The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Friday, October 4, 2019



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Quite a lot of businesses, corporations and industry are  moving into robotics and artificial intelligence.

I would suggest that the educational system from Kindergarten through University levels of education come into the modern age of technology and do the same.

The government and administration should take the lead and begin using the artificial intelligence and robotics in the educational systems across the country.

With the advent and advances made in the world of computers, tablets and phones, etc, intertwined and married  with artificial intelligence and robots we could take all teachers, professors, and instructors out of the classrooms. Right now,  with touch of a finger any student can bring up almost instantaneously any bit of information regarding any subject in the universe.  With search engines like Google and numerous others there is an infinite number of data bases that any student can access.

Each and every student from Kindergarten through University level study has every subject imaginable available to them. There is no limit. For example, math, science, civics, geography, history  and the other myriad  subject matter that is currently being taught in out institutions of learning can be presented by robotics. The students can access the information presented by a robot much more quickly and accurately than that being presented by a live human teacher, and the information will not have it subject to any teachers personal or political bias allowing the student to understand the subject matter fully. I submit that there is not any subject matter on this planet that cannot be accessed by the technology we have available to us today.

The life-like looking robots and artificial intelligence can be structured for specific courses of teaching and learning by the students.

Using robotics and artificial intelligence and automation in the classroom would eliminate the teachers never ending demands for ever increasing higher salaries, free health care, over-the-top retirement and pension plans. There would be no sick leave or teachers calling in sick to enforce a work slow down. The institutions would not have to pay high worker's compensation, or high health care benefits or the constant threats of  teacher walk outs and strikes, leaving children and parents  wondering what to do when they do strike.

Currently there are a lot of bad teachers working in the classrooms in this country and these bad actors cannot be fired. There have been numerous media reports citing the State of New York's teachers and describing crimes these bad teachers allegedly committed such as sexual and/or physical assault against a student and/or other serious crimes. Then there are those incompetent, bad teachers  that are cause for termination but because the powerful teachers union these teachers cannot  be fired and their cases drag on for years to be heard. Meanwhile, these bad teachers are put into what is referred to as the "rubber room", where they sit around, read books, eat snacks,watch t.v.,  and draw a full salary (at taxpayer expense) waiting for their cases to be heard. This same scenario plays out in school systems in towns and cities across the country.

Personally, I believe that teachers should not be unionized. If the educational systems in the United States were to convert to robotics and artificial intelligence to teach our students all subject matter could be offered in a straight forward, unadulterated manner, without the personal political and religious views of the teacher or instructor. The robots never get tired, get stress burnout, complain, get sick, or go  on strike and can perform at the same level 24/7 if required. They are not demanding and do not have to confront unruly students and get assault themselves.. The robots can teach the subject matter at hand much more efficiently and faster that the live teacher.

These robots can deliver voluminous amounts of information pertaining to any one specific subject, even more that one human teacher can and could depart to a student. The robots can be monitored by  one  person or remotely by video panels to insure that the robots are performing accurately.

One of the worst things that could have happened is letting teachers unionize and grow into a political machine as it did. - And, that's my opinion. Draw your own conclusions, you decide.

Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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