The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Monday, November 16, 2015



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

I watched the Democratic debate last night,November 14, 2015. First, It was another Democratic love fest. The audience was again packed with Hillary Clinton supporters. As far as a debate - -it really wasn't.  On a whole all three candidates agreed on most everything.  Clinton was allowed to shine by the other two candidates. Again, Sanders often said he agreed with Clinton and even mentioned the email scandal against Clinton again as a nothing subject which brought a laugh from Clinton and applause from the audience.

I'm disappointed in Bernie Sanders. I like a lot of what he says but he continually agrees with Clinton and refuses to take a challenging approach toward her. He's often said they were friends and he constantly sticks up for her. Friends are nice but I think that when one is running for the same office the challenger should  actually show some backbone and seriously debate the issues. Sander's fails in this respect.

It looks to me like Sanders is running only to support Hillary Clinton. If he was serious about wanting to be president for the United States he should take her on, head to head.  Bring up the issues like Benghazi , the email scandal, the many falsehoods she had told in the past, her support for the Iraq war, her failures as Secretary of State and the host of other weaknesses she has.

Does Sanders really want to be president? So far, to me, it sure doesn't look like it. Is he hoping for a Vice-President consideration with his good friend Hillary? Possibly. But I don't think she would ever consider him for the V-P spot. Right now he appears to be only a lap dog to Clinton. He should change his tactics.

If Sanders wants to be president and get the Democratic nomination he clearly has to take the gloves off, stop saying he agrees with her on most every issue that is discussed and fight her tooth and nail. Remember the old saying - - "nice guys finish last."

Now, lets talk about the Republicans debate: The moderators were more professional  during this last debate. There was substance in the questions. It allowed the candidates to try to prove what they had. As to Kasich, he seemed an angry, irritated person. He came across like he was the only one  who deserved  to be president and acted as though all the rest of the candidates on the stage were little people beneath him. He is a self-righteous wanna-be.

Marco Rubio's presentation on defense spending won him a lot of points. However, if his poll numbers remain low I see him having a tough time in this race. Also, because he used a government credit card for his own personal use doesn't help him. If someone knowingly breaks the rules as Rubio did while in office it says a lot as to their credibility, honesty and trust. No matter what excuse the person comes up with it doesn't rationalize the wrongdoing.

Rand Paul had his best night so far in the debates. He is a principled man--standing by his convictions - - no matter what.

Carly Fiorina, keeps repeating her same ol', same ol'  song. She sounds like a "one trick" pony. She tries to come  across strong using the same blather-- saying basically,-"they would, I wouldn't, "they won't, I will." It's a great sound bite but I don't know how far that tack will get her.Plus, I think her stump campaign presentation is fading fast. She doesn't appear to do as good on the campaign trail as she does on the debate stage. Is she still on the main stage because of her gender? Some people think so.

Jeb Bush, didn't falter. He held his own  this time around. But he is a person that just seems  blah, milk toasty and someone who still thinks politics of the past,  I believe he fails to impress voters and this chance at the presidency may be his last. if he stays in the single digits I don't see him gaining any traction so that  he can keep himself in the race. However, with the Bush name it's possible that  he will be allowed to remain on the  main stage. Is that fair? Who knows?

Cruz, holds his own. He is articulate, polished and comes across with knowledge of the facts - - a sincere man. I see him as having a very strong chance of grabbing the nomination.

Trump is a steamroller even though he lost points on foreign policy during the debate.Trump holds his own even though he is vague on issues and policy.  His appeal to the voters is that he says what he wants and is pressing the right buttons that Americans are very concerned about. Here's a man that did well all his life, He knows how to run business around the world and when he said he would do things, he actually did them. I get the feeling voters trust him and  trust that he will do what he says he will do. Trump clearly has no large amounts of baggage like many other candidates  in the race, either Democrat or Republican. He's a good family man. A family that appears never to have been in trouble. His kids are super intelligent who apparently stayed out of trouble and put their nose to the grindstone to pursue their own career goals. Trump also is spending his own money in the race for the White House. This man has a lot going for him when compared to many of the other candidates on both sides of the aisle.

Ben Carson has a credibility and trust problem to overcome - - a big one. With this guy you don't know when he's telling the truth or fabricating and making things up. That seems a big hurdle to overcome. Like Rubio, I think Carson has a credibility, honesty and trust problem.

Chris Christie really came out on top in the under card debate. He should have been included in the tier one candidates on the main stage.

I think some of these candidates will fall by the wayside soon. That may occur  possibly after the next debate of either party and/or after the Iowa primaries. - And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Dr. Kuhns can be reached at:

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