The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Friday, October 2, 2015



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Today President Obama went to the media and said: " Russia's giving Syria money and aid was not enough but now he, Putin, is having the Russian military support Assad. Wow! What a hypocrite Obama is. He has been having the CIA train different factions of rebels to fight and depose Assad, the leader of Syria while providing weapons and supplies to these different rebel groups.

Obama keeps singing the same old song: "ASSAD must go". He's obsessed with toppling Assad from power. This guy still hasn't  learned from past mistakes. He keeps repeating the  same ol', same ol'. His position is to invade another country and get rid of the leader of that country. Hasn't he learned anything from the invasion of Iraq, the fights in Libya and  Afghanistan, to mention a few?

Putin makes a lot of sense. He went before the U.N. and " 60 minutes" television to explain his position on Syria. After those interviews he had Russian planes attack various rebel groups in Syria. He said that any rebel groups fighting the Assad regime was terrorists. He didn't differentiate like President Obama who gives, money, weapons, military intelligence and  CIA support to rebels who they don't even know . The U.S. doesn't even know what the true agenda of these new found rebels are.

Putin believes that ALL rebel groups who are fighting the Assad government has to go. and further, the Syrian military under Assad's watch should be ridding their country of these rebel groups and ISIS. How can anyone not agree with that position? I submit that once the Assad government and his military put down the attack on their country against rebels and ISIS the Syrian people can make up their own minds as to who leads them. If the Syrian people do  not want Assad, they can vote him out. On the flip side, If they choose to continue with Assad as leader of Syria they can VOTE to keep him in office.

I suggest that if Obama keeps harping on toppling Assad and does get him out of power there will be a large sucking sound and a very large VACUUM  will occur. That in turn will allow ISIS and  other terrorist organizations unfettered access to Syria.and like Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan etc, the result will be another  Obama's fiasco. Hell, Obama's also admitted to the media that he has made mistakes in Libya. I would ask: "How many more of these Obama  foreign policy mistakes can the WORLD  take.

Like Russia's Putin referenced. Let Assad stay in power. Let his military put down these rebels and ISIS in Syria. Let Syria fight it's own attackers with the Syrian military. Once the winner is established as to who is actually in charge of Syria then that is the person we, the United States, deals with.

I would say STOP this nonsense of the U.S. supporting unknown rebels just because Obama says: "Assad has to go."STOP all of the money and equipment the U.S. is squandering  on these rebels. Why?" Because, like other groups the United States has backed and supported with millions and millions of dollars and  had provided these groups with weapons and military equipment the result turned out to be: These groups refused to fight their enemies. They threw down their arms and ran like a bunch of scared rabbits. Many members of these groups that we supported went AWOL and joined the other side, the enemy. And, guess what? These cowardly deserters used the weapons and equipment we gave them  against us and out military. I would say this is no way to run a war.

The first rule of the game that Obama chose to play should be: Keep America's nose out of other foreign countries internal problems and fights. Let each side fight it out, in their own country, on their own, and then we deal with the winner of the battle, whoever that might be.

Before we stuck our nose into Syria's business, that country was doing just fine The same goes for Iraq, Libya and Afghanistan..Any disagreements between the people and government of any country should be resolved between the two of them. Message to Obama and lawmakers - -these countries DO NOT need  American democracy. Yet we try to force our way of life  down the throats of people where the majority of them cannot read, can't write, and they don't know what a job is. These people have their own culture and customs and want to keep those customs and culture that they have been living by for centuries.

Like Russia's Putin says -- Obama, let the Syrian people fight it out among themselves.Let the Syrian government and its military and its citizens settle their own differences. STOP supporting rebel groups to overthrow a countries leaders. The world will be much better off. So, keep Assad in power. -  And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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