The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Legalize Marijuana- Make Billions In Tax Revenue-Stop Drug Cartels


LAS VEGAS- Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Recently federal investigators seized 20 tons of marijuana in San Diego, California. This is nothing new. This same scenario is being played out across this country each and every day. We taxpayers are subsidizing law enforcement, ICE, DEA, and the judicial system to the tune of billions of dollars a year fighting "illegal drugs." We have been and are losing the drug war. People, we are throwing goods money after bad. Those billions of dollars we are spending each year to fight this losing war should and could be used to bolster this economy and create job opportunities for the middle class workers. The battle cry should be "LEGALIZE MARIJUANA", and I mean for everyday use like alcohol and cigarettes. It should not be limited to only medical use.

Legalization of marijuana has been on a number of ballot measures over the years and a number of states have passed the laws allowing marijuana use for "medical purposes", the most recent state was Arizona. Arizona was the 15th. state to allow the "medical marijuana" law on their books.

A very good hard scientific study just released said that "legal alcohol" is the most harmful drug available world-wide. In fact, the study said that alcohol is more dangerous that heroin and cocaine. Marijuana has been declared to be so "innocuous and relatively safe" it hardly registered in the clinical, scientific studies.

When the voters vote down these legalize marijuana ballot measures they are giving the drug cartels a win.

Folks,seventy-three (73%)percent of all illegal drugs coming into the United States is marijuana. I would suggest that all marijuana use become legal. It could be taxed and the states and Feds could see billions of dollars in tax revenues each year in their coffers.

The states and Feds are spending our tax dollars locking up prisoners everyday relating to marijuana charges costing us millions of dollars a year. We taxpayers could save the billions of dollars which are being spent on law enforcement in an attempt to stop marijuana drug distribution.

I maintain that if marijuana use was legalized and regulated it would provide much needed revenue for the government and states. It would stop the billions of dollars currently being spent to interdict marijuana shipments and use. Law enforcement could then concentrate its resources on the heroin, cocaine and all of the other illegal drugs that are killing our people.

The legalizing and taxing of marijuana would immediately stop the majority of these drug cartels using murder and kidnapping as an excuse to make money. With marijuana being legalized there would be no profit or incentive for the drug cartels to make money from it. The act of legalizing marijuana would be a big hit in the pocket of all the drug cartels operating in and outside the United States.

I would suggest-let the states set the tax on the marijuana sales, not the local government. Let the Feds regulate marijuana and get a big piece of the tax action.

With 70% of all of the illegal drugs being brought into the USA being marijuana and that marijuana is being legalized and taxed it doesn't take much of a math genius to see the advantages of the legalization of marijuana. - And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by e-mail at:

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