The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Thursday, November 19, 2015



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Obama wants to allow tens of thousands of Syrian refugees come to America. I believe it's a very bad idea. Why?  One reason is because the Paris terrorists entered France by mingling with other refugees pretending to be one of the displaced people. France let the terorists in. Another reason is because the Iraq intelligence service had credible information that there was going to be a  terrorist attack in France, specifically the city of Paris. Did officials in France heed the warning? No. Did they take any preventive actions against attack? No.

What's scary about Obama's take on the refugees resettlement to the USA is:  Just hours, on Friday morning  before the news of the horrific attack splashed across the world that terrorists killed over 100 people and injured many, many more in multiple blood soaked attacks in Paris, President Obama told us Americans this - -"we have contained" the advance of the Islamic State. Obama's judgement clearly needs questioned. A few days ago Obama mockingly said some in Congress are afraid to let grandmothers and three-year-olds into America. Today Democratic Pelosi said the same thing parroting Obama's rhetoric.

Where the hell has Obama, Pelosi and the other refugee lovers been over the past decades. Didn't they read history and/or keep up with what occurred during  past wars. Fact, in World War II, the Germans and Japanese were using women and children  strapped with bombs and grenades to "blow" up our soldiers. The women and children were used JUST BECAUSE they were women, grandmothers and children. The same thing happened in the Korea conflict and it was usually an every day occurrence in Vietnam. I urge Obama , Pelosi and  their ilk to check with some of the disabled Nam vets and/or the dead vets families that were either maimed or killed by small children and grandmothers. Christ, the enemy used the women and children knowing that some of out soldiers wouldn't check them out.

As to current day events, present day:  - as of a few days ago  a terrorist organization group used a 13-year-old girl and an 18-year-old girl to be suicide bombers in the Nigerian city of a Kano at a marketplace

Just yesterday it was confirmed that the most wanted man in the world (the Islamic terrorist-Abdelhamid Abaroud, 27) who masterminded the Paris attacks was killed and his female cousin (the first European female suicide bomber) Hasna Aitboulahce, blew herself up in an act of suicide bombing. Has ISIS used both women and children to act as suicide bombers? The answer is "YES."So yes, we Americans should be concerned that grandmothers, women and small children can and probably will be used as suicide bombers at one time or another here in the United States. The customs, culture an ideology  of  the terrorists preach this practice, condone this practice and carries out this practice (using women and children) as suicide bombers.

Obama and his people say that the thousands of refugees will be vetted and that  he has security measures in place to assure the American people there will not be any terrorists among the massive influx of the refugees being brought to America. Question: How can our government people run background checks on these refugees when they don't even know anything about them, who the person actually is, where they specifically came from, etc.--my answer is: They CAN'T. Fact is, the vetting plan the Obama administration has in place now can take up to TWO YEARS to complete. That's stupid! A lot of damage can be done in TWO YEARS.

My take on Obama's refugee stance is that we, in America, should question this dysfunctional administration who wants to welcome tens and hundreds of thousands of people from the Middle East without actually knowing who each of them are.

Folks, currently Obama and his administration CANNOT even locate people from other countries that have come to America and OVERSTAYED their visa's. Fact is, that's how some of the 9/11 terrorists got into and stayed in the United States prior to them committing the tragic, devastating terrorist attack on 9/11. It's no secret that our nation has been battling an "illegal immigration" problem for decades. There is an estimated ELEVEN MILLION illegal aliens already living  in the United States and as Donald Trump rightly pointed out, MANY (not all)  are  dangerous criminals who clearly commit rapes, murder,robbery, etc.

The Obama administration and past administrations have  failed miserably in securing our borders. The people entering America "illegally" grows each and every day but apparently for the sake of votes lawmakers choose to refuse to deport or control the  illegal alien and immigrant problem.

Hell, even Homeland Security refuses to abide by the laws and deport "illegal aliens" they have files on, courtesy of this administration. Our TSA people at ports of entry and the airports fail to recognize illegal entrants. The TSA officers at ports of entry into the United States fail over and over again to detect weapons, explosives, chemicals and other dangerous items that could cause extreme damage to facilities and the people in America. So, I ask you? How can you expect these same government employees to protect you from a sleeper or covert terrorist intent on harming America?

It's these same government officials and lawmakers that refuse to SECURE our borders that want to allow the mass immigration of possible terrorists into the USA. Remember, terrorists have no respect for International borders. Look at the European Union now - - Europe wanted a ONE WORLD ORDER, using ONE CURRENCY,with no borders, no frontiers.. They wanted people to come and go throughout Europe freely. Well, now you see how that is working out. Terrorist are coming and going all over Europe and immigrants are overwhelming a number of countries wanting to be taken care of.

 I would suggest that BEFORE any refugees from these war torn countries, particularly Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq and Africa  are allowed on our soil the American people insist that our borders be COMPLETELY secured with fences/walls;  E-Verify identification methods be utilized on every entrant coming into the U.S.;  each individual (man, woman and/or child ) will have to provide complete documentation as to date of birth, place of birth, prior residences, employment records, military service completed, prior travel records throughout the world, history of all relatives and where the relatives are living at the time that person applies for entry into the United States. That is just some ( not all) of the information I would require a person to provide before entry into our country. If any of the information is found to be fabricated, forged or the person made misrepresentations or LIED on any of the documents they will immediately sent back to their country of origin.

Readers, there are a number of Governor's of states in our country who oppose Obama's plan and refuse to accept any of the  refugees Obama and his posse want resettled in America. Personally I can't blame the Governor's for not wanting possible terrorists in their state. However, there are a lot of nanny-kissing people that say it's okay to allow these refugees into America because it's the right thing to do. Really? I say it is not the right thing to do.  I predict that in the event of any massive resettlement of the refugees there will be a number of them that, like in France,will con, lie and fake their way into America. Further, I will say that it's not a question of IF a terrorist attack will take down a mall, theater, school or university or other soft targets like concerts, stadiums, sports arenas, parades, conventions and department stores here in America but WHEN. Mark my words folks. it will happen and  I also predict it will be discovered that the  terrorist(s)  did in fact enter our country under the guise of a crying, suffering refugee. - And, that's mu opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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