The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Well, the unions are at it again. GM is  on strike again. They demand higher salaries, better heath care and looking for much better benefits in retirement and pensions. The worker hire in working for a living wage and get benefits and health, but get a "gimme" attitude and still demand more.

They are also afraid of automation and artificial intelligence doing them out of a job and demand to be protected and still get paid if robotics, automation and  artificial intelligence is used to build the automobiles. WOW! What a joke.

I suggest that the auto industry go completely with automation and robots to build the autos. Progress moves on. Remember when the blacksmith's who used to shoe horses were put out of a job because the automobile came  upon the scene? Times change and workers have to adapt to those changes.

The robots and automation can build the autos much more accurately that the human. Robots do not get tired, they do not complain, they do not ask for and demand over the top health care and fat, lucrative retirement and pension plans. Robots do not call in sick or wage work slow downs.They do not go on STRIKE and shut down work and production across the entire nation. They can work 24 hours a day, seven days a week turning out a product.

The auto makers will save tons of money on salaries, and benefits, insurance, employees calling in sick and filing frivolous claims against the auto companies.

If a large number of auto workers lose their job to automation they can move on and select another career path, and/or find another job somewhere. Naturally there will be a few auto workers and skeleton crew that will have to assist in the maintenance and operation of the robots and automation.  These workers can be trained for the task which will be a new career path for the lucky ones that have the skill set to adapt to progress.

Remember,  currently there are companies delivering products by self driving cars and trucks. That  also puts human workers out of their job also. But again, it's progress.
One of the reasons for these moves to automation, robots  and artificial intelligence by companies is because of the unending and over the tops demands of the workers now holding these jobs. When all of these workers signed on to work for companies they knew the wages and benefits packages  from the get go. But enough is not enough.

If these union workers worked in jobs like the millions of employees across the country that do not belong to a union they would understand that you take a job knowing the salary and benefits before you start and then depend on the employer giving you a raise or increase in salary and benefits based on your work production for the company. These non union employees  can get fired or let go at a  moments notice if they are not performing and their salary increases and benefits and vacations depends on the employee showing up and doing the job expected of them, not by have expectations of automatic raises. benefits and  protections of can't being fired or let go if they do not perform on the job.

I believe that most unions should be abolished. Unions were a good thing when they were first started and flourished in the early 1900's because back then they protected the workers from being exploited. All of the new immigrants  coming to America at that time needed some protections, but now unions outlived their usefulness, they are out dated and just a money machine for those union bosses operating the unions and the workers constant demands  for more and more.

The public employees and public sector union are the biggest offenders. Many of these pubic sector employees are bankrupting the cities and states with their constant demands for free health care, lucrative pension payouts, and salary increases. The pubic employees unions game the system.  The government should have never, ever let the public employees unionize. And, that's my opinion. Come to your own conclusions. You decide.

Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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