The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Monday, October 12, 2015



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Another short change for the Senior Citizens of America. On October 11, 2015 "CBS Money Watch" reported that there will be no Cost of Living (COLA) for social security recipients in 2016. Rip Off! You bet. Why? Because  all public employees across the country receive an annual Cost of Living (COLA) ranging between  two (2%) percent and eight (8%) percent annually, courtesy of  the U.S. private sector taxpayers, which includes  all the senior citizens out there.

Folks,  the public sector freebies and, retirement plans, and their retirement benefits have caused  many cities to go bankrupt yet these cities continue to pay the public employees these outrageous, lucrative, over the top benefits, the likes of which  any private sector employee will never ever see.

One of the biggest offenders is the Federal government employees. According to the Cato Institute, they report that federal employees on average earned SEVENTY-EIGHT (78%) more in total compensation than people in the private sector holding the same jobs. The data from the Bureau of  Economic Analysis shows the average federal worker receives roughly $119.000 in salary and benefits a year (versus)  $67,000 a year for those working in the private sector. Is there INEQUITY here? You bet. There clearly is no PARITY. And, remember these FEDERAL EMPLOYEES can commit crimes and still CANNOT BE FIRED from their cushy, cushy job. These federal people receive Cost of Living (COLA) each and every year and like  the other public employees around the country the COLA usually goes up each year.

The public employees across the country and  the federal people have their powerful unions work all of the freebies, COLA'S, health care and guarantees of job security into their union contracts. On the other hand the average John or Jane Doe taxpayer(i.e.,- waitresses, roofers, fast food employees, , construction workers, department and convenience store employee's) and everyone else (who is not on a government payroll)  does not receive a lavish retirement package, free or near free health care for their entire family, a pension and retirement that is usually much more that the employee was making  while working nor do they receive any Cost of Living (COLA increase each year. What's the matter with this picture, people?

Side note: Keep in mind that our Washington lawmakers set it up years ago, in the dead of night that they will  receive AUTOMATIC Cost of Living (COLA'S) and pay increases, UNLESS they vote "not to accept the increases." Yeah, sure. Lawmakers refuse COLA and pay increases. Don't bet on it. They have never seen a dollar they didn't like, especially when they can take other peoples money, (the taxpayer). They finagled this fiasco of automatic pay for themselves only because they did not want the public and America to know who and when they vote for their own pay increase.

So, bottom line:  All of the federal employees, all of the public sector government employees across the nation and even our elected lawmakers in Washington will receive and continue to receive an annual Cost of Living (COLA) increase but the senior citizens who worked generations to build this country and make it what it is will NOT receive any Cost of Living annual increase in 2016. And the irony of this is the government has been DECREASING the COLA's in social security more and more over the past few years but the government continues to raise the medicare cost for health care each year. The senior citizens can't win. Folks, where's the outrage? Where is the organization AARP?.Why aren't they putting their two cents in and pressuring the lawmakers in Washington to make certain  the senior citizens on Social Security receive a GUARANTEED (COLA) of at least THREE (3%) PERCENT each and every year. Remember "public employees, lawmakers and federal workers"have those COLA guarantees so why not the senior citizen.

I suggest Washington and the over paid Washington lawmakers rethink the Social Security COLA plan for 2016 and make sure one is paid to social security recipients. - And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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