The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Sunday, May 7, 2017



CALIF- Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Wow! Did the Democrats pull a  Roadrunner, Wiley Coyote,  job on president Trump and the Republican party, or what?  This budget deal was a fiasco. It was like watching Wiley Coyote getting hit on the head with the heavy SAFE, or falling off the edge of a cliff, even being blown up with TNT.

The budget results clearly cut short Trumps agenda and failed to actually give him what he wanted and what he promised. For example: No Money to build the  big beautiful wall; no funding cuts to sanctuary cities; no cuts to funding Planned Parenthood nor eighteen (18) billion dollars in cuts to non-defense spending that president Trump requested.PLUS--- there was an increase in the  National Institute of Heath of about two billion dollars despite Trumps budget calling for cuts in the program. And, they continued to fund the Arts, which president Trump wanted to cut.

The Republicans, like always, in the past, gave away the store, folks. Instead of sticking to president Trumps agenda to move forward, once again the  same ol' tired Washington Republican politicians, set in  the old ways of Washington politics caved in to threats from the Democratic party. What a joke!

The Republicans say they were  afraid of a government shutdown and that they would have been blamed. Are you kidding me? Hey, I say shut the place down. If you think back, most every time the government has had a shut down, it runs more efficiently that having those idiots in Washington running things. If Trump would have told the Democrats to go ahead and shut down the government, that would be on them--not the Republicans. But, like always, the Republicans put their hands on their butt and run away.To me, that's disgusting.

A lot of people inside the Washington establishment want  Trump to fail. It's a given that the Democrats refuse to work with Trump on anything whatsoever. They made it clear over and over again that they will not compromise or help the president. They say they "RESIST" Trump's entire agenda and they promote an open "resistance movement" on the hill and throughout the nation.

Trump cannot expect to find any support from the Democrats. They hate him, they hate his presidency, and they are trying to do everything within their power to bring him and his presidency down. They use vitriol , vile and vulgar comments broadcast through the news media shows, seminars, speaking engagements, cable shows, and even late night comedy show hosts disrespect the office of the president. The Democrats lost the election and they can't get over it.

It's sad that one of the two political parties in this country refuse to work for the  people of  the country. The Democrats do not want to do what is good for the nation and our people are suffering. The  Democrats are currently polarizing the work of Congress and make no secret about telling the nation they are a "resistance movement," bent on getting rid of president Trump.  Great example: Congresswoman Maxine Water's is screaming for Trump's impeachment at town halls and meeting whenever anyone will listen to her. What a shame. And,  she's a Congress person. Can you imagine?

But folks, it's not only the Democrats who dislike president Trump. There are many old, set in their way, Republicans, that refuse to push president Trump's agenda. They want to see him falter and fail. That is another sad story in itself. Take for example, the wall on the southern border that Trump ran on and promised. It was reported by a highly regarded news person that while they were they present in a room in Washington with a large number of Republicans, the border wall was being discussed and those fellow Republicans were actually laughing and joking that the wall would not be built and that president Trump was just spinning his wheels if he thought many in the Republican party would allow him to build the wall.  During this meeting they made jokes about president Trump. It's frustrating and disheartening to hear how some Republicans disrespect the president and make him the butt of jokes behind his back, knowing that they have no intention of backing his policies and agenda.

Personally, I think that at least two of those Republicans in Congress should have been gone long ago. They have been pouring cold water on president Trumps agenda since he was put into office.  I can't recall any major things that Senator John McCain and Lindsey Graham have done in Congress  in the past few years that was really meaningful, that made a mark on the country. However, they always find time to oppose the presidents ideas, policies and agenda at most every turn. And it appears both men have no compunction about talking down president Trumps policies both here in the United States and abroad. Personally I think it is sour grapes. Both of these dingbats have run for president and couldn't cut it. The people rejected their lame ideas and didn't put them into the White House.That should tell them something. The people across the country told them they didn't have what it takes to be president--otherwise they would have been in the oval office. So, it's time for these men to quit holding grudges, sniveling, whining, and crying in their beer and step up and back president Trump.

Folks, we need new blood and action in Washington. Fresh faces that will support their party, support their president, and support the presidents policies and agenda. We know the Democrats won't do that. So I say, replace these old worn out Republicans in Congress who believe their only goal is to be reelected for six, seven and eight terms. These old, over the hill, politicians should lose their seats. They are obstructionists  to the party.

I would suggest that the president sit down with the Republicans in his party, one on one, and request that they either support his agenda or feel his wrath when elections roll around.  Better yet, have potential office seekers pledge to the president that they will support his agenda once elected.  That way, going in, the party knows they can count on the votes needed to pass legislation.We do  not need THREE or FOUR different splinter groups within the Republican party fighting among themselves and  not  pushing the Republican agenda as laid out by our president. These Republicans need to  actually "pass" legislation.

People, executive orders can go only so far. The party needs legislation. And to date,  president Trump has been  governing by executive orders, more than most past presidents. And, like the executive orders from the Obama administration  that Trump is doing away with, his executive orders can and will be eliminated by the next Democratic administration.

All of these wrangling, argumentative Republicans in the House and Senate that cannot agree with president Trump's ideas, plans and agenda all ran as Republicans and said they wanted the House, Senate and the White House. They implied that they were a united party that would change things, if given the chance. They would change Washington. Well, News Flash!  They got what they wanted. So now, as Republicans, I suggest all of them support their party, as one voice, and push through president Trump's agenda. These obstructing Republicans have to quit their bickering among themselves.

Many of the  Republicans that are fighting Trump's policies say that they voted against the health care bill and other things because they are worried about their constituents back home, saying that they may not be re-elected.That is a lame excuse. What these milk toast, undecided Republicans should do is tell their constituents that is why they were elected in the first place-- to put president Trumps plans into action. These Republicans defying president Trump at every step are just using being afraid of being re-elected as a cop out. If these lame, feckless, weak, wimpy, Republicans do not want to be a Republican, they should not have ran for office under the banner. Fact is, they should pack up and go home. Who really needs someone in the Republican party who is  mostly going to obstruct, disagree and argue and tear down the presidents agenda?

I would further suggest that  these limp, weak Republicans take a page from the Democrats play book and march in "lock step." Dem's mostly  always do that. In congress they all stick together and speak as one.They have been using that same strategy for years.The Republicans can, and  should, lock arm in arm, like good soldiers, and tell the president "We are all here." What do you want done? AND DO IT. There is no excuse not to when you have the House, Senate and the White House.

As I've mention in the past. I am neither a Republican or a Democrat. I have always been an Independent voter. I hold the idea that I will vote for the people that I believe will do the best for the country. I have never been a person that votes a straight ticket for a specific party. Over the decades I have voted for Democrats and Republicans and have even given money and support to people like Perot and Buchanan during their presidential runs.

This time around I did vote for president Trump. I sincerely believed  this country needed a  new vision, a new course, following eight years of broken promises by out last president and his administration. And, yes, I did vote for Obama when he ran. But now we have a new president, and he should be afforded the respect of the office. That said, his party should be  totally and faithfully behind his agenda.-- And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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