The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Body Scans,Pat Downs? Sexual Assault? Could Be! Read About Lois's Treatment


LAS VEGAS-Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

I was asked to respond to the controversy surrounding the TSA and it's enhanced security measures. Yes, I believe they are very intrusive and further believe that if they are challenged in court they will be found to be unconstitutional.

FIRST, lets talk about PAT DOWNS: Some of my objections to these new measure are that the aggressive pat downs by TSA personnel violates one's privacy rights. I am not a lawyer but in my opinion I would submit that if any other person other than these TSA government employee's put their hands on another person as these employees are currently doing they would immediately be arrested for but not limited to such things as: physical assault, battery, sexual assault, sexual perversion, and the list could go on, and on.

No prudent married man would want anyone groping, touching and feeling his wife or his daughter or son in this gross, inappropriate manner. And that goes for President Obama. Oh, by the way,because of the recent complaints the incompetent Director of Homeland Security said that "children under 12 years old" will also be exempt from pat downs. Oh, Boy! Really? What about the 13 year old through 18 years old? Don't they deserve not to be felt up by strangers? Let's even go one further-what about those 18 year old through 30's something?

A SIDE NOTE:TSA just exempted airline pilots in uniform and those pilots who are off duty traveling on airline business from any pat downs and body scans. You can bet that all of those pilots out of uniform who are going to fly are going to claim they are on airline business.Also exempt--CONGRESS and the Washington LAWMAKERS. These idiots make laws that we have to abide by each and every day but they most always exempt themselves from these same laws. They refuse to abide by the laws they make for United States residents over and over again.

Why should Congress be treated differently than some 13 year old flying passenger? Based on the track record of some of these Congress people some have proven to be cheats, liars and corrupt individuals yet they cloak themselves in immunity from scrutiny while at the same time implying that the young child or senior citizen cannot be trusted. That is hypocrisy in its highest form.

EXAMPLE-CITE: House Republican Leader, John Boehner who recently had occasion to fly was permitted to bypass both the "body Scan and the aggressive pat down." The TSA employees walked him around both security measures. Fair? No Way! But it is happening everyday. Politicians,lawmakers and alleged movers and shakers in this country fail to abide by the laws they impose on everyone else.

Here's a story to consider: Lets look at one recent case of TSA patting down a flying traveler. Let's call the lady LOIS. At the airport Lois went through the body scanner and the TSA agent saw something he/she could not understand so Lois was told to submit to a pat down. She was taken to a secluded area and was patted down with the "aggressive techniques." The agent ran her hands up the woman's legs, between her crotch and around her private areas. The agent then ran their hands around Lois's breasts and felt something. Lois told the TSA agent that she had breast surgery and that she wore a prosthetic. The agent told her to take off her blouse, Lois complied and removed the blouse. Again, Lois said that she was wearing a prosthetic because of the breast surgery. The TSA agent still was not satisfied and told Lois to remove the prosthetic. Lois was surprised at the request but was also frightened following the very intrusive pat down and again, complied with the TSA agents instructions.

My thoughts regarding Lois - - this TSA federal employee clearly over stepped his/her bounds. This agents need to exert what little power they possess to show they can do what they want is ridiculous. No one was there to supervise the agent or tell that agent not to do what they did. There was no video monitoring anywhere in the room so that what I would describe as -(assault, both physical and mental)could be documented for Lois's protection.

Here's one thought: The government has dogs that can sniff out, drugs, weapons, chemicals and liquids, etc. - - There are also dogs that are trained and being used here in the United States to sniff out various diseases that a person may have. Dogs have been used to detect such things as diabetes, kidney disease, cancer(s) (i.e.) prostate. There is a dog that can sniff anyone or anything for most items,products and chemicals on the market today. Using the dogs and the present technology to scan for explosives, weapons and chemicals there should be no reason to institute these high risk body scans or aggressive pat downs on people. I submit that with the metal detector walk through by travelers, the scans of the carry on baggage and checked luggage,and use of dogs for the various liquids, chemicals, powders, etc., that should suffice. Naturally, if a person looks suspicious or fits a profile they should be asked to go to another area and be interviewed more thoroughly.

Suggestion: If these invasive, aggressive body pat downs continue they should only be made by: a medical doctor or physicians assistant. The only other persons that should be able to touch another persons body or feel and touch in and around an individuals private parts is a health professional in the privacy of an examination room. That is how it has been since the beginning of time and that relationship should still be held inviolate. I would say that any reasonable person only trusts themselves and a doctor to feel, touch, probe, their body parts and/or their family members body.

SECOND:- Lets talk about the intrusive Body Scans: Are they radiation driven? Yes, they are. Should people be exposed to radiation? My opinion, No! Folks, one CAT scan, only ONE,is equivalent to THIRTY (30) dental x-rays. Radiation builds up in one's body.Radiation causes cancer just to mention one disease let alone all the other possible side effects radiation may incur on one's body. Again, my opinion is that radiation "kills!" People, there have been controversial studies that even the slight radiation from one's cell phone may be very detrimental to a person's body and health. It has even been suggested that the small amounts of radiation from that cell phone use may even cause cancer of the brain to some extent.

The Director of Home Land Security and the government lapdogs that have an agenda tell us citizens that the amount of radiation given off by these super body scanners is very low dose and does not harm the body of the traveler. Do you trust governments reports and believe everything the government tells you?

In the past the government told us there was no dangerous arsenic, mercury, pesticides and other chemical levels in the water we drink.Guess what, the pollutants in the water are changing male fish and frogs into the female gender even changing their genitalia They have told us that certain medications were not harmful to us yet look at the medications constantly being pulled off of the market on a daily basis for killing people.

Reports,promises and assurances put out by the government in most every area of life often have proven to be false, misleading and outright lies. So, my question: If the government has been predisposed to put out false and misleading or inaccurate information in the past what makes you believe that any new reports or pronouncements by government officials will be reliable and honest?

There have been instances where the government have had their experts change official reports to fit their political agenda (i.e)for one, climate change. There are numerous other examples where government reports have been skewed or altered, especially in the scientific field of study.

Do I trust what the Director of Homeland Security tells me about the radiation scanners? Personally, No! Can you image a business man or woman who has to fly each and every day because of their employment and these people going through these super body scanners at least twice a day, too and from work, five or six days a week? What will be the long term effects of that radiation exposure on those business travelers? Can the government tell you with "medical certainty" that long exposure to the radiation from the body scans will not harm you? I doubt it!

While you're thinking about that I want you to remember that no airline pilot will have to be concerned about those health risks and our lawmakers in Washington, D.C. also exempted themselves from any health dangers.

Obama says that he understands the furor over the screenings and said he relies on the advice of his counter terrorism team to advise him as to when he can alter or change the intrusive procedures. That's nice. He doesn't have to expose himself or his daughters or spouse to these humiliating and intimidating security checks so he really has no understanding of the situation. I would suggest that his counter terrorism team and his advisor' s want to look good in his eyes so they feed him misinformation to justify their position and employment.

Fact is, at what point do these rubber gloved strangers stop harassing the disabled in wheelchairs, the elderly and the young fresh-faced high school and college kids and use common sense and competent judgment when it come to choosing who might be a clear and present danger and whom to search. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to make a reasonable evaluation that an 80 year old senior citizen in a wheelchair or a high school or college student wearing flip flops and shorts is not a mass murderer or bomber. And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by e-mail at:

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