The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Friday, July 3, 2020



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

To the residents of Oklahoma and Wisconsin. It is time and over due to DUMP your Republican Senators and replace them with Republicans that are not RINO's.

Senator Lankford (R) from Oklahoma and Senator Ron Johnson (R) from Wisconsin is pushing a bill  to DO AWAY with Columbus Day and replace it with Juneteenth. WHAT?

Folks, COLUMBUS DAY was  first celebrated in the United States on  October 12, 1792. This nation has been celebrating that day for centuries and yet these two RINO's (Republicans In Name Only)  bent over and gave into  the mob of  anarchists and began pushing  the idea of replacing this  centuries old day of celebration with JUNETEENTH, a day that most of the country became aware of only weeks ago.

I suggest that if JUNETEENTH  is to be recognized as a Federal holiday. Great! Make it a Federal holiday, set a specific date. Do it. That's fine. But  who's  lame idea, other than BLM (Black Lives Mattter, Antifa and other radical anarchists is it to RENAME and REPLACE Columbus Day. I believe the only reason BLM, Antifa, and other anarchist groups want to replace Columbus Day is  to erase American History from the world, and these two lame brain Senators are more than willing to join the mob, genuflect and grovel and go along with the domestic terrorists radical philosophy.

Folks, we  in America can live with Juneteenth as a Federal holiday, and celebrate when it arrives but that DOES NOT mean we have to erase and eliminate the Federal  holiday of Columbus Day already  being recognized and celebrated throughout the years.

As a side note: The same could apply to statues that certain groups dislike. Leave the current statues and historical monuments around the country stand as is. There is no reason why these groups cannot  build their own statute of the hero's they honor. And ALL of the statues and monuments, (those  already erected and the new ones being erected by these groups) can also have plaques attached with explanations and context.

I am disappointed in seeing any Senator, Congressperson or administration official decide to bend to the mobs will and willingly, knowingly and actually take moves and push an effort to wipe away and erase America's history that this country was built on.

These two Senators , James  Lankford, of Oklahoma  and Ron Johnson, of Wisconsin are  a disgrace to the country and the Congress. The American citizens and voters  living in Oklahoma and Wisconsin  should dump these two idiots in a heartbeat. I believe their actions are disgusting.

I would suspect that there are a number excellent Republicans residing in these states that believe in America, it values, its history and the American way of life. Republicans that do not become spineless and weak and fold and bend to anarchist group whims and  wishes. It's people that believe in America, its values and history that should be representing  Oklahoma and Wisconsin. It is clear that these two states need good candidates to run for office against these two losers.

Finally, Yes, I will celebrate Juneteenth  if it becomes a federal holiday BUT not if it has to replace a federal holiday that has been celebrated since 1792. So, my suggestion to Congress, KEEP COLUMBUS DAY as a Federal holiday and also make Juneteenth a Federal holiday. Both can be celebrated. You do not have to tear down one thing to replace it with another. - And, that's my opinion. I suggest you look at the situation and come to your own conclusions. You decide.

Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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