The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Friday, July 3, 2020



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

First a few paragraphs directed to Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and all the anarchist groups currently trying to destroy America's history, free speech, and our educational system.

The destruction of  America's historical statues and monuments by Black Lives Matter, Antifa, Bolsheviks, Marxists anarchists has to stop. My suggestion to these radical groups is that if you  do not  appreciate the historical figures already in place around America, ERECT YOUR OWN statues and monuments of whom you believe merits a statute. The rest of America has no problem with that.

Many in the Black Lives Matter organization say they want to tear down  the statues we now have standing and REPLACE them with their own black figures. HEY, NEWS FLASH! All of you in the Black Lives Matter and Antifa groups can easily erect statues to your own choosing. In fact, you could build statues of your hero's side by side with the statue you disagree with. You could also build hundreds of statues all over the nation. Your group cannot say, it doesn't have the money because just in the past three weeks your organization intimidated and  threatened large corporations and tech giants into paying Black Lives matter BILLIONS OF DOLLARS. So---Black Lives Matter, Antifa and all the rest of you anarchists, I suggest we all live with America's past and historical monuments. That history happened. Erect your own statues and monument history with you OWN money and not taxpayer money. Honor those people you want to honor. No one is stopping you from doing that. And the rest of America will live with your statutes along with the  historical statues and monuments already here.

Now, something else worthy of mention. The president and the administration has to step up to the plate and take immediate action against these radical domestic terrorists at the time they initially start to disrupt and destroy property in any state, in the nation .

I suggest that President Trump go with his own wishes and against the advice of his spineless, feckless advisers around  him. Instead of backing off, backing down and letting these radical domestic terrorists have their way he should  immediately order up (over objections of his advisers) the National Guard in each and every state, Federal Marshal's and the FBI to quell and squelch and put down the domestic terrorist acts being committed by the Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and all other terrorist groups. The last I heard-- "domestic terrorism"is a CRIME.  I believe it is the FBI's job to investigate and bring to justic, domestic terrorists.

Letting these terrorist get away with the tearing down and destruction of one historical statue or monument only emboldens these groups to become even more aggressive and then it escalates into two statues, then, 3,4,5,,6 and so on. Allowing the groups to confiscate even  100 feet of public property, ends up with them taking 6 blocks, 7 blocks, etc., and allowing them to invade and take over even one police precinct gives them the implicit incentive to take over another police precinct, and another, and another. And yes, allowing them to take over  a City Hall in  any city under the guise of a  peaceful protest will embolden them  to move on other City Halls and government building.

Example of the anarchist demands: New York City Mayor deBlasio willingly gave the terrorists what they wanted which  was a one(1) BILLION DOLLAR CUT in the police department budget but immediately after that was done the radical Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (AOC) went public said that wasn't enough and now they want MORE. The mob is now refusing to leave  City Hall after they  said they would leave if deBlasion defunded the police department by 1 BILLION DOLLARS. Folks, as I said, give the bullies and anarchists an inch and they take a mile.The silent majority of this country that loves America and the American way has to speak out, say ENOUGH is ENOUGH, and stand up to these bullies.Those who love America has to know that whatever you give radicals and bullies will NEVER be enough.

I say the first act of vandalism, such as graffiti being spray painted  on  any statue, the walls of any City Hall or  a government building is a clear indication that the so-called peaceful protest IS NOT peaceful and  law enforcement(including National Guard, FBI, Federal Marshal's and local law enforcement agencies) should immediately remove ANY AND ALL alleged protesters from the premises.

The Trump administration should override any  Governor's or Mayor's orders and  TAKE CHARGE of these situations and in conjunction with local law enforcement backed up by National Guard and federal  law enforcement, line the streets with  prison buses and take into custody the entire lot of alleged protesters, whether  that be one (1), or three-hundred (300 hundred) at a time. If any one individual is in the group of protesters. they are, by definition, A PROTESTER. And if  destruction or damage was done the entire mob in essence is responsible for that crime. DO NOT give any protester a free pass. File charges, impose very stiff fines, and convict them all of destroying private and public property. A mob cannot be allowed to rule. Law and order HAS to prevail. There has to be consequences for this mob action. If these wanna- be play soldiers do not want to pay stiff fines and spend time in jail then they should stay away  from joining the mob in the first place. Hell,I am not an attorney  but I suspect that if the mob will not disperse and vacate a building or area when lawfully ordered to do so by law enforcement, I am sure there are laws on the books for unlawful or illegal assembly. Use them.

If if fact, the alleged protesters are PEACEFUL protesters, they will march PEACEFULLY with their signs and speech while being divided by  designated  areas, lines and fences allowed by permit to march and protest. They can still get their protest seen and heard and get their point across away from any radical group of anarchists like Black Lives Matter and Antifa, etc. - And, that's my  opinion. I suggest you look at the situation and form your own conclusions. You decide.

Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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