The Body Is A Fantastic Machine

Whatever the mind can imagine, the mind can accomplish.

Saturday, May 25, 2013


LAS VEGAS- Hello America, and how is the world treating you?

Justin Bieber stood in front of a microphone at the MGM Grand to receive a Milestone Award at the  Billboard Music Awards a few days ago. Milestone Award? The kids only 19 years old. Come on! He gave two performances but people, - - - THEY were LIP- SYNCED.

The crowd booed this young so-called talent because he showed up late for his performance. He was so caught by surprise he looked as though he was a deer caught in the headlights. He couldn't respond to the crowd for nearly a minute. When the crowd booed Bieber he said " I'm 19  years old. I think I'm doing a pretty good job." He thinks so, in his own mind but I'm sure there are many like me that think he is doing a rotten job.

My question to all of these fans that say they like Bieber: Why the hell do you want to be a fan of someone that pretends to sing? Why pay good money and stand in line for hours to see some one "FAKE IT.  Lately a number of well known artists have been LIP-SYNCING rather than stand in front of an audience  and sing  "for real." That's sad.

Lip-Syncing is a no talent performance. Moving your lips like a ventriloquist dummy is not performing. It's singing under false pretense, fooling the public, pretending to be something you're not. The only thing this guy and all the other lip-syncing crazies do is prance and dance around the stage. That is all the people and fans are paying for - -to watch some choreography, dance moves. That's it. And the surprising thing is most any of the kid fans in the audience could do those same moves with  very little practice.

Bieber, like a lot of the other talents that profess to be a star never had the experience of earning their bones. Previous stars like Elvis, Johnny Cash, Ella Fitzgerald, Frank Sinatra and other greats earned their bones. They appeared in sleazy, crummy nightclubs, taverns, and dingy country bars before they reached the type of fame and fortune Bieber currently enjoys. Plus, they actually used their vocal talents by  singing for "REAL" Not one of them ever lip-synced. They made their fame on pure talent and sang every word of the song as they performed. One writer once wrote: The reason Garth Brooks show at the Wynn Hotel/Casino in Las Vegas was so great is because Brooks reached back to his days of struggling and playing  for boozed up, staggering revelers at Willie's Saloon in Stillwater, Okla.

That writer was correct. Brooks and all the others mentioned here paid their dues and made it on sheer talent. But Bieber, only 19 years old who was put in a music studio with a music mixer and high-tech computer equipment to make up for mistakes in his actual voice quality and possibly cover his vocal failing  never had to prove his real talent by touring the saloons, taverns and grimy, gritty, nightclubs.

I really can't understand why anyone would pay to see someone  lip-sync (where's the talent) in that? Personally, I wouldn't pay to see anyone pretend to sing. The lip-syncing idiots couldn't pay me to go see them perform. If I wanted to see someone pretend I could go to any karaoke bar in the country and watch pretenders - -at least the karaoke singers are  using their real voice "trying" to sing along with the music. Bieber and those other lip-syncing  singer wanna-be's don't even do that.

People, lip-syncing is a fraud on the  audience and public. It is this type of fake entertainers that is dumbing down the entertainment industry. Bieber and the rest of the lip-syncing clowns (both men and women) are laughing all the way to the bank. What a rip off! - - And, that's my opinion. You decide. Make youre own decisions.

Bradley W. Kuhns, Ph.D., O.M.D.
Dr. Kuhns can be reached by email at:

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