The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

What's the matter with the Republican Party? These spineless Washington Congressman continually cave to Democratic Party issues.

The Republicans do not stand up in lock step on any issue and push back against  the Democrats. The Democrats come out and push a specific play on an issue and the Republicans just sit back and take it without fighting back. They generally remain silent like a batch of crickets.

I suggest these lackluster, spineless, feckless, weak-kneed Republicans grow a pair and get a backbone and stand up and confront the Democrats. They continue to allow the Democrats to define an issue and run with it and these Republicans say NOTHING. The Republicans are currently losing the battles and they will lose the war if they CANNOT confront a Democratic spin machine on relevant issues that are important to the voters in America.

Take this issue on the riots occurring in the cities across the nation. The Dems are  framing the riots as peaceful demonstrations by peaceful protesters, and the Republican Party stays silent and let the Democratic party play this card. I would like to see the Republican  party stand up, for once, in unison, and show their faces on major media outlets and act in lockstep with a response as to how the Democrats running these liberal cities are destroying America.

And folks, it is not just the issue of the riots. There are numerous other issues like COVID-19, China and it's spying and stealing secrets, immigration, health care, etc., the list goes on and on. The Republican party cannot take any one issue and act in concert as one voice.

True, every now and then there is a sole Republican voice that  tries to lay out a case for the Republican Party but there is so much dissention in the ranks of the Republican party, they continue to fail to get a coherent message out to the voters. The Republican party has so many divergent factions within the party it seems they cannot agree on  any one thing at one time. They are to busy squandering their time  arguing and fighting among themselves and because of that they lose out.

You would think the Republican party would have learned from their previous mistakes and face up to the facts and reasons that they lost the House during the last election.

In 2016 we the voters gave the Republican parry ALL of the power they could have ever wanted. We voters gave them the majority in the House and in  the Senate, AND the White House. They had ALL THREE. They said that if we put them in charge they would work as one and get great things done. However, after taking charge they immediately began fighting and arguing amongst themselves, especially in the House and because of their constant bickering and infighting important bills that could have passed and made a big difference for Americans were tossed by the wayside. Because of their infighting within the Republican party, they lost the HOUSE, BIG TIME.

Apparently these weak, feckless Republicans continue to go down the path of not standing up and fighting as  one united party. That's a shame. Because of that they are losing the battle for the hearts and minds of the American voters. Hell, the only Republican standing up for the party is President Trump. He's out there on the edge of the cliff all by himself, whistling in the wind,  trying to do what is right for America. President Trump's own party continue to fail him and refuse to stand behind him and sound off to the media and voters as one party, one voice. - And, that's my opinion. I suggest you look at the situation and form your own conclusions. You decide.

Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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