The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Thursday, June 6, 2013


LAS VEGAS - And, how is the world treating you?

Guilty plea- so jury will not consider a death sentence. It appears Staff Sgt. Robert Bales plea guarantees that he will not face the death penalty. Here's a guy that said " There's no good reason in this world  for why I did the horrible thing I did." but Bales also told  investigators and prosecutors " he made the decision to kill each victim when he raised his gun and pointed it. He also admitted that he struggled with a woman before killing her and, after the tussle," decided to "murder anyone that he saw."

Sgt Bales slaughtered 16 people, mostly women and children that were sleeping in their small Afghan village. They were sleeping! It wasn't an ordered attack by the U.S. military. These were civilians. This guy stole out into the night from his bunk, went to the village and murdered 16 helpless women and children for no reason other than wanting a taste of blood. He also carried matches in his pocket and once he killed the  innocents, he set fire to the bodies using kerosene from a lantern. After his horrific slaughter he returned to his remote base, Camp Belambay.

Prior to his murder rampage, he drank excessive amounts of alcohol and snorted drugs. His massacre of these 16 villagers led him to boast about his  murderous actions to his comrades back at base.

I say, if the killing of 16 innocent women and children does not warrant death, What Does?

Now in his trial Sgt. Bales claims to have PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and made a plea so he would not be executed. What a rip off. The guy can stand before the court and be very articulate in speech and demeanor, assist his defense attorneys and yet with a bare face tell everybody that he is a sick puppy.  Just because he was a military man and served in Afghanistan that should not give him a pass to avoid death by saying "The devil made me do it." "Feel sorry for me." " I experienced PTSD." " I shouldn't be put to death."  And the milk toast judge agreed to  this plea deal. Wow!

If a foreigner committed a massacre and murdered 16 innocent women and children here in the U.S.A., you can bet the only recourse would be to put the rabid animal down and seek revenge on the culprit. There would be nothing short of the death penalty. But when one of our citizens goes abroad and  slaughters 16 women and children in another country where those poor unsuspecting  villagers do not have the means to get justice (the death penalty), it's okay with our  court system to give the murderer a pass.

SAID JAN, an Afghan whose wife and three other relatives were murdered in this alcohol, drug induced killing spree made the statement " A prison sentence doesn't mean anything. I know we have no power now. But I will become stronger; and if he does not  hang, I will have my revenge."

Can you blame Mr. Jan? Put yourself in his place. You and your wife, family and relatives are sleeping in the  safety of your own home when a monster bursts in  and shoots everyone there, even physically attacking one of your female relatives and then coldly shooting her dead along with everyone else and then the monster sets the bodies on fire. What would you want?  I would suggest that you would want that person to receive the death penalty - - nothing less.

In any event I predict that Mr. JAN will get his revenge (that is their way of life in that part of the world.) An eye for an eye is a very specific part of the Afghan culture. Other than  in a war, on the battlefield,  they believe that if you kill one of their family they have the right to kill one of yours and I would suspect Mr. JAN along with his friends and relatives will indeed get his due and revenge. In all likelihood JAN and other Afghans will take it out on other U.S. military members serving in Afghanistan. There will probably be many deaths to make up for Sgt. Bales murderous rampage and his avoiding the sentence of death.
Talk about the ugly American syndrome - - people around the world hate Americans for many reasons. They accuse Americans for  being arrogant, imperialistic and entitled along with many other reasons to hate. Sgt. Bales not receiving the death penalty is just another reason for  the Afghan people to buy into the "ugly American."

I believe that Sgt. Bales should have received the death penalty for the  murders of 16 women and children. The guy  loves his booze and drugs. He used them to commit this massacre and now uses that as an excuse  to convince the courts and  lawmakers here in the USA that he shouldn't die. And apparently the courts bought it but I predict that Mr. SAID JAN, his friends, relatives  and residents far and wide will exact their pound of flesh from other Americans due to the actions of  Staff Sgt. Robert Bales.

The death of Sgt. Bales would have settled the matter for Mr. SAID JAN and the Afghans.  Justice would have been done.  But now? The courts decision to take the death penalty off the table for Bales will result with vengeful  Afghans getting even for decades.  And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

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