The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Friday, May 19, 2017



LAS VEGAS- Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

President Ttump is considering appointing former Connecticut Senator, Joe Lieberman to be the Director of the FBI. Wow! I hope he doesn't do that. This guy is the  wrong, wrong, choice to be the next Director of the FBI.

Lieberman has been on the wrong side of most every major issue confronting the United States in the last twenty years, or so. Talk about a loose cannon. This man is it.

Why do I think he is not up to the job? Lets see.

First, he is about 75 years old. I personally think that is too old to "begin" a career in law enforcement. He has been a career politician for decades; he has no real law enforcement experience, whatsoever. And, there have been numerous reports that  there is a strong dislike for Lieberman from both Democrats and Republicans-- (even though the congress people will say he's good for the job) . These Washington lawmakers never talk bad about each other,  in public.

When this guy was running for Senator, as a Democrat, the people from his state rejected him and he lost the election. Instead of moving on with his life, Lieberman snubbed his nose at the people, and then ran as an Independent. He was then reelected. But that move just showed how this man was so entrenched in the political muck in Washington, he refused to give up all the perks and benefits of a politician in Washington.

I believe Lieberman has a lot of  unwanted baggage surrounding him. Some of his past political acts and actions over the years turned many in the Washington beltway establishment against him. Plus, he was a friend of  the Clinton's, and he said he voted for Hillary Clinton for president. So, my question, why would president Trump even consider this man for the respected position of FBI director? President Trump swore to "drain the swamp." And some might think with all of the  years Lieberman has under his belt in the political arena and in the Washington beltway, he is part of that swamp.

Do I have a choice for FBI Director? First and foremost it should be someone with law enforcement experience under their belt -- not a politician. There are numerous candidates that could fill that bill rather than have a political Washington insider. There are many good FBI candidates who work within the FBI that are outside the areas of the top brass where it looks corruption reins supreme.

There are also dedicated, experienced, law enforcement people across the country that could fill the bill. One of my  picks would be:  William Joseph "Bill" Bratton. Here is a man with tons of law enforcement experience. He was former Police Commissioner of New York City, Commissioner of the Boston Police Department (BPD), Chief of the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD), just to mention some of his experience.

It appears to me Bratton would be an excellent choice for the position. What I would not like to see is, FBI Deputy Director McCabe put in charge. Why? Because Senator Charles Grassley is currently  investigating  former FBI Comey and McCabe's possible misconduct involving the FBI's plan to "pay" former British spy, Christopher Steele, to investigate Trump during the election, in addition to a $700,000.00 campaign donation that was received by McCabe's wife from a Hillary Clinton associate. To me that smells like "corruption," to a large degree. It appears both Comey, and Deputy Director McCabe had their hands in the Hillary Clinton email scandal during the time  McCabe's wife received the $700,000.00 in campaign contributions which were put together by Hillary Clinton's very, very, close friend, Virginia Governor,Terry McAuliffe.  More swamp people? Maybe!These issues surrounding McCabe and his conduct with Comey alone would eliminate him from consideration in my way of thinking.

What we needed to head up the FBI is a clean slate of players, that are clean, free from the taint of alleged corruption. We clearly do not need people in the administration who seem to choose to work against the administration. The United States does not need some sort of "SHADOW GOVERMENT" fighting the policies and agenda of the administration. I don't care whether Republicans or Democrats hold the oval office at the time, a shadow government should not happen. -- And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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