The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Senior Citizens Should Receive COLA's Like Lawmakers & Public Employees


LAS VEGAS- Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Social Security cost-of-living (COLA) increases have not been seen by the senior citizen for two years now. In fact, 2010 and 2011 - - - zilch. Maybe, just maybe, next year the senior citizens may see one.

The government says that the cost-of-living (COLA's) adjustments are based on Labor Department calculations. When consumer prices go up, payments go up. If they stay stagnant seniors see no increase. The sad part of these small increases such as 1.2 percent is that as soon as it is put into the persons social security check it is immediately taken away by a medicare cost. The 2009 premium levels for medicare costs were: $96.40 a month, it will go to $110.50 a month and then to $115. 40. What a rip off. If the senior citizen gets an increase next year they can expect to see an actual increase in their check that amounts to only $6,$ 8, and $10.00 per month.

Keep in m mind folks that public employees such as policemen, firemen, teachers and lawmakers all over this country have guarantee's written into their contracts wherein they will receive annual cost-of-living raises of three (3%), four(4%), six (6%) and many times up to eight(8%) percent a year no matter how the economy is doing.

Fact is, the Congress people have been receiving up to six(6%) annual cost of living increases each and every year for decades. How do they receive that COLA? Here's how- back in the 1980's they made a secret pact and put it into law which states that Congress will receive these (COLA's) automatically "UNLESS" they themselves vote to decline the COLA for the year. Can you believe it? How would you, Joe and Jane Doe, on Main Street, USA , like to receive an automatic pay raise each year (unless you vote) not to take it. It would be nice, right? Don't hold your breath because it'll never happen for you people- so, for get about it.

These elite lawmakers, public employee members and their unions, who think they are an entitled group of people will continue to pig out at the trough of taxpayer monies through recessions and/or a depression and (like clock work) take their cost-of-living increases come hell or high water. Unwarranted? You bet. Keep in mind these same lawmakers and public employees also receive bonuses and merit pay as well as free or near free health care for themselves and their family for the rest of their life - - all on our dime.

I suggest that all these greedy public employees be mandated by law to enroll and belong in the Social Security program (like the rest of us common folk) and be stripped of all the guaranteed cost-of-living (COLA's), bonuses, merit pay, free or near free health care and obscene pensions that us regular people cannot receive. Nobody gives us free or near free health care for our families for the rest of our lives. If senior citizens cost-of-living is calculated on Labor Department statistics, the same should apply to every other citizen in the United States. Basically, if we seniors get an increase then everyone else will get an increase, if we don't, then no one else can get a COLA either. Parity and equity is the name of the game.

I predict that if "everyone " including Congress and public employees had to depend on Social Security and 401(k) plans for retirement then everyone would be treated equally and senior citizens would in all likelihood see regular annual COLA's. - And, that's my opinion. Make your own judgment and decisions. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by e-mail at:

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