The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Obama, Keep Your Nose Out of Libya: It's Their Own Civil War

THE DOCTOR IS IN _______________

VEGAS- Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

This administration seems to relish in wars and trying to be the policemen of the world. My view is that we should have been out of Afghanistan at least two years ago. Promises by Obama seem to be very hollow. He spouts and preaches "hope" but all of us always "hope" that something will change or be different but that word "hope" by President Obama means nothing. Instead of "hope" he should tell the American people what he is going to do and then act on his words. Action speaks more loudly than :" Let's all have hope." This president missed his calling, he should have been a minister or a preacher and not a president. Many qualities of a president should include such things as being concise, determined, forceful, prudent and a person who can take action and deliver on the actions they say they are going to perform. This president has failing grades on action. He and his speech writers continually beat the drum of "hope", nothing more. And, I voted for this guy. I'm really disappointed.

Prior to being elected president, Obama was opposed to the war in Iraq and he promised to bring all of our troops home from Iraq and Afghanistan. He did neither. Instead, he increased troop levels and escalated the war. He promised us voters he would close Guantanamo but he broke that promise and continues to play politics with that issue.

Obama promised to take care of all of the important domestic issues here in America but he fell down on that promise also. His continues to spend billions of dollars a year trying to rehabilitate Afghanistan , building their roads, schools, electric grids, utilities and teach their children and feed the people in that country while letting our country fall into disrepair. Folks, we have tens of thousands of children and veterans right here in America going to bed each night hungry. Many are homeless and walking America's streets without proper medical care. Our roads and highways are a disaster with century old plumbing beneath out city streets breaking and exploding causing death and destruction. Our electric grids here in the United States are obsolete and we have running blackouts across the nation. Our bridges are collapsing and causing fatalities across the country and our borders are so porous it looks like a piece of Swiss cheese. Yet, this president and his administration can draw up borders in other countries and protect those borders. What a joke.

Obama and his ilk continue to pay billions and billions of dollars to Karzai and his country with the full knowledge that Karzai, his family, friends and associates are corrupt and more crooked that a dogs hind leg. I submit that those billions of our tax dollars being thrown at Karzai could be put to very good use here in the good ol' USA. It's time to spend those dollars on our children, our homeless vets, our roads, bridges and infrastructure.

WARNING! It looks like it's not going to happen anytime soon though. Now, Obama wants to stick his nose into another countries "civil war", that being Libya. People from Lybia are fighting among themselves in an attempt to overthrow Gaddafi but Obama and some senators want to interfere . Obama appears to have a war monger streak. It looks like he wants to perpetuate wars.

Right now we are fighting three (3) wars. Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan and this administration is actually thinking about involving our military in another war. Obama is talking about such things as "no- fly zones" over Libya, covert insurgents and providing military aid and intelligence to people in Libya that want to overthrow Gaddafi.

I say, let the people of Libya fight their own battles. If they want to overthrow their leaders, let them do it on their own. It's their country and the people of Libya should handle this situation on their own. We here in America fought our own "civil war" and we should let Libya earn their own freedoms by fighting for it by themselves.

I truly believe it would be a big mistake to use a "no fly zone" over Libya. Senator Kerry and all the rest of those arm chair generals should stop making television sound bites. The only reason a "no-fly zone would be initiated is to drop tons of bombs on Libya to knock out the countries air defense system and provide cover for our planes and prevent Libya from attacking our ships and bases in the area. It's a no win situation.

So, like Bush did in Iraq, (a preemptive) strike against a sovereign country, Obama is actually contemplating the same situation. I would say that once we interfere in Libya's internal affairs and if we do conduct a military strike against that country in any way, shape or form, the situation will indeed escalate in something much more dangerous.

Mark my words, I predict that if Obama and these wishy-washy senators push for no-fly zones, or advocate taking out Libya's defense system (which requires bombing) you can bet Gaddafi "WILL" cut off any oil supplies and possibly destroy oil fields and that any provocative act by the U.S. will clearly disrupt the flow of oil all through the middle east. That is not happening now so why interrupt the flow of oil UNLESS the United States and it's oil barons and the elite few that control oil prices want to cause such a disruption for reasons of their own. Another result would be that the Libyan people and other factions in the Mideast would rally together with the Libyan population and view Obama and the USA as the "imperial power" that wants to stomp their footprint in each and every country around the world.

Further I predict that once any type of military action is taken against Gaddafi and some of his people, -- the war is on. More people will die, some by American bombs and eventually we will have to plant some of our troops on Libyan soil and like Iraq and Afghanistan, our military men and women will be brought home in body bags.

These war hawks who are sitting in Washington, fat and comfortable, should stop pushing a war on another country when it is clearly not our business whatsoever. So, no-fly zone? That won't stop the blood shed. I would submit that Gaddafi will use ground troops and vehicles like tanks, and military vehicles that can still maim and destroy.

Like Iraq and Afghanistan it appears the president and our senators start and fight wars because of oil. So far, oil has been moving around the world without interruption but you can bet that if these lawmakers (who think they're playing a video game) strike out at Libya there will certainly be an oil interruption. The only reason the price of gasoline has been rising in the USA is because of words like "MAYBE" (the Suez will be blocked) or Gaddafi "MIGHT" not release oil or, the Suez "COULD" be shut down, etc.---

Could've, should've, might is not reality. If the Suez WAS shut down or Gaddafi destroyed his oil fields then say: The cost of gasoline is up due to the FACT that (yada-yada-yada. However, don't squeal until you're hit.

My advice to Obama and these fat cat senators is: . Stop the rhetoric and quit puffing out your chests like a rooster just to get a few seconds of television time. Let Libya fight their own wars and then deal with who ever comes to power instead of using threats of military force and invasion against a country that has not attacked the United States. -And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by e-mail at:

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