The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Japan Disaster Proves We Need "Made In USA" Back Again

THE DOCTOR IS IN _______________

VEGAS- Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

The disaster in Japan is devastating. That act of nature quickly brought to the forefront the perilous situation America is in.

In recent days because of Japan's problem we here in the United States are just beginning to suffer. Let me explain.Many food products from Japan is tainted with radiation and cannot be eaten so the seafood prices here in the States will begin to rise. Toyota and other auto companies in Japan said that they are not sending cars to the U.S and if they do there will be a very limited supply. They also said that auto parts that are made in Japan will not be available to car owners here in the USA, except on an emergency demand basis.

Folks, it's not only the auto industry that will cause a hardship on the American consumer. Keep in mind that American firms and corporations chose to outsource jobs and manufacturing over the past few decades so they could save a dime and do the job on the cheap. We are now at the mercy of Japan and other countries for most everything that the United States really needs.

Past jobs in this country that consisted of American manufactured and built electronics, telecommunications, phones, microchips, televisions, etc., were outsourced to Japan which in turn made our country dependent on Japan for those items. As an illustration, lets look at the electronic tablets and phones that come out of Japan. I predict that you will be hard pressed to receive parts and/or repairs on the old model and as to buying a new model . . .what are the chances? I bet the chances are slim to none for a long, long, time.

Japan also makes and supplies much of our military weapon software and hardware and don't forget the airline industry. Japan supplies most major airlines with parts. Basically, in every segment of our economy we are dependent on Japan as well as other countries like China, India, Taiwan, South Korea, Indonesia, etc., for our goods. That is a shame. In this century the United States doesn't produce or manufacture anything of real value anymore. The "Made in the U.S.A." slogan is dead and gone, all in the name of corporations wanting to improve their bottom line and satisfy their stockholders.

I remember the time when Wal-Mart advertised and bragged that they would only sell items made in the USA. That was one of the main reasons millions of Americans began shopping at Wal-Mart but, that promise didn't last long. It wasn't long until most or all of the items in the Wal-Mart's were labeled "Made in China, Taiwan, etc.--so much for looking out for America and it's workers, right?

We have only our politicians and large corporations to blame. The lawmakers allowed the large corporations to outsource jobs to save a buck and those same lawmakers accepted contributions and stacks of money from the corporate lobbyists so they could stay in office. The lawmakers sold their soul to the devil.

We have a rust belt throughout the Midwest, we've seen the death of our manufacturing industry in the South and it looks like our electronic silicon empire in the West is becoming obsolete.

Folks, we used to produce everything from the smallest widgets, to furniture, small and large electronics and appliances, carpets, iron and steel, airplanes and yes, automobiles and so, so much more. Our politicians allowed that to all disappear and now the United States has to depend on all of these other countries and third world nations for our survival and national security. That's wrong.

A suggestion - - Congress could change the corporation tax law to accommodate all of the large corporations so they could bring back the outsourced jobs to America. Why should our corporation be levied a 35% tax when other countries offer our American corporations 12 and 15% taxes? Lets get on a level playing field and then when the tax rate in brought in line with other countries Congress can then mandate that all corporations are prohibited from hiding behind tax shelters off shore. I submit, that is a start to put people back to work in this country.

Final point. We have to get back to the time America was building and manufacturing everything we need for our countries survival and national security. - And, that's my opinion. Make your own judgment and decisions. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D.,, O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by e-mail at:

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