The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Sunday, June 16, 2013



LAS VEGAS- Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

This gang of eight working on the immigration bill are trying to rush passage through by July 4th.,. to  coincide with our July 4th. celebration. I think it is a bad move.  It's politics as usual. Before any sweeping immigration reform bill is passed there has to be a guarantee that the border is clearly secured.

If we Americans are being asked to accept over 11  million "illegal aliens" into this country we have to have more than promises by our Congress people and the President that the border ("will be, or possibly be") secure.

Once the Southern border of the United States is shown to be secure then and only then should these "illegal aliens" be allowed to move toward any type of legalization.

Folks, Congress already PROMISED the American people back in 1986 that if we gave  millions of "illegal aliens" amnesty  they would  permanently SEAL the Southern border of the USA. "THEY LIED." Instead, they allowed over 11 million more "illegal aliens" entry into our country without enforcing our immigration laws. Another LIE by our government- During election time Congress and the President  said they would build a double fence along the full length of the Southern border. They told us Americans that they had the money and would have the fence built in a short time. LIE, LIE, LIE! The Feds only built about 3 to 6 miles of fence on our Southern border and it was a pitiful fence at that. No double fence as was promised.

So, I say, why believe this crazy gang of eight or the government? They will promise the moon to get what they want and then renege. Personally I would want to see any promises in writing, with guarantees before I would let 11 million "illegal aliens" a path to USA citizenship.

What I would like to see and suggest that Congress do before they put any kind of reform in our immigration laws is this:

1. Build the  "double  fence "(AS THEY PROMISED) from the Atlantic to the Pacific on our Southern border. Remember, these same lawmakers said they were going to do that and  told us they had the funds to do that. Where's the fence?  The double fence should have a swath of  dirt road between the two fences so that Immigration, Border Patrol Agents can continually drive up and down the road patrolling the fence against intruders.

2.  At specific points the fence should have a guard station and entry where Immigration Agents can check the coming and going of each and every person.

3. Each person entering and/or leaving the country through the Southern fenced area should be photographed, fingerprinted and visas and papers checked.

I would say that Senator Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) and others is on the right track when they say: "The border has to be secure before any  "illegal alien " is allowed to move forward on a path to becoming a citizen.

As everyone knows, I am an Independent. I have voted for Democrats and Republicans, as well as Independents. I have no axe to grind one way or the other. I have always voted for the lawmakers that I thought would do the best for the United States. But  as I currently see it the Democrats want to give 11 million "illegal aliens" a pathway to citizenship with the attitude of "Damn the  border security", we Democrats have Hispanics in or pocket and  a border that is not secured will allow millions more to invade our country - - that means votes.

I see the Republicans only asking for the Southern border to be completely secure before any "illegal alien "can move toward citizenship."That is not asking a lot.

I  would say to the lawmakers on the hill-- PROVE IT! DO WHAT YOU SAID YOU WOULD DO YEARS AGO. The FIRST move: Build that fence immediately- I predict that if the lawmakers build the fence without delay that will go a long way in gaining  Americans trust again that our border will become secure.

If the Republicans think that folding and giving the okay for Immigration reform will help them in the eyes of the Hispanic community thereby garnering votes - -they have another think coming. Just today, two studies were  reported on  and printed in the Las Vegas Review Journal showing that  : "No matter what the Republicans do it will change NOT change the mind of the Hispanic population.". Hispanics will not vote for them. Hispanics are 80% for Democrats, NO MATTER WHAT the Republicans  do, or will do.

I would think that there would be more respect for the Republican  party if they  insist that before any immigration reform is enacted the fence has to be completed and the Southern border locked down against any further "illegal alien" entries. And, that's my opinion. Make your own decisions. You decide.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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