The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017



LAS VEGAS- Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

This reply goes to Steve M, in Cleveland, OH.

Steve, you wrote: Dr. Kuhns, with the many problems in the news media  today, how can I rely on the information I am receiving from the major television networks to be accurate information. I agree with president Trump that many news television channels are  fake news. Where do you get your news?

Reply: Steve, I can understand your frustration. It's difficult to believe some of the the television news channels  and many newspapers in print.

Currently I tend to get my news fix from "One America News," (OANN). I have found that this  news organization puts out the news from around the world without bias and/or partisan leanings.

I am sure you have noticed that liberals and Democrats tend to  use CNN, NBC, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, the New York Times and Washington Post to get their news. The biggie for TV  news channel for Republicans is the FOX NEWS NETWORK. So, rather than watch slanted news geared toward one political party  or the other. I chose One America News, (OANN).

Plus, I'm sure you may have noticed how the commercials on the major networks have increased. I gave up on FOX NEWS months ago because of the constant, continued commercials.  To me, the commercial breaks on FOX NEWS are too much for me. In my opinion, it looks as though FOX NEWS is nothing more that a network grinding out commercials to reap money from its sponsors. FOX NEWS appears to resemble an infomercial program for commercials. I am no expert  with a stopwatch but I have noticed that FOX NEWS will run about (five minutes) of program, then, run (five minutes of commercials.) That is unacceptable for me. The network seems to be more interested in getting to the commercial break that offering news programming.

In fact, I have seen a number of FOX NEWS hosts cut the guests off in mid sentence to make their money on a commercial.  Example, I've seen hosts on Fox News, often say, "We're coming into a hard break, we have to go." And, to make matters worse many of these cable news people use set up video clips to interject in their (debates?), that were prepared prior to any alleged spontaneous panel or guest discussion. Yes Steve, it makes one wonder what is  the difference between "fake news," and the actual reporting of news events. Doesn't it?

It also makes one wonder if you can believe some of these hosts that profess to be hosting an opinion show. On one hand, they say they are only offering their opinion, then, on the other hand they claim to be reporters, reporting the news. And these hosts continue to use the same old talking heads each and every night to offer their views and opinions. The hosts introduce them as network contributors. And these same old, tired talking heads seem to spout a party line. The viewers know what these guests are going to say before they open their mouth. The person representing the Democrats (in these so-called debates) quickly bad mouth the Republican party and trash the president. And, the person representing the Republican brand bad mouth the Democratic party and trash former Democratic party leaders and presidents.

Personally, I think news is, "NEWS," and should not be an alleged debate between Republican and Democrat shills. It would probably be better to have the hosts of these cable shows do the show themselves and "just" report and comment on the news and subject matter, as they see it. I believe it would be more beneficial than having the same ol', same ol' (network contributors), offering their same ol', same ol' worn out, tired, opinions.  And, if these cable networks claim to get a guest, then get an actual "guest" on the show. That is much different than: Our guest is, John Doe, he/she is a FOX, CNN,  MSNBC, (contributor.) Who needs slanted news by people favorable to the  network and the show they are appearing on? I would suggest these cable networks get "real and varied" guests to appear.

I feel that the hosts on FOX, fail to show a real interest in the so-called guests who appear on their shows. It looks like its just the game of  filling (five minutes of air time) to reach the commercial break.  I felt shortchanged by the news content they say they are putting out.  About thirty (30) minutes out of an hour show? Wow! Just think of all the relevant news  Fox commentators/hosts cold cover in an hour show if they only offered reasonable commercial breaks.

And I have observed on numerous viewing that FOX,  more often than not, five minutes before the hour, the host will say "We'll be right back," then they cut to a segment of commercials of about four- and-a- half minutes). The host returns about (sixty seconds) before the hour is up and says: That's all the time we have, we have to go.

Steve, it's not just FOX NEWS that acts like this. Many of the other main stream media news programs and cable shows short change the viewing public to cut to commercials. It appears most of the major networks have actual programming down to (ten minutes) of actual show, then (five minutes) of commercials.  Its frustrating to have the programming interrupted every ten minutes for five minutes of commercials. But I think FOX takes the prize  when they run five minutes of commercials every five minutes. That is the main reason I refuse to watch FOX.

Steve, we the consumer are paying hundreds of dollars  a month for cable service, but it's to the point where we are paying to see infomercials of commercials. Personally, I refuse to watch television networks that squeeze out every last second of air time to run commercials. Because of these actions, FOX NEWS, and  a number of other major networks are off of my viewing list.

I am old enough to remember when the the consumer and television viewer could watch (fifteen minutes) of the show/program, and then be exposed to only (three  minutes)of commercials. So, in the hour show we saw approximately (twelve minutes) of commercials.That was reasonable. I urge you and your friends to count how many commercials are presented in five minutes of commercials. I have no doubt that you will count ten or more.

Where is government oversight when you need them. Right? I suggest that if these greedy television/cable networks want to make more money, they should charge the sponsors of the products more money to advertise, rather that penalize the television viewer by running five minutes (or more) of commercials every FIVE and TEN minutes. And  now, these television networks wonder why they are losing viewers. Wow!-- And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions., You decide.

Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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