The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Sunday, November 8, 2015



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

What the devil is the matter with Dr. Ben Carson, a candidate for the president of the United States? Many Americans question his veracity and  wonder if he can be trusted to be the leader of the free world. Let's look at just some of the claims this man has made. Many people believe they are a total fabrication.

First: In his biography he made the statement that he was offered a full blown scholarship to West Point by General William Westmoreland. West Point has no record of  such an offer. And to my recollection -West Point  DOES NOT offer scholarships." Dr. Carson also  told Charlie Rose, of the "Charlie Rose Television Show"  " I was offered a full scholarship to West Point." Now he and his handlers are trying to parse the  statements by offering up  such excuses as:  "It was a verbal offer."

Second: Dr.Carson also said that he tried to stab a number of people. He said he stabbed one person and the man's belt buckle stopped the blade from killing the guy. He also said he had anger issues while growing up.

Third: He also said he tried to hit his mother in the head with a hammer or a brick, depending on when the story is being told.. My question about that is: Why would anyone want to hit anyone else in the head with a hammer, let alone your own mother, unless there was some sort of intent to possibly maim and/or kill the other person.

Fourth: Dr. Carson tells the world that the pyramids of Egypt was built to "store grain" in them. Really? Come On! Most every expert in the study of the Egyptian culture and customs have long ago concluded that the pyramids were built for the sole purpose as a burial site and monument to their kings. Fact is, all evidence gathered by the experts over the centuries show that the kings themselves commissioned the building of their own pyramid. The pyramids have ample carving and hieroglyphics describing the burial site and what the pyramid is specifically meant for (burial of the king) and usually designated items stored in the pyramid  to be used to help the king cross into the next world.

Note: Here is a couple other little goodies that Carson claimed he did. According to the Wall Street Journal none of what he claims in these tidbits can be substantiated. He said while attending one of the most prestigious universities in the country he took a "psychology" course and further said his class was given an "honesty" test. He reported that out of all of his fellow students he was the "only" one that passed the honesty test. After checking their records the university said there was "no such" psychology course and there was no "honesty test" administered. Phew!! When is the other shoe going to drop? It looks like the hits keep coming when it comes to Ben Carson's truthfulness, integrity and character.

Folks, the above examples are just a sample of  the stories (some in the media branded as tall tales) that this presidential candidate has been espousing. It also has been mentioned that Carson himself said he had pathological problems. If that is true it should give Americans pause and consider what type of person they want to lead this country. Dr. Carson's action and statements give  me concern. His character certainly comes into question, doesn't it?

People, remember back in 1972, the late Thomas  F. Eagleton, former senator, was removed from  being a vice-presidential candidate because he had a mental illness and he was also treated with "electroschock" (ECT) therapy. He was disqualified from running the country.

At this particular time I suspect that Dr. Carson tends to fabricate. In fact, "confabulate."What's confabulate? Well, the  easy explanation can be described as: " It is the spontaneous product of false memories, either for memories and for events which never occurred." Confabulation can further be described as a product of fabricated, distorted and misinterpreted memories "about oneself or the world?

Here's and example: A therapist is interviewing an alcoholic and asks about something that never even happened: "Charlie, did you rob that gas station last night?" Alcoholic: "Yes, yes I did. I pulled a knife and stuck it in the clerks face and asked for money. Then I put the money in my pocket. I ran out the door and I grabbed my bicycle parked outside and rode away." Point being folks, a person that fabricates and confabulates can just keep embellishing on the simplest phase(s) and/or story and each time it can become a bigger more elaborate event. Even though  the event never, ever happened.

Also, I notice that when challenged on his remarks Dr.Carson displays a latent anger and lashes out at others and then he tries to back pedal his remarks such as: "What I really meant was ---;  Or, when he was asked something that  went like this: "Do you "agree"with the use of using the "rap song" we saw in your ads?" His  answer was a clear "yes" but in the next breath he took another stand and said something to the effect that he would do something different. He's looks to be very ambivalent. If one notices, Dr. Carson has a tendency to take this approach when asked specific questions about issues and policy. He tends to refuse to offer up a definitive  "yes" or "no" when he is asked if he agrees or disagrees with something. It appears he fails to hold a strong or solid opinion on an issue or policy "without" qualifying the response with a "but."

Dr. Carson is currently bashing the media, blaming them for looking into his personal life. Well, what the devil did he expect? When you are a person in the top tier of candidates for becoming president of the United States there is going to be scrutiny and tough questions about  your words, actions and writings - -you're a PUBLIC FIGURE. Any candidates life should be an open book so that Americans can make an intelligent decision as to who they would like to vote for. I will predict that there will be even more contradictions come up regarding Carson's, life, background, writings and actions. Stay tuned.

As everyone knows, I am an Independent voter, always have been. I have always prided myself on choosing the best person for the job whether they are Democrat, Republican  or Independent, or even a Democrat Socialist like Bernie Sanders claims he is. I want to hear from all of the candidates before making up my mind. I don't have a dog in this hunt. However, with that said, after hearing Dr. Ben Carson speak and present himself and considering all of his stories I believe I would have a problem giving him my vote. Carson, like Hillary Clinton, comes to the table with a lot of baggage, a lot of which I believe are made up stories and trust issues. At this point I can say I narrowed my choice for president down. - And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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