The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Monday, November 2, 2015



LAS VEGAS- Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Obama lies to America, again. He's putting boots on the ground in Syria. He has said in the past that he would not put boots on the ground in Syria but he  cannot keep his word. Just like in Afghanistan, he said he would draw down troop levels but lo' and behold, he increased troop levels in that country also.

Obama says he is sending a small number of Special-Ops forces into Northern Syria to act as advisers. Really? Only last week our pretend U.S. advisers in Iraq  hit a compound and rescued about 70 individuals that our administration said was due to be executed. During the conflict one of our U.S. troops was killed. So far, it looks like  the Obama administration and war hawks like Senator John McCain continue to scream for  more troops in these warring countries.

There was nothing advisory about the raid in Iraq. It was our military soldiers that led the raid into the compound. If  our military was to only act as advisers the combat troops should have been only soldiers from Iraq and other foreign fighters. But "no", Americans were in charge.

Now this new bunch of American troops being sent to Syria are said to be advisers to Syrian Arabs and Kurds.

Folks, right now this Syrian war is costing us taxpayers NINE MILLION DOLLARS a Day, and there has been billions spent so far on this Syrian fiasco. And that is not even covering the BILLIONS of dollars that has been spent to train these Syrian rebels that we think are on our side. Hell, we spent billions training thousands of foreign fighters in this conflict and only FIVE of those soldiers showed up to fight. It looks me like the inmates are running the asylum in Washington.

I predict that this new move of sending troops into Syria is just the beginning. I predict that this move as well as all the other dumb moves by Congress and Washington is nothing more than "MISSION CREEP." I would suggest that in a very short time, Obama and his ilk will send even more troops into Syria  under the guise of "advisers." However, in reality these so-called advisers are the ones in charge when it come to combat and confrontation when engaging the ISIS and rebel groups , make no mistake. The U.S. is in charge. Fifty troops now, fifty more in a short time frame and still more after that. The United States troop build-up will increase dramatically.

I suspect this move by Obama of sending a small contingent of Special Operations forces into Syria is just a ploy to  pacify and please the war mongers in Congress. He's running out the clock until he's out of office and will dump the entire mess on the next president of the United States.

I also  suspect that the Obama administration is in a "pissing contest" with Russia. Now that Russia is a dominant presence in Syria, Obama and some in Congress can't stand the fact that the war in Syria is not going the way the U.S. thought  it would.

Folks, we, the United States, are the  power that actually turned the Middle East into an inferno. We initiated a preemptive attack on Iraq. We turned that country into the war zone it is today. We caused ISIS to rise in Iraq and we caused all of the various factions of rebel groups to take up arms. The administration should admit all of their blunders, starting with Iraq. I say that the only thing we are defending in Iraq is our embassy which is probably the largest embassy in the world. Further, I suggest that our Iraq embassy is the only SAFE place in the entire country. The rest of Iraq is a war zone and will stay a war zone for decades, if not forever, thanks to us, the United States.

Reader's, Iraq wasn't good enough for us to muck up. We moved into Afghanistan (America's longest war). What is it now? Fourteen (14) years? We turned that country into a pile of rubble and dumped BILLIONS of dollars into the conflict while allowing the opium trade to reignite while we paid off corrupt officials and war lords. And don't forget Libya? We are the ones that instigated and agitated the condition in that country that is Libya today. Even Obama and Hillary Clinton have admitted that they made major and numerous mistakes regarding Libya.

As it stands now our administration sends troops to these foreign countries (calling them advisers) but the troops actually take part in combat as shown about a week ago in Iraq where one of our finest warriors was killed. The American soldiers act as the tip of the spear leading foreign troops into these battles. Why American servicemen and women  have to spearhead all of these foreign conflicts around the globe is beyond me?

As a side note:There are rumors that some of the war hawks in Washington (both Democrat and Republican) are screaming for -- Get this -- A NO FLY ZONE in Syria. What a dumb move. Hell, Russia is already flying in Syria and bombing targets and these West Point wonders sitting in arm chairs at the pentagon who are running this war want to impose a NO FLY ZONE.  If that occurs, we are asking for trouble. The skies over Syria will be chock full of  both American and Russian aircraft and I foresee the chance of a serious, possibly, fatal incident happening.  The question is not if an incident will happen, BUT WHEN.

I would say that the best thing we, the United States can do is disconnect ourselves from Syria. Stop instigating and agitating the conflict by taking sides with certain rebel groups. Stop supplying arms, equipment and intelligence to these rebels we think are our friends. People, they are not our friends. These same rebel groups will use out arms and equipment against  our military.  It has been done over and over again in Iraq and Afghanistan.

I side with Putin on this point - - when he says all rebels have to be eliminated. All rebels must go. Why can't we let Russia rid Syria of all the rebel groups. Let Russia bomb the rabbit poop out of the entire rebel population if they want. Let Russia use ground troops to clean u Syria. Russia has the right idea.  Russia wants to destroy all rebels and not take sides with any one particular rebel group.

I can see Syria getting its act together once all of these various rebel groups are gone. Assad can then concentrate on putting his country back together and establishing a new government. Obama, John Kerry and like minded lawmakers may WANT Assad  out of power, but why? Just because they once said he's a bad guy? They made statements that Assad is a monster and HAS TO GO. I ask Obama and Kerry and their posse - - How did that work out in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya when the United States arrogance took it on themselves to remove those countries leaders? My answer - -IT DIDN'T. - And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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