrants standing by to enter the program.

Obama really did a number on  America. He didn't stop with the DACA program centered on the minor children brought into the United States. Barack Obama tried vigorously to expand the DACA program into what he called, DAPA (Deferred Action for American Parents), which would provide legal status for  more than  FIVE MILLION illegal immigrants who are related to the DACA recipients. Luckily, the Attorney General prevailed in federal courts and a 4-4 U.S. Supreme Court decision upheld their complaint. While in office, president Obama tried to take an end run around the law and allow MILLIONS of illegal aliens to come to America. DACA wasn't enough for him and the Democratic party. He wanted to  use the DAPA program to squeeze MILLIONS more illegal aliens  into the country. He might  as well  have  been  a part, or a member of  an illegal smuggling ring working to flood America with illegal aliens.

While president Trump is mulling over his choices, a radical group of Republicans in  his own party is pressuring him to allow these illegals to stay in the U.S. For example, Senator Hatch told the media that the president should let the  illegals stay. The  House Speaker, Paul Ryan went  before the media and said president Trump should allow the illegals to stay. Other Republicans such Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham and  other entrenched old school lawmakers who are part of the  swamp in Washington are chiming in to say the president should legitimize these illegals. What a joke.

People, the president said what he was going to do on the campaign trail, which was,  eliminate the DACA program on "day one" in office.  When he didn't follow through he disappointed millions of voters who supported and believed him. He gave in to Washington establishment.  But at this moment in time he has a second chance to deliver on his promise. I really hope he does.

The Republicans  who were running for office and those already in Washington knew what he promised his voters. They tied their coattails to president Trump and said they would support his polices but once Trump became president Trump-- that was not to be. People in his own party DO NOT want Washington to change.They fight him tooth and nail at every turn. What these swamp rats should do is tell him that they have his back--tell him to proceed with his promises and policies that got him elected.

For those of you that haven't noticed these Republican swamp rats who have been swimming in the Washington muck term after term are isolating  the president from his original cadre of people he had around him. One by one, his confidants are let go and ousted from his inner circle.

I submit, people like General Kelly, the presidents now Chief of Staff is swayed by the old school politicians in Congress and they have his ear. I fear the swamp rats like McConnell, Ryan, Graham and others are putting pressure on Kelly to do their bidding rather than carry out the presidents agenda.

The president has to know that McConnell, Ryan, McCain, Flake, and Graham does not agree with his way of doing things. They clearly disagree with the presidents policies. They snipe and swipe around the edges of president Trumps policies and have persuaded him to back off on various matters.  He has done that a few times already, but should stop. These particular lawmakers have been part of the Washington establishment for years, and years, and they truly believe they know better than the president and resist his efforts to reform Washington.

Senators Flake and McCain from Arizona; Susan Collins from Maine; Murkowski, from Alaska, and Heller, from Nevada are all spoilers embedded in the Republican party to disrupt, obstruct, and discredit president Trump. The people mentioned here are not fans of president Trump. They are not there to help him. They did not want him to be president from the get-go.They appear to me to be a bunch of back-biters and go behind his back to get their own agenda carried out. They are succeeding too: Just look what they did so far: They screwed up the health plan, they talk down the  border wall at every opportunity and now they go in front of the media before president Trump makes his decision on the Dreamer's DACA immigration program. I say the only reason for these swamp rats colluded media push days before the presidents decision is designed to  have the president go their way.

I would suggest to president Trump that he not veer from his policies and agenda. END the DACA program--PERIOD! Make these swamp creatures live with his agenda. He should say--It's done, now live with it. Get on board with my policies and agenda.

I  would submit that if president Trump does not insist that these radical Republicans fall in line and adhere to his plans for America, each concession he gives in on  to the Washington establishment with drag him into the swamp, along with them. And that is what they want.

Personally, I voted for president Trump because of his grit and determination to change Washington and it's way of doing things. I believed what he said and what issues he campaigned on. When others told me that I was some sort of a nut case because I voted for the president, I responded: " If he does what he says he will do, I think  America and the world will be a better place. But if he turns out to be just another politician that promises something and then reneges, I will, be the first to vote him out of office on his reelection." I feel there are millions of other voters who voted for  president Trump who share my  views. We all are waiting for him to deliver on his promises.

I want to see the border wall;tax reform; DACA terminated; immigration reform, etc. I will be very disappointed if president Trump buckles under to the pressures of the swamp rats playing  in the Washington swamp. He should ignore all of the lobbyists and special interest groups and  their wishes and demands. Instead, he should keep all of the bills simple and clean cut and insist his congress swamp rats do his bidding. - And,  that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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