The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Sunday, November 15, 2015



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

As I predicted, the hits just keep coming and coming with Ben Carson, candidate for president of the United States. News media continued to find false and admitted untruthful statements regarding Carson's life.

The Wall Street Journal looked into statements Carson made in his 1990 autobiography, "Gifted Hands." Dr. Carson wrote that while a Junior at Yale he was in a psychology class called Perceptions 301 and the professor told the class that their final exam had been burned up and the entire class of 150 students had to retake the exam.In  his book Carson said the new exam was even much tougher than the first. He went on to say that all of the students but himself walked out of if the class. He also related that the female professor and a photographer from the Yale Daily News "walked up to me, paused and snapped a picture of me." He also said that the teacher told him the incident was a  "hoax." Supposedly the teacher said "We wanted to see who was the most honest student in the class." Carson wrote; "The professor handed me a $10.00 bill." BUT FOLKS --according to the Wall Street Journal: No photos of Carson ever ran in the Yale Daily News. They even went back and checked the newspapers  archives.  During the time Carson said this incident happened there was no such class as "Perceptions 301." In addition, Yale Librarian, Claryn Spies said there was "NO" psychology course by that name OR class number during any of the time Mr. Carson spent at Yale.

The Wall Street Journal also shined a light on another Ben Carson falsehood which he posted on Facebook where he claimed that "Every signer of the Declaration of Independence had no elected office experience." The newspaper interviewed Benjamin Carp, associate professor of history at Brooklyn College, who is also author of books on the American Revolution. "  Mr. Carp  stated that Thomas Jefferson;  Samuel Adams; John Hancock and many other signers of the document had been "elected members" of their colonial assemblies before signing the Declaration of Independence,"

Looking at the success of  Carson's Scholarship Fund to other non-profits, Carson continues to claim that 9 out of 10 non-profits fail. But the Washington Post Fact Checker rated his statements as false and the paper calls  Carson's assertions regarding the matter "WHOPPER'S." It should be noted in an article by Charles Blow, noted  columnist, that out of 19 claims made by Ben Carson, so far, the fact-checking site PolitiFact said none had been ruled "true."

Also when Carson claims he DID NOT have an involvement with the nutritional supplement company Mannatech (who committed many alleged illegal and unlawful acts) have also been proved false.He was involved with this thieving company.

Side Note: The other day a newspaper article  reported on the people in Iowa supporting Dr.Carson for president . Some interviewed said they DO NOT care if he lied and they will vote for him in their upcoming election, anyway. What?   Here's a man that has been caught in NUMEROUS falsehoods and being dishonest on many, many subjects during his run for president. Some people have even said Carson was a "serial, dishonest storyteller." If that be the case, does the people of Iowa really want someone  like that as our Commander-In -Chief", the president of the United States? Why would someone want to vote for a person that has no compunction about weaving known falsehoods?

I suggest that if the people in Iowa cast a vote for Dr. Carson in their upcoming elections they will be voting for someone similar to Hillary Clinton who apparently loves to tell falsehoods - -which some call LIES. Remember the Benghazi whopper? Hillary Clinton told the  American public that the attack in Benghazi was the result of a "video." while telling her relatives, family and leaders around the world that the Benghazi attack was done by terrorists. If individuals like that lied to the the American people then, what makes you think they will not lie when it suits their purpose and their agenda?

Finally, I saw a campaign ad by Ben Carson last night.  In essence, the ad shows him telling the American people that they need someone they can trust and someone who is honest.Really?  That seems to be a contradiction on his part, doesn't it? - And, that's my opinion.Make your own decisions. You decide.

Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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