The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

FOX NEWS  is becoming a real DUD of a TV network network. In addition to its format of operating  an infomercial of commercials (running FIVE) minutes of commercials every FIVE minutes, which is outrageous, their programming is beginning to fall by the wayside. I call FOX news Network "flash and dash" news. By the time the host or hostess (moderator) bring up an issue  for  discussion,each guest if lucky, has only one or one-and- half  minutes to get their point across. Ridiculous. That's why I say Fox news is  only a "flash and dash" news outlet. However,  FOX NEWS, "THE TUCKER CARLSON SHOW," even with the FIVE minute interruptions of annoying commercials mostly discusses and comments on the issues solo, and if and when he does call  a guest, it is usually only one guest  at a time.Carlson asks the guest the question and then generally SHUTS UP and listens while his guest responds without interruption, unlike all of the other shows like HANNITY, INGRAHAM, WATTERS McCALLUM, etc.

Carlson covers the issues and gives his guest time to respond to the specific issue. The rest of the Fox show moderators upstage their guests, they constantly interrupt the guests (usually two or three guests at a time) . As moderators/hosts Hannity, Ingraham, Watters, McCallum and others ask a question, they go on, and on, and on, spewing a dissertation and sermon leading into the question. By the time the hosts  face time and dissertation is over, the guest only has about one minute to get their opinion out  and even then these moderators interrupt the guests response. It's nothing but a garbage festival folks, allowing these hosts to promote and sell their books and rush to the next batch of commercials for FIVE minutes. Fox News commentators favorite phrase seems to be "we're up against a hard break, we have to go.--AND, then they cut the guest off.

Fox should take a page from the TUCKER CARLSON SHOW format and advise other show moderators to discuss the relevant issue and  only speak to one guest at a time instead of having a panel of guests of 2,3, and 4 at a time.

The only good and informative portion of these Fox News  moderators are their monologues. During the monologue they speak on a specific issue and get their point across. That's great. Maybe it would be better for these hosts to spend the hour, solo,  commenting on issues that they have opinions on and occasionally interview one guest during the show for their opinion regarding the issue at hand. Enough said. This topic is  a topic for another time . It's a story all in itself.

One of my major complaints  regarding FOX NEWS is how Fox over promises what's coming up. during the programming.

For example on July 3, 2020 the moderators continued to promise to air President Trump's Mount Rushmore celebration and address. I began watching the Fox station early in the afternoon so I could catch the celebration. Each show host that came on said we'll take you to the celebration but instead they continually presented guests and asked most guests the usual: What do you think President Trump is going to say? or "We have excerpts of the president's speech," and then proceeds to read off what the President is going to say. I say, who cares. My position is,  let us viewers hear the speech  from President Trumps lips  for ourselves and then after the speech these lame-brained teleprompter reader hosts can comment on what he said.

Folks, I, like millions of other viewers wanted to watch the celebration, music and speeches being carried out at Mount Rushmore. I wanted to hear the Governor of South Dakota and others give their  speech. Instead, Fox News moderators let us viewers selectively hear only about one(1)minute of the Governors speech as they were going into a FIVE minute commercial break.

Folks, FOX NEWS advertised- " watch the Mount Rushmore celebration with us" but instead of allowing the viewers to enjoy a holiday celebration hearing the speakers, listening to the music and watch what is actually happening at the Mount Rushmore celebration  FOX chooses to say: "We will monitor the situation and bring you" anything we think is worth hearing. REALLY? I personally tuned in to watch the Rushmore celebration,  not listen to a bunch of moderators fighting for face time and going over the same old stale material  and pabulum just to fill air time until the next round of COMMERCIALS. I , and other viewers do not need some TV host telling us what is important and worth mentioning . We can make our own informed decision on what we choose to bring away from  the program and speeches being offered.

And people, BELIEVE IT OR NOT we were suckered again for the second time during President Trumps's Fourth of July event. Once again FOX was spouting such things as:  "Join us at FOX to celebrate the Fourth of July celebration in Washington D.C." but AGAIN, instead of allowing viewers to hear the military bands playing music, listen to speeches and watching what is occurring on the South Lawn, these ego driven hosts/moderators fighting for face time on TV continued to say, stay with us, we will go to the  July Fourth celebration shortly or, in a moment we will go to the Fourth of July celebration. It was a BIG RIP OFF people.

As I said before the only show worthwhile and worth watching on FOX NEWS in order to get  relevant information on issues is the TUCKER CARLSON SHOW. Personally, that is  the only show on FOX NEWS I will watch and recommend. Other than the Carlson show I would suggest viewers begin watching one of my favorite news channels "ONE AMERICA NEWS" This network tries to present issues from all sides, and believe it or not, OAN has less commercial breaks. Side Note: However, if OAN begin to feed us viewers FIVE MINUTES of commercials and FIVE minutes of programming I will certainly tune them out like I did with Fox News and find a new source.

I would love to see FOX return to the excellent programming they had in years past.  There was a time when they DID NOT run commercials EVERY FIVE MINUTES. FOX basically  was one of the first to start this trend of FIVE MINUTES of commercials and only FIVE minutes of program content, and it SUCKS.

Since Fox started the trend of commercials every FIVE minutes other TV networks began to do the same. I submit, at the least television networks should run programming content for ten(10) minutes before a commercial break. Viewers should not have to be a captured audience of FIVE minutes of programming, then FIVE minutes of commercials (Hell, that's ten(10) to fifteen(15) commercials during the five minute time period.). I suggest that if these GREEDY networks want to make more money off of their commercials they should CHARGE the advertisers and sponsors more money for the air time. These network giants should not subject viewers to shortened and cut programming content.

Finally, viewers, if you really want to protest something,this idiotic commercial  saturation is worth a protest. It is a protest worthy of taking to the streets.  Imagine, out of an hour program you ONLY get 30 minutes of program content. It never used to be that way folks. I am old enough to remember when we saw fifteen(15) minutes of program content and only three(3 minutes of  commercials. Most people in America has to have cable hookup in their homes to  receive TV channels and I would guess many pay over $100.00 a month, some even pay over $200.00 and we are being snookered and short changed by the TV networks.. - And, that's my opinion. I suggest you look at the situation and come to your own conclusion. You decide.

Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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