The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Hooray!  President Trump issued an order today to pull ALL the troops of of Syria. It's about time.

As the president says, it is time to end these endless  wars around the world. I totally agree with that policy.  The United States is not, and should not be the  the worlds policeman of the world.

That money we have been spending in Syria can be used for projects in this country and it will save American lives of those service men and women that were tasked with the mission in Syria.

The Congress, the Pentagon, and the entire military machine that sucks our life blood of billions and trillions of dollars continue to fight these never ending wars, at the determent of the United States and  the citizen taxpayers are  paying the price.

Already Lindsey Graham, always a hawk for war, who never saw a war he didn't like is complaining and trying to second guess and pooh-pooh the Presidents decision and criticize the Presidents move. What a jerk he is. This guy and other lawmakers and politicians of his ilk, many who are  making money off of  the military machine in Washington and the Pentagon is always wanting to continue wars all around the globe and always offers advice to keep a presence of military men and women in these God forsaken countries. They continue to fail to lay out a plan when they try to intercede in these conflicts around the globe. These war hawks should, before they enter these conflicts have a plan indicating exactly what there specific mission is and what they want to accomplish, then set a specific date of entering the and then have a date certain for withdrawal., whether or not they accomplished their mission or not.

 Graham and others like him has a duty to SUPPORT the Presidents policies instead of contradicting and criticizing the President. Get behind the President dummies!

If Graham wants to enact his own will and his own hawkish policies for war he should run AGAIN for President. His ideas were rejected by the American people in the voting booth when he tried to be President in the past. Bottom line, he can promote his policies and issue orders when and if he is President.

This move by President Trump to withdraw the  troops from Syria should be acknowledged by  Graham he should do everything in his power to help the President carry out this mission.

Now that the President is removing the troops from Syria, he should move to withdraw ALL troops from Afghanistan. We have been there approximately 19 years plus and it is well  over time to bring those troops home. We, the taxpayers have  spent billions and billions of dollars a year and gave the Afghanistan leaders millions and millions in corruption money, we rebuild their  schools, gas stations, infrastructure, pay off the different tribes in the region  with bribes and, FOR WHAT? The country and its corrupt officials continue to take our money by the millions  and trillions of dollars and they still cannot run their own country. They want the United States to stay in their country, fight their wars for them while they continue to grow and sell  opium and other deadly drugs to the United States population.

The military complex, the Generals and politicians that want to conduct constant wars always use the same lame argument "we are fighting them over there so they will not come here and fight us." I suggest that if and when they do ATTACK us, right here on our soil, then we retaliate , with overwhelming force and wipe them off the planet with the attitude of "take no prisoners." But until they ACTUALLY attack us on our shores and call us out, leave them alone to fight it out in their own  country to settle their own territorial disputes they may have against one another.

 Russia was a presence in Afghanistan and fought the Afghans for approximately 11 or 12 years or more and  they withdrew all of their Russian troops and returned home. People, the world didn't stop when Russia took all of their troops out of Afghanistan. Time moved on. The world's commerce continued, the stock and financial markets around the world continued to function. Banks, business's and corporations around the world went on as usual in every country on the globe. Business as usual folks. The sky didn't fall. The world didn't come to an end.

The same happened with Vietnam, we lost the lives of tens of thousands of young men and women fighting that war and we didn't stay and occupy that country-and, look at Vietnam today,  it became a prosperous country. After we bombed Japan and ended WW II, it rose up and became a prosperous country. Again, we didn't occupy the county. We let their people settle their problems on their own.

I suggest that the President continue to bring troops home from these outposts around the world. He should not buckle under any perceived pressure from people like Lindsey Graham and the military leaders. He should tell these war mongers to carry out his order and support his policy and decisions.

Lindsey Graham and some in the Pentagon, and profiteers in Congress advocate what  I call the  "Chicken Little Policy,"  where they continue to run around and shout: " " Run, run, Chicken Little, the sky is falling and if we don't fight these never ending conflicts and wars and keep American troops in the countries the world will come to and end." That's dumb. It's ridiculous.

Can you imagine, we supposedly trained the Iraq and Afghanistan Armies. But after the training many of these Iraq and Afghanistan soldiers threw down their weapons and ran. They went AWOL and ran away from the fight when they were confronted with a battle and left American military to carry their water and battle the alleged enemy.

Folks, I served in the Marine Corps and after enlisting I was sent to Camp Pendleton, California. The Marine Corps trained us to be a Marine in a couple months. After initial training all of us raw recruits were ready and able to deploy to any station in the world and fight and defend this country. Yet our lawmakers and politicians say we have to train Iraqi's and Afghan soldiers for 11 and 12 years. That's dumb. If they can train U. S. Army, Navy , Air Force and Marine raw recruits to be battle ready after two months, they should be able to train these foreign fighters the same way in the same amount of time. Problem is, these Iraqi and Afghans do not want to fight their own battles. They want to rely on the power of the United States military to do battle for them and have America spend billions of dollars giving them freebies (homes, gas stations, schools and pocket money, not including the corruption payoffs and bribes.). And our lawmakers are dumb enough to go along with the wishes of the Iraqi's and Afghans and Syrians, and they DO IT. And, still  after 11 and 12 years you hear these same lawmakers saying "we're training the Afghans, Iraqi's and Syrian military to fight their own battles." What a joke. That's our politicians excuse to maintain a constant presence of American troops in these countries and make money off of the wars, at taxpayer expense.

Let these Mideast warring countries that have been fighting among themselves for centuries battle it out on their own. If they haven't resolved their differences by now, in hundreds of years, they will not resolve them with the  assist of our United States military. Turkey and the Kurd's have been at each others throats for centuries. The Suni's and Shiitie's the same. I suggest we allow these Mideast countries to handle their own internal conflicts among themselves. Let these different factions conduct their own civil wars to determine who is in charge of their country.Thus, we, the USA deals with the government that is holding power and running those countries rather than choosing sides in the conflicts like we have done before.

I suggest we take all those billions and trillions of dollars we are dumping into  the perpetual warring countries and spend it right here at home  and build and maintain our own infrastructure, build our own schools for our own citizens. BUILD up America and take care of our needs here at  home. That will make America great. There is nothing  about making America great when our lawmakers and the Washington establishment continue squandering billions and trillions of dollars of  our tax money on these corrupt nations. - And, that's my opinion. Draw your own conclusions. You  decide.

Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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