The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

CNN and Eliot Spitzer: Who Can Believe CNN Coverage Now ?


LAS VEGAS-Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Can you believe it! Eliot Spitzer, a disgraced politician and lawyer gets a job on CNN television network. What's the world coming too?

An investigation into Spitzer's wrongful behavior began on or about March 10, 2008. Spitzer was lying and covering up his illegal activity, while holding public office for a long, long time. Here's a guy that secretly went to places in and out of the state to engage in illegal sex. He hired prostitutes at the Emperor's Club and paid thousands of dollars an hour for their services. He also used false identities to cover up his crimes.

His reward: land a job with his own show on CNN for big bucks.. My problem is understanding why a recognized network like CNN would even consider hiring someone, or for that fact "anyone" that has proved to the nation and the world that they clearly lied to colleagues, friends, family and law enforcement in the attempt to cover up their crimes.

When anyone uses a false identity and knowingly plans in advance to deceive and lie while committing a crime or any type of illegal activity, while holding public office is a person that cannot be trusted. Mr. Spitizer's credibility was "zero" the minute he got caught committing his crimes. He gives people still another reason why they should not trust lawyers, or the media.

How can anyone in this nation trust this man's analysis on anything, let alone, issues and topics relating to world news and political and/or legal opinions and general news of the day? If Spitzer was predisposed to plan out his illegal activities and knowingly lie and cover up his wrongdoing then, the odds are he will lie, deceive and utter false information when talking to the general public now.

How can television viewers believe this person? CNN just lost all credibility with me by hiring someone of Spitzer's character and reputation. I would submit that CNN should have let this man fade away and possibly seek employment in a profession far away from media exposure.If CNN wanted to hire another employee I would think that there are many honest, competent and qualified journalists and media people in this country that could do what Spitzer was hired to do. It makes one wonder what deals were made to have Spitzer represent CNN, and why.

Spitzer's employment on CNN is telling . . . the moral fabric of this nation has come undone and proves that the media will put themselves in the gutter for ratings or money, or both.

If I cannot get honest news, opinions and commentary from someone I can trust that particular network is clearly not worth watching.- And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by e-mail at:

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