The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Monday, October 26, 2015



LAS VEGAS - Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

The first Democratic debate was nothing but a "love fest"between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. When the subject of emails was brought up against Clinton, Sanders gets emotional and says basically: " Enough with the emails, no one is interested in the emails". Clinton then turns to Sanders and with a big grin agrees with him. I disagree with Sanders on this point: I say the email fiasco is IMPORTANT to Americans. Sanders should have let the interviewer's continue with questions on the emails to see how Clinton would respond. Folks, he's running against Clinton for the presidency and should have let the email inquiry play out. Instead, he chose to shut down the subject of emails. After that exchange the entire group of Democratic candidates played nice, nice and danced around the Maypole together.

In the past Sanders has said he is a very good friend of Clinton so one of my concerns is why is he running for President against her if he doesn't present issues against Clinton that people care about. And they do care about what is happening with the email investigation. Hell, it's a DEBATE. It's not supposed to be a social. I really liked a lot of what Sanders is saying on the campaign trail but he lost a lot of credibility in my view during this debate just because he refrained taking on his challenger(s), or allow the interviewers to proceed with their inquires.

Sanders failed to mention that the email scandal was still under investigation, especially by the FBI. He could have said a lot of things to note the email investigation is not a dead issue. He could have said something like: "I'll wait until all the investigative agencies conclude their investigation and make their reports public before I comment." But he chose to play paddy cake with Clinton.

People, I believe it's a matter of trust. We Americans want someone we can actually trust in the White House and it has been said over and over again that when people are asked about Hillary Clinton, most say she is UNTRUSTWORTHY.

As I mentioned in previous blogs, Clinton did not have her security clearance removed, suspended and/or revoked. I think  that should have occurred. There have been previous people in high ranking positions that have faced serious consequences for far less computer-related breaches than what Clinton is allegedly said to have committed. Remember John Deutch, CIA Director? He was stripped of his security clearances in 1999 after mishandling classified information on his "home computers." Also, CIA Director, David Petraeus had to resign from the top job as CIA Director in 2012 after admitting to an extramarital affair which the FBI uncovered regarding his persona emails.

My point, why is Clinton getting a pass on her emails even when the FBI investigation is still ongoing. I want to know I can trust the person I vote to sit in the White House and currently my trust factor for Hillary Clinton, on a scale of  ONE to TEN is a whooping ONE. My trust factor for Sanders just fell to FIVE on the same scale. The only thing that may increase my trust in Sanders will be if he actually acts like a challenger in the presidential race and stops acting like he and Clinton are joined at the hip. He has to stop defending her and present his case as to why he wants to be president of the United States. - And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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