The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Take the Award and Cap Limits Off of Medical Malpractice


LAS VEGAS- Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

A Judge in Los Angeles issued a temporary ruling allowing visitation of a disabled patient with her 4-year-old triplets. Hooray! Now 34 year-old Abbie Dorn will be granted visits with her children. This woman was so badly brain damaged by "medical errors" during childbirth that she can no longer walk, talk, or eat.

Can you imagine a woman going to doctors and a hospital for delivery of a child and then wind up paralyzed and unable to walk, talk or eat all because of incompetent care. Currently there are 100,000 medical errors made by doctors, hospitals and health care personnel each and every year. And, that figure is climbing even after a decade of health care professionals aware of the problem.

Yet, the doctors, hospitals, nurses and health providers continue to make the same mistakes over and over all the while saying they want limits and caps put on malpractice awards.

What price a person, a body? There are some states that have caps of only $250,000 or $350,000. Those caps were put in place by the medical community scaring people by saying they can't afford to pay for malpractice insurance. They argue that if there were not limits as to how much they could be sued for they would leave the state.

Some states fell for their antics but people like Abbie Dorn are the one's who suffer. What price would you put on your spouse, your mother, your father, even your children? Would $350,000 be sufficient for the damage caused by an incompetent doctor or hospital? Well, it's happening right now in many states and because a person can only sue for such a small amount attorneys are reluctant to take on a medical malpractice case.

My view, if the doctors cannot afford malpractice insurance to cover serious or fatal injuries that they caused to a patient, they shouldn't be practicing. It's my opinion that there should be no cap limit on the amount of monies a person can sue a medical doctor, hospital or health care provider for if they are are proven to have injured the patient. I submit that if the medical profession would police their own and alert the public to their bad colleagues and rid it's ranks of those bad doctors and personnel they would not get sued as often.

As a side note: There is a doctor practicing here in Nevada that had, count them,--(NINE) malpractice cases that occurred in different states and some of the malpractice resulted in the death of the patient. Did other doctors know this guy was a bad apple? Probably. Did they do anything about his quality of care? No. When this man was caught putting his patients in danger here in Nevada the medical board only "suspended" his medical license.

In conclusion-do not buy into the argument that medical doctors cannot afford insurance or that the doctors will flee the state if the people of the state does not vote to put limits of medical malpractice awards. Think of your family before you cast that vote.- And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by e-mail at:

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